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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Tell that to the people who view him as a role model. Seriously though. Even if he did, that in-and-of itself wouldn't have caused the Cheatriots*** to cut him.
  2. It wasn't actually a conversation as I don't talk with this person. It was an email exchange. What he wrote was that as long as Wilson owns the team, that Saban would not get on the Wall because Wilson would veto the committee's suggestion due to Wilson viewing Saban as "disloyal." I assumed from this that the committee had nominated Saban for the Wall at least once.
  3. I think this attempt at a work-around would be addressed by the league in the form of an unfavorable ruling and/or a fine. It would be an obvious attempt to circumvent the July 15th rule and I doubt the NFL would tolerate that. JMO.
  4. I disagree with BillfromNYC's earlier post about the Mankins comparison. But I agree with his later post about drafting Levitre in a high spot and then letting him walk. The disconnect in his drafted value and his free agent value comes down to a change in regime. Keeping in mind we're talking about the Bills here, a logical explanation for letting Levitre walk would be to guess that the current regime wouldn't have traded back up into the 2nd round to pick Levitre. The instability of the organization has hurt many times because there hasn't been a clear organizational doctrine around how to build a team.
  5. Well according to a conversation I had with the Wall of Fame committee member, the exact reason Saban isn't on the Wall is because Wilson views/viewed him as disloyal. So while you make a valid point, you're wrong. On the subject, do you generally discount every aspect of those two championships or just the head coaching? Because the 8 team argument would seem to be all-encompassing.
  6. It was a pretty bad joke, like most of them.
  7. You are misrepresenting yourself. You haven't been accused of defending AH. You've been accused of defending the Patriots. Pretty simple distinction. You are however misrepresenting me. I hate the Patriots but that's never stopped me from being objective about them. You again missed my point which is that it is natural and acceptable for a fan of a team to hate that team's rivals. It is our right regardless of what you believe. As for Manziel, you never answered my question: If it's not important why are you the second-most frequent poster in the Johnny Manziel thread? You have more posts in that thread than I do. If you think something is unimportant or not interesting, then don't post in it. You seem to be fascinated with the topic about the NCAA and EA Sports. I think it's boring so I don't post in it. On the other hand, the Johnny Manziel topic has had many pages and responses in a short period of time so what seems like a non-issue to you might not be a non-issue to everyone. I won't co-conspire to hijack this AH thread anymore. Back to the regularly scheduled programming.
  8. Well then I hope you don't work for the Miami Dolphins.
  9. On the other hand he coached the Bills to 68 wins, a .602 winning percentage, and two AFL Championships. But for Wilson's vindictive nature, he'd be on the Wall IMO.
  10. A rare victory for common sense. What's next? Lou Saban on the Wall of Fame?
  11. All I can say is that you shoulda brought your cousin with you.
  12. Thank you. Good answers, almost exactly what I was looking for as opposed to "don't you remember what it was like to be a 20-year old" or some other missing the point nonsense. Did someone mention Aaron Hernandez? Ranting? I was imploring someone/anyone to answer questions which were going unanswered. Unfortunately you weren't up to the task but then again, I wasn't holding my breath. In answer to your "simple" question, this is a football message board. There have been numerous topics here about Johnny Manziel as there have been about Jadeveon Clowney and other collegiate players. Kind of a strange question to ask. Apparently a lot of people care because this thread is 6 pages and 101 responses. You have the second most responses with 11. I've made 8 posts in this thread. So you tell me… who cares? Also some advice. If you don't care, then maybe you shouldn't be carrying the ball in my thread.
  13. 1) The rap on Hernandez was "all of the above," not just some failed drug tests as you are asserting in your latest defense of the Patriots. For some reason you're ignoring conversations from earlier in this thread which established that Urban Meyer and NFL teams knew about Hernandez' possible involvement in a shooting and the punching of the bouncer incident before he was drafted. The failed drug tests were only a part of the overall assessment which caused over one-third of NFL teams to take him off their draft boards (according to Jason Whitlock). Meyer knew about these things and only a stupid or naive person would think that Belichick didn't. 2) I am often critical of the team, just not in an extreme and unbalanced way like yourself. There are posters here who are fairly negative who are much more fair than you are. Badolbeelz, JohnC, Sisyphus, just to name 3. All of them are excellent and intelligent posters who happen to be pretty critical of the team. All of them are much more objective than you are. I accept that you and I are different but also I find that you prescribe to some very strange opinions, unlike others I've seen on this board. 3) My recent points about being a Bills fan is another example of one of your misdiagnoses. My point was and is that it's perfectly natural and acceptable for a fan of any sports team to have a strong, unconditional, love of their team and a dislike for their opponents. Furthermore the fact that that fan's team sucks does not preempt or disqualify that fan from making fun of an opponent, talking trash about an opponent, or taking pleasure in bad things that happen to an opponent. To hear some people on this board including yourself, Bills fans can't talk about Aaron Hernandez in a negative way because New England is better than us. But according to you I'm the one who's lacking objectivity. 4) True to form, only you could call my topic on Johnny Manziel "a screed" (while eagerly participating in it) and then accuse me of an inability to be objective about the Bills. According to your logic, not only do I hate every other team in the NFL and talk poorly about their players but apparently I hate all the NCAA teams and their players too. Your attempt to make a link between what you allege to be my lack of objectivity and Johnny Manziel is incredible. It's almost like an LSD-induced free association. For the record, my posts on Johnny Manziel have nothing to do with the Buffalo Bills. My posts on Manziel have been fair and objective. I have asked pertinent questions. I've made reasonable statements. You on the other hand have decided that Manziel's done nothing wrong. Tell that to the Mannings. Tell that to the campers who he was going to instruct, who attended the camp to see him. Tell that to people who think that a person who was kicked out of an instructor's role due to drinking shouldn't be drinking the very next day. Tell that to the other dozen or so college QBs who were able to wake up in the morning and meet with the high schoolers who look up to them. Then tell me again that Johnny did nothing wrong. As far as you being a Bills fan, everyone on this board at one time or another shares something about himself and his relationship to the Bills be it an anecdote or a general feeling. If you are a fan, it's based on a pathology which hasn't yet been discovered.
  14. Best of luck, Thomas. There are many streets that lead to the same destination.
  15. Your point has already been made and refuted by some. I recently posted this: For some reason a lot of people posting here are having a hard time distinguishing between a 20 year old BMOC going out drinking on any given night and the same person doing it before a big event (being a celebrity instructor at The Manning Passing Academy is a big deal for all involved) and after being kicked out from said big event. The guy does something to draw significant negative attention to himself and his response to that is to go out drinking? I was an irresponsible partyer too but Johnny's actions are a little bit more significant than just going out for a little fun. He couldn't take ONE night off? He possibly has a drinking problem. How would you respond to my comments? It would be nice to move the discussion forward. Same question to you, KD. He gets kicked out of a camp where he's supposed to be an instructor and a role model and his response is to go out drinking. This is a valid question and a valid discussion. Except for one poster (who's an excellent poster btw) there has been no "hand-wringing" and "vitriol." This episode in Johnny Football's life can be overblown just as it can be blown off and downplayed as if nothing happened. The appropriate response is somewhere between those two extremes. Another question for you guys: What about all the other 20-something QBs who were instructors at the camp that were somehow able to fulfill their obligations and actually instruct the high school kids who look to them as role models and examples? Rather than repeat the same old "it's no big deal," how about someone take a poke at these questions.
  16. It seems like you're supporting my point that special teams will be bad if the head coach makes them a low priority. Anyways, hopefully Marrone gives enough practice time and players for Crossman to be successful. And hopefully Crossman knows what he's doing. So far there's little proof of that.
  17. No. I don't remember that. It is all academic however I disagree with the idea of Best as our 3rd string RB. IMO it's not optimum to have a guy whose skill set is redundant to Spiller's. I think it would be better to have a 3rd RB who brings something else to the table. For instance the Bills don't have a battering ram-type RB. I'd be more on board with a goal-line, short-yardage back then someone who's an imitation of CJ. JMO.
  18. Just remember not to jerk your body up when you use a hard count or else you'll be called for a false start.
  19. Da'rick wasn't investigated for a shooting nor did he punch a bouncer. The fact that you only criticize the Bills and defend their opponents makes you weird. More likely, you're not a Bills fan… that would explain pretty much everything. Show me an example of when someone predicted another human being was gonna commit a murder. You can't because it doesn't happen, at least not publicly. On the other hand, Hernandez had given signs that he might be a violent person with anger-management problems. The whole "no one could have predicted that he was gonna murder someone" is pointless.
  20. Why would he interview someone's who's gonna get cut?
  21. You're right because Parker already has a very good idea of what Byrd is really worth. And like any agent, that won't stop him from fabricating arguments that Byrd is worth more than his actual value.
  22. That's what the DVR is for. Record it and watch it after the kids gone to sleep or whenever.
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