I agree, wearing a gray shirt is the absolutely the same thing as brainlessy regurgitating this lame excuse for Bush's response to Katrina. It's just a coincidence that this same weak justification can be found on thousands of right wing blogs. "But I ain't done read dem there blogs". Well OK but it seems like Fox News certainly got the "topped vs breach" memo as well (Not only can I use Google but I can also use LexisNexis!)
"Well, there were news cameras there much of the time, and what the A.P. claimed we learned was that the president had been warned a day ahead of time that the levees stood a good chance of being breached. What, in fact, he was warned was that the levees could be topped." - Brit Hume Fox Sunday Roundtable 3-5-06
"Over top means that the water goes over the top, as the word implies. Breaching means that they actually fail, there's a hole in the levee, and a breach is obviously far worse." - WH Spokesman Trent Duffy, Fox Special Report w/ Brit Hume 3-2-06
"Some news organizations reported that the tapes showed Mayfield warning that the levees could be breached by the storm, but on the clip released by AP, Mayfield's warning is only about whether flood water could top the levees." - Mike Emmanuel, Fox Special Report w/ Brit Hume 3-2-06
Wow, you're using the exact same talking point as a White House spokesman! At least you chose to parrot the view of an impartial observer like Trent Duffy! Just in case you forgot here is your own definition of talking point-
I'm sure you never noticed this full court press by conservative blog, television, and talk radio to advance this "topped vs breached" talking point, did you?