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Everything posted by JK2000

  1. Permit me to play conspiracy theorist-They may have vetted her and found out the pregnancy cover-up was true but determined that their really isn't a smoking gun and if the Dem's tried to use this it would make them look really bad. In this case having a female VP with baggage could help McCain more than one without baggage.
  2. I know it wasn't sexist but when Al Gore sighed during his debate with GWB made him come off as condescending.
  3. I guess the rumor up in Alaska has been that Palin wasn't pregnant at all and that she was covering for her 16 year old daughter. Sounds far-fetched to me but who knows.
  4. Only in America............ After this pick I can only imagine what a McCain cabinet would look like.
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradley_Effect
  6. About half the states held their primary on super tuesday and that was in March or Feb.
  7. I always pictured guys with dark suits and sunglasses showing up at all your ex's doorsteps and interrogating them.
  8. Does anyone know exactly what the vetting process entails?
  9. Since when are most primaries in the summer?
  10. I'll be watching the game, I've got Portis and Cooley on my team.
  11. You got to wonder how thoroughly the McCain camp was able to vet her considering that McCain only met in person once before the selection. At least with Romney, Lieberman, and Pawlenty McCain knew what he was getting.
  12. I agree, Edwards couldn't help win NC, Lieberman couldn't help Gore win Florida, and Cheney appealed to nobody and Bush still won.
  13. There's a difference between specific technical skills required by those professions and those required for effective public service.
  14. People should also keep in mind that in the current political landscape (Assuming that Obama carries Gore's states + Kerry's NH) offers McCain no margin of error. If Obama wins just Colorado he's president. If Obama wins just Virginia he's president. If Obama wins just Nevada there's a tie (no clue what happens then). If Obama wins just Ohio he's president. If Obama wins just Missouri he's president. If Obama wins just Florida he's president. I don't know how Palin can help secure all of these states.
  15. I'm sure they will, but what about the anti-abortion folks?
  16. Using your logic you wouldn't have voted for Lincoln.
  17. Obama announced he was running for president in 2004?
  18. Torrain? Is he a RB?
  19. Actually she's only been a governor for 1 and 3/4 years. Just sayin'.
  20. Have any weird RB's suddenly become starters? What about WR's? Any under the radar injuries? Who has looked sh------- this preseason?
  21. Nothing, it's just not as cool as being a Bronco.
  22. TAKE IT BACK!!!!!!!!!TAKE IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HUCKABEE IS A FINE HUNK OF MAN!!!!!!!!!
  23. I thought this was a bad choice until I found out that she had a bachelor's in journalism from The University of Idaho.
  24. Looks like McCain is going all in on the bet that Hillary's supporters will vote for him in droves because he's added a vagina to the ticket.
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