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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. EJ knew where it was coming from. He started doing the reverse pivot while the ball was being snapped to him but the rush was perfectly timed. The only thing he could have done better on that play is simply throw the ball away rather than trying to evade the rush with the reverse move.
  2. As the critics were very wrong about, EJ's accuracy is remarkable. He's a natural thrower with a smooth motion and he throws a well-placed and catchable ball with the flick of his wrist. A lot of young QBs get adrenalined out and overthrow everything. If you graded every throw he made, you'd have to give him a nearly perfect score both for the decision on where to go with the ball but also for the quality of the throw itself. I also believe that for the most part, the Bills are keeping Goodwin under wraps until the regular season starts. It seems like they're running some stuff in practice that they're not showing in games.
  3. FWIW, I'm guessing Marquis didn't miss any games to injury in 4 years at Texas because he played in 49 games.
  4. Yep, that was his only bad pass. The two incompletions were throwaways. On EJ's sack, I don't think any QB in the league would have escaped that pass rush. I don't think EJ made a single mental error. On one short pass to Brad Smith, he looked at Smith, glanced downfield while rolling to his right, and flipped the ball to Smith for a 7 yard gain. It was not a huge play but his poise and patience were very impressive. It was like the game was moving at EJ's speed and not the other way around (like with Kolb).
  5. Remember the threads devoted to the Hughes trade? As per usual, there were a lot of optimists and a lot of pessimists. Personally I couldn't believe that we could trade Kelvin Sheppard for anything, much less a former first rounder coming off a career high 4.5 sacks. I wonder how the trade is playing in Indy right around now.
  6. By the way, your boy Tasker was really, really bad tonight. Almost everything he said from start to finish was wrong. But I love Steve and don't hold that against him. Kolb was terrible. He was consistently late with his reads. He was not on the same page with his receivers. He showed average at best arm strength and didn't seem to see the field well. He often threw off his back foot and his body language was poor. When he was standing in the pocket he looked smaller than he actually is. I'm not sure how much the missed week of practice hurt him but it was very clear that EJ has a much better grasp (actually command) of the offense than does the 7 year veteran. As I said in another thread, The EJ era has begun. And what a storybook start, getting a loud welcome from the home fans and then taking his team on a 14 play, 80 yard touchdown drive. It seems like the only 2 passes EJ didn't complete were throw aways. He played with confidence and swagger, and with a great command of the offense and his teammates. The other two drives started at the Buffalo 3 yard line and the Buffalo 2 yard line. Though neither of these drives ended with scores, EJ made good decisions and good throws. Several of his completions tonight (both short and mid-range) were passes most QBs can only dream of. He can put plenty of mustard on the ball but his accuracy and touch are elite.
  7. This is a good move for Andre on many levels.
  8. Uhhh… the EJ Manuel era has begun. He'll start and play the first half.
  9. Ironically if McCargo would have had the career that Kyle Williams has had, he'd have been considered a good first round pick, especially so for being taken 26th overall.
  10. True he was made a WR but he wasn't comfortable with the move and asked the coaching staff to move him back to TE and they obliged him. It'll be a battle for Dickerson to make the team at TE but he had zero chance as a WR so good for him knowing what was best for his chances and exerting some influence over his career.
  11. Catching up to the thread I noticed a few things. On two occasions, Kolb was having "conversations" with teammates. He was talking to Lee Smith and though both were professional, you could see that they disagreed as to what happened on the previous play. A bit later Kolb was talking to Tashard Choice and after a back and forth, Kolb had the last word and Choice walked away shaking his head in what looked like disagreement. Even before the stat was posted, you could see that EJ had greater command of the offense than Kolb did and you could tell that they were calling their plays and getting set up much faster. As Mark Vader pointed out, the stadium gave a loud Buffalo welcome to EJ. It was pretty loud! You could see EJ's presence on the field energize his teammates. You could see all the players getting buzzed with excitement. And then on his first drive of his career in Ralph Wilson Stadium, EJ takes them down the field and throws a touchdown pass. I think it might have been Brawndo who said that we might be witnessing something special. That inaugural drive and TD pass by EJ was a special moment, IMO. And to see how confident and in command he is, how polished and under control… it's amazing.
  12. Powell misses again. Did anyone notice Marrone giving him an earful after that first shank?
  13. NFL Preseason Live. Only $17 bucks. Every NFL preseason game. You can watch them as many times as you want. Great for scouting fantasy football.
  14. Ponder and the offense look kinda overmatched. Lawson with a serious ragdoll… Ponder lucky his head didn't whip into the ground.
  15. 1) He was never open 2) Ball was thrown inside instead of outside
  16. Goodwin wasn't open, Kolb shouldn't have thrown it there. Tasker is wrong.
  17. Catalano and Tasker both seem like they're having a hard time with the English language. Tony Corrente?
  18. IMO he's a vile human being and a disgrace to his Dad's musical legacy. I'm probably being a bit harsh but that's how I feel. And I like lots of redneck and hillbilly music but not Hank Jr.
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