This horse has been beat, but I'm going to take another whack:
What the heck were the Bills thinking?...3 good tackles went off the board AFTER the Bill's 2nd 2nd-round pick. Loadholt, Beatty, and Vollmer.....and don't tell me Demetrius Bell is the answer...because that joke will get old when TE gets hurt coming out the gate against the Patriots.
Every year, I tell myself the Bill's front office might know something I don't (or the draftniks for that matter), but every year its the same 'ol same 'ol. Examples where I've been left shaking my head in the past, but gave the Bills the benefit of the doubt are: John McCargo, JP Losman, and an injured Willis McGahee. Jarius Byrd would've been there later, and is a DB for that matter...
These DBs aren't going to giv TE any more time and definitely aren't going to make our total lack of pass rush any better. It would be nice to see a draft that doesn't look like the Bills are trying to outthink everybody, but rather simply looks solid on paper.