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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. You know you're right about Flutie vs Trent arm strength-wise. In that case I nominate Matt Kofler for arm strength. He had a serious rag arm. Ferragamo also had a weak arm as did Kelly Holcomb. And sadly, there are others…
  2. Yeah I made an earnest attempt at searching for the earlier thread on the same subject but as usual, the search function was worthless for me. I'm not a mod so it quickly became a waste of time.
  3. I'd be happy to do that for you. Is there any particular color palette that you prefer?
  4. I don't understand the criticism of Whitlock's article. I know he's a polarizing figure and I think that colors some of the opinions of his work here. I'm not a big Whitlock fan either and I think he states the obvious and isn't a very good writer but nothing he writes here seems inaccurate to me excepting the issue that Dorkington brings up which has been debated for decades: Is the violence in society a reaction or a reflection of our media? Does our love of movies like Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Good Fellas, etc have an effect in making some individuals more violent? Personally I don't think there's any question of that. It hasn't made me more violent but I'm not every person in society.
  5. Besides what you wrote above, "The Patriot Way" also includes a veil of secrecy and the understanding that members of the organization do not talk to the media more than the bare minimum. Also, I agree wholeheartedly with eball's take on the Cheatriots***.
  6. Very funny stuff BUT… teammates of T Jackson rave about his leadership ability. He's played injured a lot and his been a model teammate wherever he's been. Also, while he was a glove-wearing Mary, etc. Trent had a stronger arm than Flutie… inasmuch as Flutie was a much better QB.
  7. Man, Cordy Glenn was a beast when healthy last year!
  8. Awesome! Glad to see others mentioning the Great Lakes a bit. I was surprised that no one had brought up a place like Mackinac Island or other gems like that. Another one is Sleeping Bear Dunes in Michigan. My sister went there and raved about the beauty of the dunes, the white sand, and the clarity of the water.
  9. I gotta get one of those! Googling in 3 - 2 - 1 … http://www.cafepress.com/mf/2094191/g-fck-yrslf-tshirt_tshirt
  10. Apparently Just Jack and some of the others have developed some newfangled theory that threads more easily die when we don't post in them. I'm not really sure what they base this on. Mind your own business, chump!
  11. That's absurd. The Bills rule Buffalo. No love for Canisius Basketball?
  12. I understand the theory but does this actually work in practice? I mean, what proof do we have?
  13. Well disagreements about his abilities aside, we can all agree that Byrd has played his entire career behind an ineffective front 7 and a weak pass rush. It would be nice to see what kind of production he would be capable of in better circumstances.
  14. ^^^^^^ "Monogamous Bills Fan" It's great to have you aboard Jaybee. You've really added a lot.
  15. When I was about 8 years old, my brother and I got one of those old Buffalo Bills posters out of the Sunday comics section of the Buffalo (Evening) News. I think it was an Al Cowlings poster. We were just getting started as fans at the time what with both of us being pretty young and having just moved to Buffalo. Shortly after hanging it on our bedroom wall I developed a stigmata on my forearm in the shape of the standing Bills logo. Naturally I took it as a sign from the Holy Spirit. I have remained devout, particularly on autumn Sundays.
  16. Regardless of the exact target Thurmal, your post was a tad bit on the negatory side of things. You have to admit… now repent.
  17. If you wanna know my prediction, The Senator speaks for me…
  18. Not blaming the Bills? "I must have missed when the Bills did this for OJ." "So murder suspects lose their negative connotations over time?" "The Bills have also had criminal players and never offered a refund on jerseys." "Are you dense?" I guess amongst all the snide comments and the insult, your point got lost.
  19. It's not a refund fella. It's a jersey exchange. Show me one team before New England that has ever done this. You want to blame the Bills for something that had never been done before by any NFL team? I already stated it's a solid move but the question is how solid? I keep asking you and you keep ignoring the question: why is the jersey exchange only good for two measly days? If you got nothing better than what you've already said, you'd best go away.
  20. Could not agree more. Many people somehow can't seem to separate the player from the person. And I'm not only talking about OJ Simpson. There are lots of players who are shorted their greatness due to not being popular.
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