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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Cordy played very well until injuring himself in week four. He suffered the dreaded "high-ankle sprain" which caused him to miss the next 4 weeks (including the bye). When he returned to the field, he didn't seem to have the same mobility he had earlier in the season. While I'm not personally concerned about Cordy, he does have to prove he's the player we saw in the first four weeks and not the player we saw in the last 9.
  2. If they did, it was a downbeat, not an upbeat. (rimshot anyone?)
  3. Does anyone remember the pics of LaRon Landry? http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://api.ning.com/files/RwWjcregiv*T6BFfZ64dk5giIVQlgQ2PjqK5KV97U6UV9yXkvZnaSeDCQtd3CTp4hvyu1fn9OzzDoDgDh1jU*39uM-zfqO8J/laron3.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.balleralert.com/profiles/blogs/morning-wood-laron-landry-ny-jets&h=400&w=255&sz=21&tbnid=Taiemik9QXm6dM:&tbnh=102&tbnw=65&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dlaron%2Blandry%2Bpics%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=laron+landry+pics&usg=__tAHWMwQfDVRix1fdxtbW3Nc5ZbQ=&docid=qYPbm8r75fpcGM&sa=X&ei=f03HUYWrGouViQebnICwCQ&ved=0CEEQ9QEwBg&dur=522 Let's just say for the sake of discussion that Landry's clean. But if the NFL decides that they believe he's using PEDs they can make life miserable for him, visiting him any time, numerous times, and demanding that he provide a witnessed sample. In a worst-case scenario, the NFL's enforcement people could make life miserable for someone they suspect of using PEDs. In theory, if that person becomes irritated, ornery, and uncooperative, they could make his life even worse.
  4. Deepest condolences. Having been through this and expecting to go through it a few more times, I know the sadness your family feels. Lovely pup in your picture. RIP Kibbles. Better to have loved and lost…
  5. edit: My point being that all of these things have a bearing on personal responsibility. If however the deceased was crawling around and stumbling, I would hope that some local authority would notice and come to his aid.
  6. But again, we don't know whose alcohol he consumed, how much he consumed, and when he consumed it. There's a scenario, however improbable that he didn't consume any beer sold at the stadium. There's a more plausible scenario that the beer he consumed at the stadium was a very small percentage of the alcohol he consumed that day and that night. Then there's the difference between an entity (LE for example) proactively assisting an individual as opposed to an individual voluntarily seeking care from an entity. It's hard to imagine that the deceased was looking for help when he fell into the ravine/creek.
  7. If I were a pro football player, I would never release photos of myself after a workout. Even if a player is not using PEDs the photos can cast suspicion on a player and make him more susceptible to the randomized drug testing that is allowed under the CBA. Do your job and keep a low profile. Don't be vain. That would be my advice.
  8. Still pissed off about the Hernandez situation I see. If you're upset now, just wait till the Bills Week One victory.
  9. Aren't convex mirrors supposed to make you look fatter? :nana:
  10. These sentences jumped out at me. The first two seem a bit ironic to me. It's funny that we should be more paranoid of our government than terrorists. The last one is possibly not true. I'm sure the terrorists in several incidents did a very good acting job before their moments of infamy. As far as the OPs original intent, I'm taking him at face value considering the context of all of his other posts.
  11. I don't know if there's yet a name for these little items (this includes billboards ostensibly rented by a person breaking up, Facebook posts, etc) but a great majority of them are probably fiction. That said it doesn't make them less funny if they're well-written. I liked "You used air quotes when you talked about the moon landing."
  12. Just remember that when you finally make that long-contemplated purchase that you can call it a satchel.
  13. It looks like Lovecraft stole his cover concept from the Beatles White Album.
  14. I loved how "This is Spinal Tap" paid tribute to the Grateful Dead keyboardists by way of their drummers.
  15. Suit yourself and let others suit themselves. What's the over/under week for Rex to get fired?
  16. Again, the family has not filed a lawsuit at this time. They have filed a notice of claim.
  17. Or possibly they're being proactive. You're right. IMO he's being paranoid.
  18. 1) "Not that there's anything wrong with that." 2) Did you see Tom Brady there?
  19. Glad to know that Buftex. I have Grievous Angel as part of a two CD pack with Gram's first album, "GP" which also features Emmylou. Their work together on the tracks "Still Feelin' Blue" and "We'll Sweep Out the Ashes in the Morning" is absolutely sublime.
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