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Everything posted by JK2000

  1. Methinks the Newt doth protest too much!
  2. I think people are more concerned that the McCain campaign is too stupid to know the difference between Walter Reed Middle School and Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
  3. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080906/ap_on_...e_giants_crisis
  4. I'd rather have Stroud
  5. What's with you and "John McCain and his buddies"? I sense that you have a fetish for men in uniform.
  6. Damn straight it was! I'm hilarious!
  7. I'm looking for validation? I'd say that someone with over FIFTEEN THOUSAND posts on an internet message board is the one who's looking for validation.
  8. I'm for the death penalty but only for "unborn babies" that have committed a crime.
  9. You really believe that an incontinent 74 year old who can't lift his arms over his shoulders and struggles to shuffle around on stage could really kick Obama's ass? The only way that could happen is if McCain's diaper sprung a leak during the fight and Obama slipped in a puddle of his sh--! Tailhook? McCain hasn't got a hard-on since Reagan was in the White House so I have no clue why you'd bring up Tailhook.
  10. If Crowell changes his mind about going under the knife can we rescind putting him on IR?
  11. ! Poor Tucker Bounds got caught without his talking points so now we won't give your network any interviews, waaaaaaa! Right-wingers get their panties in such a bunch whenever someone calls them out on their bull sh--.
  12. So you're more comfortable with a fossil of a man who is constantly getting malignant growths scraped off his face while and his protégé, the Ex-Beauty Queen runner-up who went through 5 colleges in 6 years in her pursuit of the ever elusive Bachelor's of Journalism degree? Are you kidding? If Iran decides to launch you better hope it's between 6am and 5pm or else Old Man McCain is going to be sawing logs like there's no tomorrow!
  13. Zo you think Zarah Palin wuz making a joke?
  14. Thiz iz a zeriouz dizcuzzion!
  15. Would you say he "must have done good" with that book?
  16. Wow you actually tore yourself away from searching for shirtless pics of your dreamboat "First Dude" to look up the definition of apolitical? Good for you!
  17. That's the stupid person's definition of apolitical, which I would expect from the kind of person who would spell Bills with a Z. Anyone with a shred of intelligence understands it's meaning to be the state or quality of being apathetic towards all political affiliations and not just a simple disinterest in politics.
  18. Nixon had his own vetting problems with Spiro Agnew.
  19. Maybe you should look up the definition of apolitical.
  20. Every apolitical person I've talked to has agreed that this choice is a joke. They hear "Alaska" and they have the same sort of reaction that most of America has when they hear "Buffalo".
  21. Of course it's not fun when your partner is "Chef Jim".
  22. And a "breathe of fresh air" who eats mooseburgers.
  23. THANK !@#$ING GOD!!!!!!!
  24. She'll have to agree to an interview first.
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