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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Ultimately it was an aborted, failed attempt at secrecy. Moving forward…
  2. During his job interview with the Bills, Marrone was asked what his offensive philosophy was. His reply (which pleased Whaley and Brandon) was "You pass to score and run to win." I don't get the sense that this offense is gonna get "too cute" very often.
  3. You're getting your doctors mixed up. Mario saw Robert Anderson in North Carolina, the foot doctor who has worked on Kyle Williams. Also according to reports, Mario had to get permission to seek a second opinion. The Bills knew he was going and they knew where he was going.
  4. If the Bills wanted to solidify the position and gain some peace of mind, they could simply sign FA guard Brandon Moore. I think it's more likely that Marrone knows Brown and Legursky will be adequate but that he wants to see improvement from the two. Marrone doesn't seem to have a problem talking publicly about his players, positive or negative. Do you think Brandon and the Bean Counters would stand in the way if Whaley wanted to pursue a veteran guard?
  5. Marrone publicly stated that he was doing this. He's been transparent about blitzing Kolb more and EJ less.What duplicity are you talking about? eball never talked about a hidden agenda. Int machine? No. But he is the most-sacked QB per pass attempt in NFL history.
  6. Douche? We save that designation for special posters. :nana: Sounds like some sort of ring toss game maybe.
  7. But when he gets near the goal line he has a tendency to go headfirst to paydirt. I love that trait too. Stefan is a nice name. I think it fits him well. Stefan Manuel.
  8. He shoots… he scores!!! And what's more they gotta get it done.
  9. In training camp it's always good to pick up WRs and DBs as these positions do the most running and are seemingly more prone to muscle pulls and related injuries.
  10. Fitz doesn't wish that. He wanted to leave. Younger sister and your 12 year old? Old time amusement park on the shores of Lake Ontario, fairly close to Bills camp: http://seabreeze.com/ Theme Park on the way from Holland to Pittsford: http://www.darienlake.com/ In either case, bring bathing suits. Thanks for providing the link FiC.
  11. Nice of you to say so Ice Bowl. Of course we come in many different forms and some of us are even bipolar. You guys being from the frozen tundra are mostly north polar and maybe a bit less schizo.
  12. Yeah I liked your characterization of the process. I suppose this sort of thing has been done before but I've certainly never heard it articulated before. It's an interesting idea, challenging the veteran player with greater complexity while letting the younger player witness the results.
  13. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Ed Zachary Too effin' funny Nanker!
  14. This is all I need to know about your football knowledge.
  15. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/159486-western-ny-ers-i-need-your-dining-advice/ This topic is recent and it's titled, Western NY-ers, I need your dining advice!
  16. On Monday, in his second training camp practice, he looked spectacular. His passes shot downfield like accurate lasers into the hands of speeding receivers. It was, of course, just a practice and one very early in camp but the glimpse gave an idea of just how fast this offense can be when he becomes the quarterback of the future. He wasn't as good in Sunday night's opening practice but he took his mistakes and corrected them. This is how he measures progress: by making sure he doesn't repeat the errors of the previous day. If he keeps doing that day after day, week after week, he figures he will get better quickly, which is what the Bills want to see.
  17. Welcome aboard. For as long as we've waited, it'll be very sweet when the Bills get it turned around. Part of my belief is based on hope but I believe that the turnaround has begun and I'm looking forward to a lot of happy times with all of you guys.
  18. Thanks Astro and also to all the fans who've posted their account of things in this thread. It's great reading people's interpretation of events and I love cross-referencing all the posts to see if consensus is developing in any areas. One constant theme in all these accounts is that the kid Hogan is looking good even though Kauffman has been considered the prime WR sleeper. Also it seems that everyone's in agreement that Aaron Williams has looked good.
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