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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. You and your Japanese automobiles and New York State sparkling wines. You arrogant !@#$. Isn't there a Bills message board for elitists?
  2. Dude are you channeling Hank Kimball? I'll second that emotion.
  3. The Farmer just used this one in TSW. Accident?
  4. I suppose we don't know what kind of tick it was but with deer ticks you're supposed to apply heat so the tick "voluntarily" leaves. Deer ticks carry Lyme disease. It is extremely important to safely remove the tick with its head still attached to its body, and then dispose of it; you have to kill it… To remove a tick safely you need some petroleum jelly (Vaseline), a rag, some peroxide, and matches or a cigarette lighter. http://voices.yahoo.com/how-remove-deer-tick-6267092.html Lyme Disease is no joke. One of the main symptoms is that you basically feel like you have chronic fatigue syndrome. Please heed this advice if ever this happens again.
  5. While he worked very hard and performed very well, there seemed to be an emotional disconnect between Schobel and the fans. He always seemed to me like a guy who was giving an honest effort, but was also just collecting a paycheck. He didn't seem to connect with the fanbase or the community that I can remember. Others will correct me if I'm wrong about this.
  6. Deliberately inaccurate? I dunno bandit. I had him/her pegged as someone who doesn't know anything about football, thus his/her place on my ignore list. The board is much better when there's less of this stuff to wade through.
  7. I know he predicted that the Bills would make the post season. Once-bitten, twice-shy I guess. Six wins is the over/under in Vegas and is probably an accurate prediction. As for Cowherd, from the first time I heard him, I disliked him. I call him JT the Blowhard, Colin Brickherd, etc because to me he's just another opinionated blowhard like JT the Brick. I don't like that style of overly-assertive announcing. It's obnoxious to me. John Feinstein can be whiny and annoying in a high-strung, New York way but the guy is ridiculously knowledgeable and every fiber of his body is immersed in sports reporting. He's a very smart guy with tons of experience who's made a career out of really studying issues in great depth. It's been a treat for me to listen to Feinstein on the newly re-formed CBS Sports Radio.
  8. Did Willie "Flipper" Anderson ever play for the Dolphins? Well I don't know where you got your avatar but it is adorable, I must say.
  9. Plus the goatee of course. The shaved head + goatee is a very popular look for guys these days, regardless of race.
  10. Yeah as I said, the players generally lost in this last CBA but they greatly improved working conditions.
  11. Besides having good hands, Naaman ran very good routes. I remember Fitz saying that of all the Bills wideouts, Naaman was the one guy he could always count on to be in the right place at the right time. There have been players that through hard work have improved their quickness, speed and strength enough that they went from fringe NFLer to having a decent career. Hopefully this will be the case with Naaman.
  12. I'm pretty sure you're mistaken about this. Gailey never seemed to like Evans and was very lukewarm about the receiver any time he was asked to publicly comment on him. Also Nix seemed to go out of his way for the most part as far as accommodating Gailey's personnel desires so I seriously doubt the Bills traded Evans away against Gailey's wishes. Just pointing out the truth that a simple audit without context proves virtually nothing. It goes without saying that the Bills have not made great personnel choices, nor have they made good coaching hires. In an aside, I wrote a while back that there will be surprise cuts as there are every year, particularly when a new regime takes over. This will not be the last surprise cut. I also agree that it's not so much the player as the timing that's the surprise. Finally, the Anderson signing was a feel good signing that seemed to make sense when it happened. People wanted to accept it and feel good about it. But I remember someone posted a "Mark Anderson highlights" video from YouTube a month or so after the signing and you could see that he was basically a stronger Aaron Maybin. All of Anderson's sacks in that video came from speed and hustle and virtually every sack in that video resulted from the QB holding the ball too long. It was clear from that video that Anderson was the proverbial one-trick pony.
  13. This injury to Commings was more of a freak accident than anything else. While the players "took it on the chin" in the last CBA, they won in the area of "working conditions" where they gained numerous concessions making the offseason, training camp and regular season practice much more safe and much less arduous. For example: 1) The offseason programs have gone from a 14 week period to a 9 week period. 2) The number of OTA days has gone from 14 to 10. 3) The dreaded "two-a-days" (two full-contact practices) in training camp have been completely eliminated. 4) Training camp practices are now limited to no more than 3 hours. If there is a second practice that day, it has to be a walk-thru practice lasting no more than 1 hour. 5) Also new in training camp is the rule stipulating that teams give their players one complete day off with no practices or meetings. 6) Teams cannot have a padded practice until at least the 4th day of training camp. 7) During the regular season the team may hold no more than 14 full-pad practices with no more than 11 such practices in the first 11 weeks and the remaining 3 padded-practices spread out over the final 6 weeks. The players are overjoyed by these changes for good reason. What happened to Commings was virtually a non-contact injury. In the Cowboys training camp they've already suffered two non-contact injuries involving a bone bruise to the knee and a ruptured achilles tendon. Despite now enjoying the safest practice standards in decades, injuries will never be eradicated from NFL practices.
  14. This is true. Also you (and everyone else) forgot Chas Rheingoldstaten. This place is so disappointing sometimes. That freaking Nanker. He is a pet peeve unto himself. Other pet peeve that arose in this topic: don't say "multiple" as a synonym for 2, unless you're bragging about your sexual prowess. Can we agree that 2 is 2 and that multiple means more than 2? Thank you.
  15. The DEs and pass rushers on the list along with their ranking: 3) JJ Watt 8) Von Miller 14) DeMarcus Ware 18) Clay Matthews 20) Aldon Smith 21) Cameron Wake 28) Justin Smith 34) Jason Pierre-Paul 40) Jared Allen 43) Julius Peppers 66) Terrell Suggs 73) Muhammad Wilkerson 86) Calais Campbell
  16. I could be wrong but I'm thinking that once a drawbridge starts closing, you have to let it close before you open it. And vice versa. Regardless, it definitely looks like the skipper was trying to race through the ever-smaller opening. KInd of analogous to trying to beat a train to the crossing. In other words, what an idiot.
  17. The logical next question of course is which pass rushers and DEs are on the list. I'm getting ready for work so I'll check later.
  18. Thanks FluffHead! Like I said before, every once in awhile you bring us something of great substance (instead of the usual fluff)!
  19. I agree that for a person of his age and experience that Stevie is a bit immature. That immaturity has hurt his team on two occasions, both T-shirt related incidents. On the other hand, those teams were essentially going nowhere fast and at best, represented fool's gold in terms of their true potential. In that sense, Stevie hasn't really hurt the team in a way that other players have. People want to beat on Stevie for his drop against Pittsburgh but that doesn't even compare to Ronnie Harmon's drop against Cleveland for instance. So to put a positive spin on things, Stevie hasn't really hurt the team, his best days are still ahead of him, and I think that there's a good chance that any lingering immaturity on his part will not hurt the team.
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