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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Thirty four posts and no one mentioned this? "Anytime you score, you can celebrate and you should get used to it. The more you celebrate, the more you want to do it, the more touchdowns come". Those words are fresh from the mouth of the Bills chest-bumping offensive coordinator, Nathaniel Hackett. According to the OP, Stevie said he was working on a "celebration dance." I didn't see the video nor apparently did any of you. Stevie was either: 1) Kidding around to get a laugh, or 2) He was serious. What percentage of wide receivers think about how they're gonna celebrate a TD? In the same interview Stevie said he would not hurt the team with his celebrations so what exactly is the problem here? His OC wants his players to celebrate TDs so again, what is the problem? Answer: There is no problem.
  2. I don't know if you're being facetious but he's probably talking about your post: You can quibble with papazoid's use of the word conspiracy to characterize your position but you accuse Yahoo and the Bills of passing off PR as journalism, with compensation paid to Yahoo. Take exception all you want but what you're describing is essentially a conspiracy.
  3. That's weird because I'd been hearing on sports talk radio that signing autographs for money is a direct violation of NCAA rules. Perhaps it's more complicated than that.
  4. Can someone tell me if I'm imagining things? Wasn't Payne Stewart a Bills fan? For some reason I remember him wearing some Bills logoage on an occasion or two.
  5. You're probably wrong about this too. The number of players with high yards per carries decreases with an increase in rushes. An economist might say that this illustrates the "Law of Diminishing Returns." A statistician might say that this illustrates a "Regression to the Mean." Regardless, you're wrong. Yards per carry is not linear. It's more evidence than anything you've posted. Spiller got injured last year while posting the most touches in his career. Again, what evidence do you have that he won't get injured if his workload increases? It's a matter of opinion and my opinion is better supported than yours.
  6. No love for Steve Alvers? He wasn't the franchise snapper that Sanborn is but he was pretty darned good.
  7. I've been working 7-12s lately so I've fallen a bit behind on the forum. Just clicked on this topic and like everyone else I'd like to express appreciation for mike, Astro, and mrags for their firsthand accounts of the goings-on at SJF. Mike gets big kudos for his photos as well. I also want to mention that I'm sincerely flattered by mentions from JN and NDBCF. It's put a huge smile on my face. You guys are awesome! :thumbsup:
  8. The line of the day! :lol: :lol: I thought his name was Chad? Better than on the strong side I guess.
  9. Well you have an interesting theory and much of what you say and imply is plausible, if a bit cynical. That said I feel that Brandon's enthusiasm is 100% authentic and that the Bills approach to the coaching hire, the draft, and free agency seems like a clear departure from the past. My instinct is that things have changed at One Bills Drive and as such I will continue to have my Kool-Aid straight from the packet and not dilute it with water.
  10. I'm as much a purist and traditionalist as most anyone but I've always felt that this is an interesting academic question. I wonder which player will be the first to just say "There's no point in me playing another year of college football. I'm gonna sit this one out, workout in the gym, go to football camps, work on my game, and wait for the draft." I also feel that what Johnny Manziel did (breaking NCAA rules and thereby jeopardizing his eligibility) might have been done partly with the intention of skipping out on his last required season. At least subconsciously.
  11. Thanks again Nanker. I was just gonna post that the Bills dead money needed context. Eleven million looks a lot better than $38, $30, or $28 million. I wonder what the league average is?
  12. You and Nanker makes some good points here. Yes, it's more about touches and snaps, and less about carries. Just having Spiller on the field more often will have a significant positive effect on the offense. For one thing he needs a few more touches. For another he's one scary-ass decoy. Spiller injured his shoulder against the Browns in week 3 and had only 23 touches over a 3 week stretch. On the play where he was injured he was probably 1-2 ft/lbs of force from having a broken collarbone. What's your evidence that he won't get injured with increased touches? AFAIC, 18 touches per game seems about right to me as far as CJ goes.
  13. Or, more plays means better fitness and less injuries. The Bills and Philly are using uptempo practice styles. Small sample size of course but has either team been wracked with injuries?
  14. Funny thread. This one was particularly excellent. :lol:
  15. Chan's also younger than Belichick. Marrone seems to wear the visor a lot.
  16. I guess the humiliation of "The Butt Fumble" was too much to live down.
  17. If we're going with past players, I love the idea of Andre. If it helps elevate awareness of Andre and keeps him on radar screens, so much the better. I often wonder if there's more we can do to get him in the HOF. That said I'm tired of dwelling in the past, The current edition of the Bills has a lot of young, exciting players ready to write some new history for this club. I'd rather we go with one of the newer, young guys.
  18. I disagree with your connect-the-dots theory . Mike Silver, Jeff Passan, Marc Spears, and Dan Wetzel, and Carpenter are all nationally-respected journalists. Carpenter worked at the Washington Post and the Seattle Times. All reporters at all levels are sometimes fed stories but I don't consider the Bills Carpenter piece to be fluff or a marketing/PR manipulation. The piece reports on the blow-by-blow and particular details of the Brandon hire and his head coaching search. Brandon's optimism is to be expected. It was the first head coaching search that he exclusively led and he made the Marrone hire. What do you expect his reaction to be?
  19. It's a fantasy football article and they tend to be irreverent.
  20. Disagree. My bold prediction is that Aaron Williams suffers a turf toe injury and becomes this year's Honey… I mean Boo Boo Foot Williams.
  21. Would you kindly link for us the Yahoo statement that Les Carpenter is part of a "Yahoo unit that helps PR departments push their stories?" I'm curious to know how you found out that Carpenter has "dual roles." Is this the same for all of Yahoo's sports writers? Or is Carpenter among a small group of Yahoo sportswriters with a "dual role?"
  22. Perhaps the photo of Moorman punting out of his own end zone?
  23. So Les Carpenter is just some tool for Brandon to manipulate? I thought he was a respected NFL writer. I'd be interested to know how Kirwan and King's pieces differ from Carpenter's piece. Not arguing, just asking.
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