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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. The team either knowingly made a calculated risk that blew up in their faces or they were oblivious to the fact that they were making a commitment to a player that numerous other teams had blackballed. Take your choice. They may have acted appropriately in cutting Hernandez but extending him with a lucrative contract certainly begs the question whether they acted appropriately.
  2. Fell flat after a decade? Does that mean that it took you ten years to finally stop laughing at your own "cleverness?" Seriously though, as long as you're explaining your username, Cugalabanza?
  3. SDS said he had to can it because every time someone would click on that topic, it would take 21 seconds to load and would also slow down the entire server. He also speculated that the "Last Post Wins" topic might have been the reason for the latest board crash (which I believe happened on the first day of the draft). edit: Here it is, BBB: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/159043-cugalabanza-has-won-last-post-wins-all-hail-cugalabanza/
  4. Funny how a guy who lives in a McMansion has an apartment just a short distance away. I'm gonna guess that his girlfriend had no idea about the existence of this apartment.
  5. I never said the team was responsible for the actions of it's players. The team is however completely responsible for the team's actions.
  6. Continuous RedZone during the game? Personally I think it's a stupid idea. For one thing why would you want to distract the live audience from an actual game being played in front of them? Imagine everyone in the stadium (including the players and coaches on the sidelines) being distracted by a big play in another game. To me that's like showing a movie to an audience of people attending a play. Of course we live in an ADD world.
  7. Well if that happens he'll have collected two signing bonuses without having played a down. I'm not sure what his Seattle signing bonus was but the Bills paid him a cool $500K. It'll be interesting to see how much longer he can milk out his career. Some of these guys end up having very long careers… especially if they work hard, set a good example and say the right things (when they say anything at all). Come to think of it, I'd be curious to know how much TJax has made so far in his career.
  8. Who is "we?" I buy the Sunday Ticket primarily for the Bills games.
  9. The Cheatriots*** extended AH at the very end of August last year. AH had a domestic disturbance and multiple noise complaints in June of last year although his girlfriend didn't want him to be arrested. In 2007, he cold cocked a bar manager while drinking in a Florida bar. So yes, their contract extension was either due to recklessness or obliviousness. I don't "empathize" (sympathize is probably the more correct word) with any team that did what the Cheatriots*** did, extending AH. They took a stupid risk and it blew up in their faces. If the Bills extended a thug and the same thing happened, I wouldn't sympathize with the Bills either and New England being New England, I have less than zero sympathy for them. Feeling sorry for New England is almost as ridiculous as feeling sorry for the NFL. They're a multi-billion dollar business that takes plenty of calculated risks. I can't fathom why anyone would feel sorry for the league or the team. I'll save my sympathy for the victim, the victim's family, and the dozens of lives that have been impacted by this assassination. It's a good thing it wasn't our Meathead. It's really hard to tell what he's saying with all that Saran Wrap over his face. Ralph pal'd around with Troy Vincent? That's interesting. Did they have a regular Canasta game or something?
  10. I too, can't believe the lack of respect on this board for player' face mask angles.
  11. Yes he did and as I recall he acted as his own defense lawyer during his murder trial. The judge who presided at his trial called him brilliant and lauded Bundy for his legal knowledge and courtroom acumen. But how is this relevant?
  12. That is amazing that the Last post Wins thread was slowing down the whole server! Never heard of such a thing.
  13. Yeah Pismo's pretty unique. It's one of the few ocean beaches where you can drive and park your car on the beach and it's part of a huge range of coastal sand dunes were people go dune buggying.
  14. Yeah my sister was a "studnet" at U of M when she went to Sleeping Bear Dunes.
  15. Sounds like a challenge. We should coordinate our efforts to let this thread die. Any strategies or ideas we can post here.
  16. Gailey on winning: "I expect it. I think our players expect it. If you don’t expect it, something’s wrong with you. If you say, “Well I hope we’re a little bit better than last year,” you ought to get out. That’s wrong. I expect to win every one of them. I expect to be undefeated. That’s the way I’ve always been and that’s the way I’ll always be. I want to be 1-0 after this one and who ever we play second I want to be 2-0." http://www.wivb.com/dpp/sports/gailey%3A-%22i-expect-to-be-undefeated%22
  17. You understate Greer's playing time in Buffalo. Because McGee was a 4th rounder and Greer an undrafted free agent, it took awhile before the Bills entrusted the undersized Greer with a major role. However Greer started all 10 games he played in 2008 and 13 of 16 games he played in 2007. In the 44 games he played previous to those seasons, Greer started just 3 but he was the primary nickel back in many of those games. And as we all know, the nickel back typically plays more than 50% of all snaps and is virtually considered a starter by NFL clubs.
  18. On the discussion of whether the media reflects or reacts to violence in society and whether the violence in society reflects or reacts to violence in the media: I didn't say that the world was any more or less violent than it's ever been and in fact I believe that very few things change over time, contrary to those who believe that the world is any worse or any better than it was one decade, one century, or one millenium ago. What I'm questioning is the "style" of violence, the motif if you would. Why was AH, who grew up in a decent home in a decent city, so drawn to the gun/gang model of violence? The reports (from more than one source) are that approximately 12 teams had Hernandez as undraftable. Mike Brown of the Bengals disclosed yesterday that the Bengals were one of the teams who considered AH undraftable. Just TODAY, it's been reported that: 1) There was an incident at Florida in 2007 that went unreported (swept under the rug) that AH cold cocked a bar manager (who suffered a ruptured ear drum as a result) while drinking as an underaged person. The argument arose due to AH's refusal to pay for two drinks. AH claimed that he didn't order the drinks. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/07/01/another-gainesville-incident-involving-hernandez-comes-to-light/ 2) AH was involved in a domestic disturbances in 2012 with his then-pregnant fiancee while renting a place in Hermosa Beach, CA. and officers were called to the apartment on multiple occasions for noise. On the domestic disturbance, a call was made to police but when they showed up his girlfriend did not want to press charges. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/07/02/hernandez-was-involved-in-domestic-dispute-disturbance-last-year/ On top of the civil suit pending where AH shot a man, his probably involvement in an unsolved double homicide, and several other incidents he was involved in it's perfectly clear that all the NFL teams, the Patriots included, knew what they were dealing with from a character standpoint. Between the teams' security department and NFL security, it's obvious that the Cheatriots*** assumed the risk of employing this very questionable human being solely because he is a talented player and their arsenal of weapons was getting quite bare.
  19. It reads to me like everyone is overstating their case for McGee and Greer. McGee was here for longer, 10 years to 5 years and McGee didn't have to fight to prove himself as much because he was a 4th rounder while Greer was undrafted. That said, to me they were very close as players quality-wise though fairly different in style. McGee continued the tradition of good tackling Bills CBs (following Winfield and Clements) and was a very solid cover man. Greer was outstanding in coverage and as quick over 40 yards as just about any Bills DB I remember this side of Tony Greene. I would give Greer the nod as a cover man but McGee was the better tackler and of course he was an outstanding return man. JMO.
  20. Seriously, in the grand scheme it doesn't mean a helluva lot but you gotta love it. As much as Fitz was a standup guy, team player, etc he never went out on his own and consulted with a QB guru like Brady, Manning, and all the greats do… voluntarily and on their own time. Every year Brady would work out with Tom Martinez and more recently, Tom House (who also works with Drew Brees and Carson Palmer). Peyton and Eli work out every year with David Cutcliffe. Before the draft EJ worked out with Ken Mastrole. I'm still trying to figure out why the !@#$ Fitz felt that he was above having extra coaching, especially after he signed that contract extension. Sorry about the tangent. Anyways, kudos to EJ. I'm on the hot seat now because I wanted the Bills to draft EJ at #8 and I wanted the Bills to take Cordy Glenn in the first round last year at #10 so for the first time in my life the Bills ended up with the two guys I wanted them to draft in the first round in consecutive years, even getting both of them at a discount. To me EJ and Cordy are cornerstones of this team along with Spiller, Stevie, Wood, Gilmore, and hopefully, Byrd. I really love the talent on this team and am (as usual) very optimistic for the upcoming season.
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