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Everything posted by JK2000

  1. http://gov.state.ak.us/photos/PalinFamily_Outside_v01.jpg
  2. I took LJ and Portis with the sandwich pick in the first round. I'm praying LJ bounces back.
  3. If Youboty pans out we could have one of the deepest secondaries in the league.
  4. Congrats Ashton!!!
  5. Why would the left try to stop McCain's freefall?
  6. Let me communicate with you in your own language.
  7. OK, I'll bite. What is that supposed to mean?
  8. What's with you and the smiley faces? Why do you use so many? Actually it's "you're a fool".
  9. Chelsea Clinton, despite all the ridicule she took from the right wingers, never got pregnant.
  10. I don't know why anyone would expect anything higher from the NYT. They're just trying to make a buck like anyone else.
  11. I'm not talking about the kid, I'm talking about the lackluster parenting skills by a woman being shoved down our throats as being qualified to become the President of the United States.
  12. News is news, I still don't understand why you've singled out the NYT for reporting a story that everyone else is reporting on their front page. Can you find me any news website where this isn't on the front page?
  13. I just checked Foxnews, it's on the front page there as well. It's not just the NYT like the OP would like you to believe.
  14. How is that Barack's responsibilty? This is about Palin's inability to govern her own family.
  15. Ya right, the GOP would never resort to making ad hominem attacks on a teenage girl.........unless you count John McCain as a member of the GOP............and unless "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno" can be considered an ad hominem attack. Ummmmm, it's on the front page everywhere..........
  16. Wow, all that "executive experience" couldn't help her govern her kids, could it?
  17. You can't even come up with your own insults. I guess you haven't "must have done good".
  18. So you're one of those guys who only votes for "regular guys you'd like to have a beer with"? When I saw this picture I thought that she may be an intellectual lightweight who is unqualified to be the VP.........but then I found out she has a Bachelor's degree in Journalism.
  19. Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Not only that but Alaska also has one of the highest government employee to resident ratios (1 to 25, in comparison California has 1 to 75) in the entire country. Hopefully she'll bring this bloated bureaucracy to Washington.
  21. I'm sure she'll do great at the debate. Moderator- What makes you qualified to be Vice-President SP- Alaska's big and it's close to Russia
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