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Everything posted by JK2000

  1. Romney is crushing everyone else on Intrade.
  2. Wouldn't pointing out the "constant failures of liberal ideology" require your posts to actually be substantive and thoughtful and not just repetitions of snarky one-liners with different variations and synonyms of the word "socialist"? Just sayin'.
  3. I heard they moved the speech to Invesco because Travis Henry wanted to bring his kids.
  4. Hahahahaha! I never saw the booger video but now I remember the pretzel thing!
  5. That's right. I also left out John Lennon but I'm not sure if he really counts.
  6. I think I get Flightsuit but what are the other 2?
  7. Over the last 50 years how many total assassination attempts have their been? Off hand I can only come up with MLK, JFK, RFK, Reagan, Harvey Milk, and George Wallace (I may be mistaken about Wallace).
  8. So let me get this straight- hypothetical multi-million dollar no-bid govt contracts that are awarded to avoid the disclosure of one's infidelity are a cause for alarm but ACTUAL multi-BILLION dollar no-bid govt contracts awarded to Halliburton are just fine and dandy? What kind of a no-bid contract would the National Enquirer need anyway? Does Iraq need gossip columnists?
  9. Did anyone else see when Chris Matthews was trying to interview the mayor of LA and some 9/11 truther with a megaphone kept screaming "9-11 was an inside job"?
  10. I was looking for the video on youtube but every one I found had been removed due to copywrite. Picturing McCain jamming to a song about male ejaculate is pretty hilarious! I can't wait for O'Reilly tonite, considering the way he went after Pepsi for using Ludacris in its advertising and then NBC for putting Snoop Dog in a Muppets special you know he's going to rip McCain a new one...................actually he'll probably say absolutely nothing about it.
  11. http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2008/08/25/m...#comment-182116 Hahahahaha, John McCain's "favorite" is a song about chicks wanting Gasolina and "getting it hard"! I though stuff like this only happened in movies!
  12. I thought it might have been to one of those shock sites. I heard there's one that makes your computer screen start flashing while a voice repeats "I'm looking at gay porn" over and over again.
  13. Please read your own defintion of talking point again please. You also agree with the WH spokesperson and about a million other right wing bloggers.
  14. Last time I checked buckets of warm sh-- were trading at 150$ per bucket.
  15. What was it? Gay porno or something? I see the word pixy.
  16. Can we just take 200 knees thursday please?
  17. How many do I have to get before I can choose what my label says?
  18. "The first place I saw his name was on 2 great big ol breasts!!!!!!"
  19. I hope he doesn't give this speech!
  20. I'm not disputing that uninsured illegals are a huge burden, only his assertion that half of the uninsured are illegals. This article lists the percent at 15% (Although I'm sure it's greater now but not half).
  21. I agree, wearing a gray shirt is the absolutely the same thing as brainlessy regurgitating this lame excuse for Bush's response to Katrina. It's just a coincidence that this same weak justification can be found on thousands of right wing blogs. "But I ain't done read dem there blogs". Well OK but it seems like Fox News certainly got the "topped vs breach" memo as well (Not only can I use Google but I can also use LexisNexis!) "Well, there were news cameras there much of the time, and what the A.P. claimed we learned was that the president had been warned a day ahead of time that the levees stood a good chance of being breached. What, in fact, he was warned was that the levees could be topped." - Brit Hume Fox Sunday Roundtable 3-5-06 "Over top means that the water goes over the top, as the word implies. Breaching means that they actually fail, there's a hole in the levee, and a breach is obviously far worse." - WH Spokesman Trent Duffy, Fox Special Report w/ Brit Hume 3-2-06 "Some news organizations reported that the tapes showed Mayfield warning that the levees could be breached by the storm, but on the clip released by AP, Mayfield's warning is only about whether flood water could top the levees." - Mike Emmanuel, Fox Special Report w/ Brit Hume 3-2-06 Wow, you're using the exact same talking point as a White House spokesman! At least you chose to parrot the view of an impartial observer like Trent Duffy! Just in case you forgot here is your own definition of talking point- I'm sure you never noticed this full court press by conservative blog, television, and talk radio to advance this "topped vs breached" talking point, did you?
  22. I assumed that by saying that being taxed is the same as enslavement he is endorsing the elimation of taxation.
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