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Everything posted by JK2000

  1. Sort of similiar? You mean exactly the same, right? Why is it that when you're left to your own devices and can't look to the rightwing echo chamber for a lifeline you can only come up with a "gray shirt" analogy?
  2. No, I 'm not asking whether or not you pay your taxes, that's none of my business. I'm just asking what taxes you'd like to be eliminated.
  3. When Langston Walker signed how many of you thought there would come a day when the thought of him missing playing time would be ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING!?
  4. I found this video where Joe and Schuster really go at it. I'm not sure if this is what you were referring to. By the way how f-able is Mika Brzezinski!
  5. Do you mean all taxes? Or just Federal taxes?
  6. So you're one of those guys who thinks he's found a loophole in the Constitution that makes taxation unconstitutional?
  7. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  8. The truth hurts, right? I guess you independently came up with that brilliant "topped not breached" defense? Sound familiar? But I thought you didn't rely on talking points? You guys wouldn't be carrying GWB's water would you? This one even references your Popular Mechanics article you're trying to use to exonerate Bush! Ahhhhh!!!! No Mas!!!!! Hmmmmm......... What a coincidence???? All these right wingers came up with this on their own? Just admit you heard this talking point somewhere please. Please? Pretty Please? You really never heard any of your rightwing windbag heroes use this talking point? "But, But, But I ain't ever read dem blogs!"
  9. Ever see Putin topless?
  10. POW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Add this to the list of things you've appropriated from talk radio. What kind of unoriginal hack resorts to dishing out insults that sound an awful lot like the intro from Tom Baurle?
  11. Would you like to come clean about how the "topped" vs "breached" argument is a widely circulated talking point or am I going to have to expose you again? I really don't want to.
  12. Is there any reason for these political conventions to exist anymore? I mean besides making the hookers rich?
  13. Delaware is one of those states whose existence you have to be reminded of once in a while. "Oh yeah, Delaware. That's a state!"
  14. Wow, the point just flew over your head didn't it? Doesn't right wingers repeating "ambulance chaser" and "class warfare" over and over again sound like talking points? Hmmmm? Couldn't be, I'm sure it's just a narrative that serendipitiously evolved among right-wingers. There's no way that any kind of message coordination is going on here, right? "Edwards rediculous history as a trial lawyer"? So if someday you are disembowled by a defective pool drain or some doctor causes you brain damage (even more than you have now) by prescribing you an overdose of medication can we expect you not to sue for damages? You're making a blankert assertion about the guys entire legal career based on what? Something you heard on Limbaugh? 1) I doubt you can read 2) I doubt Hannity can write 2) That was a video But my assertions about Bush which you've done absolutely nothing to refute are DNC talking points? How can you accuse someone of using "DNC talking points" when you're paraphrasing something from the RNC website! Here is the timelime of Bush's inactivity during Katrina- 8-28 Afternoon- GWB was warned of possible levee breaches and the risks evacuees would have at the Superdome. After not asking a single question during the briefing Bush says "We are fully prepared to help." Later in the week GWB lied through his teeth and said "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees." 8-29 Morning- GWB is told of the levy breach through a memo that says "Flooding is significant throughout the region and a levee in New Orleans has reportedly been breached sending 6-8 feet of water throughout the 9th ward area of the city." Then in a briefing "Brownie" warns bush that "This may be the Big One" and the National Hurricane Center warns Bush of the loss of lives that may occur from flooding and the storm surge. Pretty serious stuff right? I bet GWB went straight to the war room to coordinate the federal response right? Well not exactly.... 8-29 Morning- GWB calls Chertoff to talk immigration 8-29 Morning- GWB takes a birthday cake photo-op with John McCain 8-29 11AM- GWB heads to Arizona to deliver a Medicare stump speech 8-29 8PM Gov Blanco requests assistance from Bush, "Mr. President, we need your help. We need everything you’ve got.” 8-29 8PM GWB goes to bed without responding to Blanco 8-30 11AM GWB talks Iraq about a naval base in Coronodo 8-30 Midday Looting and mayhem breaks out in the streets of NOLA 8-30 2PM GWB plays guitar with country singer Mark Willis. After all this fun GWB heads back to Crawford and has yet to lift a finger 8-31 11AM GWB finally organizes task force to coordinate federal response. 9-2 Early AM GWB watches the famous Katrina DVD, “The reality, say several aides who did not wish to be quoted because it might displease the president, did not really sink in until Thursday night. Some White House staffers were watching the evening news and thought the president needed to see the horrific reports coming out of New Orleans. Counselor Bartlett made up a DVD of the newscasts so Bush could see them in their entirety as he flew down to the Gulf Coast the next morning on Air Force One.” So it took the President of the United States until thursday to understand what we all knew monday! 9-2 AM GWB arrives on the scene and in the process diverts helicopters, Coast Guard crew, and firefighters to serve as backdrops for photo-ops You were saying something?
  15. Seems you know quite a bit about talking points! Is this your own thoughts regarding John Edwards? Sounds a little like this And this And there's even more! Look like someone got the RNC John Edwards talking points............ And doesn't your lame excuse for John McCain's infidelity..... sound a little like "Great" minds think alike right? And what about this gem- There's no way this could be from the RNC website, right? Now who's the one parroting talking points? Simply saying "Presidents don't take real vacations" is not refuting Bush's inaction, it's a (dare I say) TALKING POINT!!!!!!! And what exactly in that article refutes my assertion that George Bush didn't have a clue what was going on in New Orleans until 2 days later? I didn't see his name mentioned once.
  16. Swatted down by the grown-ups? Are you reading the same thread as I am? All DC Tom can do is try to change the topic by making rediculous analogies to non-congruent situations. Could these be talking points? No, only the DNC makes talking points, right? Oversimplifying and leaving out information? What did I leave out? What did Bush do about the August 6th PDB between 8-6-01 and 9-10-01 that I left out? What did Bush do for the first 2 days of Katrina (besides playing guitar) that I left out? If he was so engaged in the events on the ground why would Dan Bartlett have to make a DVD of Katrina's news coverage? No one has been able to refute the substance of any of this!
  18. Do you even know what a talking point is you moron? It seems like anything that upsets your narrow idiotic worldview is automatically a "talking point". And throwing the letters DNC in front of "talking point" doesn't make it any more convincing.
  19. Da Coats
  20. Just to recap for anyone who hasn't been following- DC Tom is perfectly content with a president who has not only taken the most vacation days in the history of the United States but as proven by his response to the August 6th PDB (Which was to do absolutely nothing except clearing brush and golfing until Sept 10th) and his 2 day overdue reaction to Hurricane Katrina, but also cannot stay engaged to his responsibilties while he's loafing around in Crawford. It would be disingenous for me however to say he's like this on every vacation since Bush has proven that He's more than willing to abrubtly cut his vacation short when he's sees an oppurtunity to score points with his Jesus freak base. Looks like intruding into the private medical decisons of the Schiavo's polled better than reacting after being informed that "Bin Laden determined to strike in US" and that "FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York". Drill Here, Drill Now! Support our Troops! Fight Em Over There So We Ain't Gotta Fight Em Here! Messiah! Liberal, Liberal, Liberal, Liberal!
  21. I'd love an 18 game regular season.
  22. I think Romney would play into the Dem's out of touch/elitist narrative they're hammering McCain with now. Pawlenty and Portman are possibilities as well.
  23. What happens after the poor spend the entire fifty bucks?
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