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Everything posted by NavarreFL_Bills_Fan

  1. Its amazing how much better the whole D will look if we get some pressure with the front four.
  2. nice bounce Lindell Is it me, or are the Bills the worst screen team you've ever seen?
  3. OK Turk.....RUN THE DAMN BALL! Pass just enough to keep them fair. Quit outthinking yourself...
  4. wow....sad when Brett runs like slash against us
  5. If I recall, 4 of thos 11 passes for JP were harmless dumpdown as the clock wound down in the 2nd half.
  6. JP cannot be so clueless to not understand he's holding the ball too long...has he not seen any other NFL QB's play?
  7. Someone should make a highlight reel for JP....he's got plenty of film of him holding the ball too long in he pocket...again, why aren't they running the ball early?
  8. So what adjustments do you guys see coming after the half? I for one think they should work to pressure Favre a little more. Also, keep running the ball.
  9. Yeah, but have you SEEN him play? It's atrocius. he's totally feast or famine. I cannot remember how many games he's gone into with 40 yards or less at the half....He has all the physical tools, but still doesn't process game info quick enough... For this reason, I think he'll be a backup some where.
  10. makes sense that so few college QB's are successful in the nfl. Only about .2% of college eligible players actually make it to the NFL. .2%...... That is only 2 out of every 1000 players. The succes rate is very low.
  11. what else are you gonna do? Oh, by the way, I've already paid for my NFL sunday ticket.....
  12. HAHAHA! They are not even close to being on the same level.
  13. maybe the bills should go to Wildcat offense with Fred Jackson running the show.....run it like 80 percent of the time...see what happens. It couldn't be any worse than what we've already seen from JP
  14. Bottom line is they still have to execute....recieving the ball to start the game and going 3 and out has the same negative consequences as doing it after the half
  15. I couldn't have said it better.
  16. This is a pointless post....
  17. HAHAHA! Who's running their PR department.....Baghdad Bob? http://z.about.com/d/politicalhumor/1/0/E/...dbob_denial.jpg
  18. Last one and I'm done: Roscoe is good at tag and doubledutch
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