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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Anyways, the Eagles offense (particularly Michael Vick) is showing signs of life. Vick thanked Kelly for making football "fun again." http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/08/16/vick-thanks-chip-kelly-for-making-football-fun/
  2. To the bolded, great point. Eddie Abramoski would know. He was the Bills trainer from 1960 to 1997. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Abramoski I also doubt that Harris is being untruthful.
  3. Was it the bold lettering, the capitalizations, or the name calling?
  4. Cam Newton(notes) 8 17 112 47.1 6.6 0 0 0 0 68.8 http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/boxscore?gid=20130815021'>http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/boxscore?gid=20130815021 EJ Manuel(notes) 16 21 107 76.2 5.1 0 0 1 0 102.7 http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/boxscore?gid=20130815021 Yeah good call. The rookie in his NFL debut did the same thing as the 3rd year pro. :wallbash: :wallbash:
  5. Also FWIW, Spurrier had a 10 year career as an NFL backup QB. One of the interesting anomalies in the NFL coaching ranks (besides Chip Kelly having zero NFL experience) is that former Cardinals Head Coach and present-day Steelers OC Todd Haley has never played football at any level.
  6. I know I harp on this but I place great weight on the fact that Marrone is a former NFL player and a former NFL Offensive Coordinator. My biggest area of skepticism with Chip Kelly stems from the fact that he's never worked in the NFL in any capacity until now.
  7. Geez Metz. I really haven't seen enough of Kevin Kolb to have an opinion on that. It's hard to believe that he would be less accurate than Fitz though. Or have a weaker arm. I would believe that Fitz has better intangibles but I'd have a hard time believing that Fitz has better measurables. I have to say I find it interesting that the Bills new braintrust found Kolb to be an attractive option. I'm very curious to see how Kolb shows tomorrow night.
  8. I thought so too. But he had loose lips as lots of Bills fans were buying him beers.
  9. Now why would you want to burst bubbles? Just let people have their fun. To the bolded above, you're being ridiculous. We got "saddled" with the guy because our Head Coach, Offensive Coordinator, and General Manager liked him. Actually not that many do but the few that believe this are very vocal. Tuel is almost a Messiah to some fans. To the subject, if Tuel played so well as to force the hand of the coaching staff, I think they would entertain giving him first team reps. That hasn't happened yet. They see him in practice. They videotape the practices and grade every player. They sit down with him in meetings. I think the Bills know what they have in Tuel. To the discussion of how politics and pedigree affect a player's fate, while I don't believe this is a factor in the Bills QB situation, this sort of thing exists at every level of sport from youth sports to who makes a country's Olympic team. To believe otherwise is naive.
  10. Perhaps a legal name change is in the works. Then he could contact TO and get the keys to the city back. Robey's play is a bit reminiscent of Jabari Greer. Undersized but highly-skilled finesse CBs.
  11. Massachusetts Evacuated To Prevent Any Contact With Tom Brady’s Knee
  12. I like the fact that for the 2nd week in a row, we're playing a team that made the wild card round last year. Minnesota's a good measuring stick.
  13. Two thoughts on this one. I believe we might actually be talking about Stevie's stepdad who's often been identified as his father. We met him last year in Glendale at the Bills game… his seats were very close to ours and we had a couple beers together at halftime. He said that Stevie loved Fitz as a person but kinda hinted that he wasn't crazy about him as a QB. As far as Fitz usurping Locker (taken 8th overall), it could happen only because Locker like draft classmates Ponder (taken 12th overall) and Gabbert (taken 10th overall) have both sucked big time. Altering the subject, to me it was so obvious that EJ Manuel was a far superior prospect to any of these guys so to beat a dead horse some more, I can't understand why anyone was critical of the Bills trading down and then getting Manuel at #16. Being critical of the Manuel pick in the context of Locker, Gabbert, and Ponder is a little bit insane, isn't it??? Not only are EJ's measurables far superior to any of these guys, but his intangibles were only approached by Ponder's and his college career was way beyond any of these guys.
  14. Tying this in to football, I find it interesting that Moats is apparently Kiko Alonso's primary backup (for those who haven't heard, Alonso's being held out of tomorrow night's game because between practices and the games, Marrone feels Kiko's racking up too many reps and needs a rest). Arthur has yo-yoed back and forth in his career between outside and inside. He's quite a versatile football player but I was a bit surprised to find that he's the primary backup to Alonso.
  15. Wow. Good manners on the part of all of you guys. Should we push our luck and discuss where Jabari Greer ranks in all of this? JK.
  16. It seems we're venturing into a grey area here. There is camp fodder and then there are those undrafted free agents who are bid on by teams immediately after the draft. The latter often get signing bonuses, some which rarely exceed the bonuses of 7th rounders. There was a Dallas Cowboys player and another player who I believe had this happen to him. Can't link up… gotta run to work. Could be wrong but I think there's a bit of a distinction there.
  17. Exactly! How would one characterize a cornerback that gets his hands on more balls but catches less of them? Obviously he's a better cover man but has poorer hands.
  18. Winfield and Clements had more passes defensed than McGee when they were teammates? Well certainly you disproved my point that a team's best cornerback will have fewer passes defensed because he's thrown at less. Maybe Winfield had more passes defensed because he's more often matched up against the other team's best receiver? Just a thought. So if Winfield and Clements had more passes defensed than McGee, how does that fit into your upthread assertion that McGee was a better cover cornerback than Winfield or your snide insinuation that McGee is a better cover man than "third team" Clements? Also you stray from the argument when mentioning that Clements is on his third team. Is this fact more or less relevant than the fact that Terrence McGee is out of the league and hasn't had a decent season since 2008? http://www.pro-footb.../M/McGeTe99.htm
  19. How many people who park and walk do you figure this will affect? Also, can you tell how high the fence will be? I wonder if people will come upon the fence not expecting it and try climbing over it instead of walking all the way around. Theoretically they could still be sued if someone fell and injured them self.
  20. I'm not sure what the point of your post is? Whether it was your intent or not you made the posts of Nanker, Big Cat, and Beerball stronger.
  21. While I believe that Tebow sucks, there are plenty of people who don't believe that at all. Finalist for funniest post. Thanks for the report, kd. I'm gonna say this was tongue-in-cheek. Good stuff. That was a glorious Peter Pan opportunity. Another finalist. Good thing it wasn't… you know… never mind. And yet another finalist. I agree with whites bay's Montana comment. It was pretty cool watching a concussed Montana on the visitors sideline looking lost and faraway because of the beating he took from the Bills. I'd rather see the Bills pound Brady into retirement the way we did Shula and Marino.
  22. Thanks for the citation but it was someone else who made this point in another thread. But like you and BuffaloWings point out, why not be a good team and draft well every year like Pittsburgh and Baltimore? You of all people should know that preseason results are meaningless. Good post. BTW, are you the person who gave Pete Prisco wedgies back in the day? Because of your name it seemed like a natural question. To the bolded, I tried articulating this point after Sunday's game but I couldn't remember the word extrapolate and so I was unsuccessful. Well done! Back to "Clowning for Clowney," I can't think of a more defeatist attitude.
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