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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. I like him as an analyst but I can't speak to Ron Jaworski the person. I find it interesting that they named a stadium in Lackawanna Ron Jaworski Stadium. And then a few years later, stripped it of the name.
  2. Reminds me of the couple having sex in front of a window in the Skydome hotel when the place first opened. Apparently there've been a few incidents in the Skydome: http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Baseball/MLB/Toronto/2008/07/15/6166596-sun.html But nudity -- and worse -- at the SkyDome and now the Rogers Centre is nothing new. Since it opened in 1989, there have been at least three incidents at the hotel where couples were having sex in plain view of tens of thousands of fans, as well as one incident when a man was thrown out of the hotel for masturbating at the window, believing it was one-way glass.
  3. My use of quaaludes while running a chainsaw or the pilot issue?
  4. Woods? Biggest addition? (insert lame childish joke here) BTW Farmer, I too plan on attending this year's opener. I can't shake this feeling that it'll be a happy day for all of us.
  5. Sorry if this was already posted. I don't remember seeing it anywhere in these parts so here it is (again?). Yahoo's Shutdown Corner which is a really good NFL blog featured the Bills today. This one is written by a guy named Brian McIntyre who I'm not familiar with. The guy I associate with the blog is Doug Farrar who does a good job. Anyways, here it is and it includes an almost 6 minute video discussion of the Bills between Andrew Siciliano and Ian Rappaport. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/shutdown-countdown-buffalo-bills-playoff-drought-likely-continue-154531724.html And some bonus Bills coverage from McIntyre: http://sports.yahoo.com/author/brian-mcintyre/
  6. When I used to work as a logger, I found that quaaludes really calmed me down. Anyways, looks like you guys were right. The inescapable conclusion seems to be pilot error although no "official" word yet. The pilot in charge of landing only had 43 hours with the 777. http://news.yahoo.com/asiana-says-pilot-crashed-plane-training-010133596.html Basically it sounds like he missed the runway which is exactly what I couldn't believe would actually happen. Too low, and too slow. Unbelievable.
  7. Well as the saying goes, If you love something let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never meant to be. So good riddance Cordy. Maybe we'll see you down the road. On the bright side, I hear Demetress Bell is available.
  8. You !@#$ !@#$. You couldn't have let us all know BEFORE we went out and got Cordy Glenn jerseys!!!!!?????
  9. Yeah Red Delicious was definitely something foisted on a less-than-enthusiastic public. The skin was typically thick and waxy, the bottom had those little lobes with not very much flesh. If you like a sweet apple, Fuji's are quite excellent.
  10. I agree wholeheartedly with your post with one caveat: I've seen both Jaws and Cosell get in trouble making evaluations on players that they've not studied enough of. I know this because they will come back a few weeks later and correct earlier opinions and explain the difference as "having watched more tape." I know there's a lot of pressure to produce on-demand opinions but I think we realize that they're human beings here. I don't know why a guy can't say "I don't feel comfortable having a formed opinion of this player just yet. I've watched 3 of his games and here are some of the things I've noticed so far…" with the implication that they'll come back at a later date and give a more definitive evaluation. Just a pet peeve.
  11. Great job fortifying the topic. I agree that there will be "surprise cuts" this year but I also agree that they won't necessarily be cap-driven.
  12. The title of the topic is "How many could have helped?" I said "Whitner belongs in the conversation" (notice I didn't say Whitner could have helped). You can be as dismissive as you'd like but he still belongs in the conversation and the fact that you've built a case against him kinda proves that.
  13. This is something I preach all the time to my younger friends. Enjoy the moment because the future will be here soon enough. And in this case, soon enough is 35 days. That pretty much puts everything in perspective!
  14. FWIW, he didn't say that Thurman was a better all around back. His main thought seems to have been that "No one else (besides OJ and Cribbs) has had the speed, instincts, or elusiveness (of CJ)."
  15. Whitner is also a name that belongs in the discussion.
  16. Nanker is very smart so I believe he chose to ignore your attempt at humor. And please don't turn this topic into another one of your political diatribes.
  17. I dunno but I believe Hardee's and Carl's Junior are the same company and sell virtually the same product (with different names).
  18. The NFL owners decide who joins the club. It's not strictly a matter of how much money one has.
  19. One of them is cheap, can't remember which one though. Not to mention Greg Oden who's narrowed the field down to 5 teams. WRT Howard, he should spend less time in the weight room and more time trying to learn how to play basketball. He's a much better athlete than Ewing but Ewing worked tirelessly on footwork and technique. Akeem Olajuwon is a guy that perfected low post play through hard work and practice. Howard is a dilettante when it comes to playing center.
  20. At least there's an opposite (if not yet equal) reaction to how agri-business has dictated how/what we eat. The heirloom/historic or heritage cultivar produce movement hopefully is picking up steam. This heirloom movement seems also to be abetted somewhat by the organic and locovore movement.
  21. FWIW: It wasn’t until Week 10 at New England that Dareus resolved to leave his own mortality up to God, and just live his life, and more importantly for the Bills, play his game.
  22. Like Buddy would say, "beauty is skin deep but ugly goes right down to the bone, goldarnit"
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