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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/158775-deacon-jones-versus-bruce-smith/page__hl__%2Bdeacon+%2Bjones The above is some discussion contrasting pass rushers over the ages. As NoSaint points out, passing has been on a steady rise for decades, giving modern day pass rushers many more opportunities than earlier pass rushers.
  2. And truffles, although pigs are also used for that. Seriously, I've been thinking about the two other friends of AH's who were also at the nightclub and who tried to leave AH's house when the police initially arrived. While law enforcement cannot unlawfully detain people they must be concerned that the three (because they are free) have been talking with each other in order to get their stories straight. On the other hand law enforcement is probably following and keeping a close eye on the three and could be hoping to trap them based on their actions post-murder. The three would ideally like to confer with each other but would have to do so carefully because they have to know they're being watched. This speaks to the point about the two friends of AH. L.E. has been very Belichickian in their shroud of secrecy. Anyways, jumping to conclusions, law enforcement knows that the men were together based on security video at a few nightclubs. They know the men know each other. They undoubtedly have a timeline based on the videos. They know that AH was involved in two prior shootings in his life. What they appear not to have is a motive (besides a bad temper) and a murder weapon. edit: They also know that the three amigos were trying to hide/destroy evidence.
  3. You're gonna hate us in the Super Bowl this year, Ice.
  4. I guess all real Bills fans have Cheatriots*** on the brain, one way or another.
  5. So you go to the Cheatriots*** forum? Why is that?
  6. Also, "this is right up your ally." Sounds to me like none of the parties here are blameless and that they're all very tacky people to boot. The guest is more in the right than the brides but is not totally innocent in this either, IMO. When idiot worlds collide.
  7. I don't know anything about the law really, no more than the average person anyways. The family has not filed a suit yet. They have filed a "notice of claim" which apparently is the first step towards filing a lawsuit. Based on what little we know and also the comments family members made in the aftermath of the death, the family doesn't seem to have a very strong case for suing. I wonder if there was a deadline for filing a notice of claim they were advised to meet so that they could keep all of their options open. I also wonder if they were advised to do this as an opening overture directed towards the implied plaintiffs to prompt a modest settlement. LOL. We were thinking along similar lines.
  8. Here we are again talking about a subject (lawyer-client dynamics) as if it's a black and white issue when in fact, it isn't. There are impressionable, clueless people who don't know what they're doing and what they should do. There are aggressive, unscrupulous lawyers who see everything in terms of dollar signs. There are competent, principled people who would reject the notion of suing others based on their own beliefs about personal responsibility. And there are ethical lawyers who don't attempt to chase ambulances solely for money. All these types of people (and their variations) exist and interact in our world.
  9. As a singer of two-part harmony accompaniment, Emmylou.
  10. He'd become a pot-bellied pig? This part was funny: He said that the pigs that are fed the marijuana just lie around and barely lift their heads. “I name all my pigs,” said von Scheneidau “and Ted told Tim they shouldn’t tell me,” whether or not they’re high. The pigs’ laziness might contribute to the fact that those who eat the weed gain weight 20 percent faster than those who don’t, as one would expect, even though von Scheneidau said the pot pigs don’t actually consume any extra food. The weight gain contributes to the marbled, fattier texture of the pork that is eventually processed and made into bacon, prosciutto, sausage, pork chops and pulled pork. Von Scheneidau says that beyond a difference in consistency, people have described the weed-infused meat as “more savory” in “blind bacon tests.” "The flavor of the fat is extraordinary, [customers] love the marbling of the fat," said von Scheneidau. And while customers haven’t reported getting high while eating or cooking the pork, von Scheneidau said BB Ranch sells out of the pot pig meat before batches are even processed.
  11. Reminds me of the time the old bull decided he wanted to mate with the tractor tire. (dadgummit)
  12. Shall we have a Buddy-speak contest? Buddy: Dadgummit, that dog ran away from us years ago and look at him now, scent marking the fence post… edit: All entries submitted in the Buddy-speak contest must start with "dadgummit, goldarnit, "dadblastit" or "dagnabit" or they will not be considered for the contest.
  13. On the other hand, how many times have we read: "neighbors described the suspect as 'quiet but friendly.' Said one neighbor 'he mostly kept to himself although he would always wave when you drove by.' Another longtime resident of the street said that ____________ was not outgoing but always gave out candy on Halloween and kept his property clean and tidy" All residents of the close-knit community that spoke to News7 expressed shock that ___________ could commit such a heinous act."
  14. Putin's quite the card: “You know, I do not remember either Mr. Kraft or the ring," Putin said, via the AFP. “They handed out some sorts of souvenirs. But if it is such a valuable thing to Mr. Kraft and his team, I have a proposal. "We will ask our enterprises to craft a really good, noticeable thing -- so it is clear that it is expensive, made of a good metal, with a rock -- so that this jewel is passed on from generation to generation in the team whose interests Mr. Kraft represents. "I think that this would be the most intelligent ... solution to such a difficult international problem.” :lol:
  15. Exactly. If you accept the widely-accepted premise that an NFL offense must be able to stretch the field in order to be successful, then the Cheatriots*** have to have some serious concerns.
  16. Thanks BBB. My bigger point is that huge portions of this discussion are almost nonsensical due to being emotion-driven. This is undoubtedly true. It's pretty self-evident from the schedule that the league places greater value in revenue than fairness when it comes to scheduling. I understand this from the standpoint that the NFL with its short season and prime time spots differs greatly from any other North American pro sport in terms of television. The question is if the will exists and whether and at what cost the NFL can mitigate inequities in the schedule. I'm not holding my breath.
  17. Kia's current design predates Ford's. Also Kia was saved from bankruptcy by their Korean cousins, Hyundai. The Optima is a pretty sweet looking car and I also like the new Ford look best exemplified in the Fusion. My Wife has the Genesis Coupe which has a nice rear end but is lacking a bit in the front. Several people have told us that the rear of the car is evocative of the Aston Martins. http://www.google.co...Q9QEwAQ&dur=940
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