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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. The funniest part of that report was when she was reading the names and she pronounced the "F word" as "fook." Such a talented anchor.
  2. Yes, basically the majority of accidents occur when taking off or landing. Too Effin' funny!
  3. He did a lot of different things in that movie "Catch me if you Can." Quite the runessaince man. Horrible what happened to his blimp. I'd feel much better about him being on the list had that tragedy not occurred.
  4. I've gone to plenty of games both home and away. More than I care to admit actually. Look. You've stuck up for the Patriots twice in recent history. You've also been dishonest in your posts. I'm gonna just go ahead and mark you down as a casual Bills fan and put you on ignore. That way you don't annoy me and I don't annoy you.
  5. If he waited until week 10 he would have missed 9 games and his compensation would be prorated accordingly. He would play 7/16ths of the schedule and thus would get 7/16ths of $6.91 million. That works out to a bit over $3 million.
  6. These are the guys with the big reputations, along with the aforementioned Wade Phillips. Also Dom Capers belongs in the conversation. There are some really good less-heralded DCs as well.
  7. The thing that's funny to me is that his nickname for obvious reasons is "Jaws" and as time passes, his jowels seem to get larger and larger. Some day the dude's face won't fit on the screen.
  8. Thus I said "in the world of sports." I have plenty of perspective, believe me. I just don't have tolerance for people who don't understand what it means to be a fan of a team. You like Notre Dame AND Syracuse? Who else do you like?
  9. You don't have to tell me who you were replying to. I can read. I asked you if you thought Mario was past his prime. You said no. Now you're saying yes. You asked how many Pro Bowls he made. I told you and then you said that Pro Bowls don't mean anything. If that's how you feel, why did you ask? And honestly you're talking out both sides of your mouth. You say you chose Mario but you're arguing against him. You're saying that he's over the hill and compares to Freeney and Seymour. If you believe that why on earth would you pick him ahead of Byrd? I'm sorry but you're not making much sense.
  10. Cam Newton was the consensus Rookie of the Year and he also made the Pro Bowl. In just 2 years he's thrown for 40 TDs and run for 22 more TDs against 29 interceptions. He has a career passer rating of 85.3. This on a team which has marginal talent and coaching. People are down on Cam because he didn't make a big jump in his 2nd year. And that was my point. The other three guys, Kaep, Wilson, and RGIII have all had one good season.
  11. I've watched the replay a million times Metz and it's inconclusive. Saying that it clearly shows anything is an opinion and a shaky one at that. I've even seen two video analyses of the play come to two different conclusions. What does that tell you? To me personally it looks like it's an illegal forward pass.
  12. Sorry to be such a prick but it amazes me that self-professed Bills fans can come onto a Bills forum and stick up for the !@#$ Cheatriots***, Jets, and Dolphins. If you don't understand the deep enmity and hatred that dyed-in-wool Bills fans feel towards these teams then there's a huge part of your fandom that is totally missing. I'm not saying that you're not a fan but there's a big part of you that just doesn't get it. I don't expect fans of those teams to be kind to the Bills on their forums and I'm certainly not gonna take kindly to worship of those teams, or "Bills fans" defending those teams or sticking up for those teams, or mocking the Bills because we're not as good as those teams. Fan is short for !@#$ fanatic. In the world of sports those guys are the **** ENEMIES. I come here to have good conversations with Bills fans, to laugh a bit, and to agree that we hate those !@#$ing !@#$s. I don't come here to read people who don't know any better defending those teams or even worse, saying that we can't talk **** about them or that they own us or any of that CRAP. If any of you wanna go jerk off to a picture of Tom !@#$ Brady, then do so on a goddamned Cheatriots*** board. Is that too !@#$ hard to understand??????
  13. Ah, the old "panties in a bunch" play, always indicative of high intellect, wit, and maturity. I've been a Bills fan for longer than you've been alive and I've maintained my sense of humor. Good, bad, or indifferent, it's on display every day here in this forum. You on the other hand haven't shown any sense of humor that I've seen although you seem to like to really like the Patriots. Yet you call yourself a Bills fan. That's pretty funny.
  14. Right here: Then you accused me of taking your comments out of context and when other posters challenged you on this you simply disappeared. I'll actually start respecting you when you start being truthful around here.
  15. Keep in mind that NDBUFFCUSEFAN is the guy who was slamming the Bills for not offering to exchange OJ Simpson jerseys like New England did with Hernandez. He's a troll. Also most likely a New England fan.
  16. Look at the bolded in both of our posts. In answer to your question, Mario actually made the Pro Bowl in 2010 as a reserve. In 2009 he was a starter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Pro_Bowl#Defense The following season (2011) he had 5 sacks in 5 games before tearing his pectoral muscle and missing the remainder of the season. Last season he 10.5 sacks and 2 forced fumbles on one of the league's worst and most poorly-coached defenses. Mario has played in two recent Pro Bowls and based on his last two seasons, is still playing at a similar level. So I don't see the point of you bringing Dwight Freeney and Richard Seymour into the conversation. The OP was asking for a choice between two players still in their primes, Mario and Byrd. Freeney and Seymour are both clearly past their primes and in fact, Seymour isn't even in the league.
  17. Not that it mitigates the stupidity but apparently the driver was trying to slow down when he started climbing out the door. I assume this means that she was braking. I'm sure that didn't help Mr. Cowabunga. BTW, it seems the majority of drivers feel they either have to be accelerating or braking. It's amazing how many people never seemed to learn that coasting is one of the nuances of the good driver and how many people can't seem to maintain a constant rate of speed. Sometimes I'll have my cruise control on and the same people will pass me and then let me pass them 5 times in a 20 mile stretch.
  18. Your first bolded statement is plausible. To your second bolded statement, I seem to remember that 14 teams contacted him to sign him as an undrafted free agent so this whole situation is weird and now you have me convinced that it was the groupthink/negative momentum thing at work.
  19. Well this is a great post. The punishment (going undrafted) doesn't seem to fit the crime (3 failed drug tests). You're right. It seems like there almost has to be more to the story that we don't know.
  20. To the bolded (actually to your entire post), I stated earlier in this topic: Regardless of what contract terms he's playing under, both parties want the player to play well. That is a given. I was pointing out that it's not beyond the realm of possibility that: 1) The Bills bring Byrd back slowly (in the scenario where he reports late). 2) Things get ugly and the team adapts a punitive attitude towards Byrd. No, Byrd is not a slacker and that's why I wrote "Also, it depends on the player involved and his relationship with management and even the fans." I'm sure in this particular case that the club has a healthy respect for Byrd and I would think that #2 is highly improbable but I would say #1 is certainly possible. Why rush Byrd into the starting lineup if he's not yet in playing shape and doesn't have a full grasp of the defense?
  21. Understood. I'm just sensitive about players all being lumped together regardless of the exact nature of the problems that they've had. If I knew what the NFL teams knew, I wouldn't have drafted Hernandez at all. BTW, after he transferred from Tennessee, Rogers passed 10 drug tests so I'm hoping all of that is in the past. Also, my point was that Da'Rick doesn't have to use Alfonzo Dennard as an example of how not to act because he's never had a problem with violence or DUIs.
  22. I think the point of the OP is that both players are still in their primes so I'm not sure why you're bringing into the discussion comparing people in their primes with people past their primes. Is your point that Williams is past his prime? To the OP, Mario Williams by far.
  23. Good job, TT. Kudos for turning off that road. Regardless of how it started or escalated I'm glad you changed tack.
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