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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Still, EJ had a better career than any of them AND was taken later than any of them. And Buffalo reached? I've lost more faith in the mainstream sports media this year than ever before. That's probably a good thing.
  2. The Vikings are now 0-2 in the preseason. To the "preseason is meaningless people," tell that to Leslie Frazier and Jim Irsay. Do you think Chuck Pagano feels no pressure to beat the Giants tomorrow? Do you think Chan Gailey didn't feel pressure after going 0-4 last year?
  3. I have to hop on the bolded because part of my personal agenda is exorcising from this board the misguided opinion that "players win games." The two most important factors in the success of an NFL football team is: 1) Coaching 2) Quarterbacking You need both to be successful. As to the rest of the team, most teams are very similar in talent and more to the point, a team with better coaching and quarterbacking will destroy a team with (for instance) better offensive and defensive lines. It's hard to express how bad a coach Dave Wannstedt was. And yes, he cost us more games than any non-QB player ever could have.
  4. Probably he doesn't have much trade value. But it only takes one team to be interested. What is the basis for claiming that Da'Rick Rogers has a higher ceiling than Marcus Easley? I'm not disagreeing with you necessarily but I'm not seeing the logic that seems clear to you.
  5. Traffic was reported to be epically bad around the stadium that night. I guess it might have been the first time 80,000+ people ever gathered for anything in Western New York.
  6. No mention of the fact that these were Florida State's last two quarterbacks? Seems like a natural mention and as such, a glaring omission. Both were first rounders with Ponder drafted 4 picks higher than EJ was. Meanwhile both Clocker (8th overall) and Gabbert (12th overall) continue to suck. EJ had a better career than any of these three QBs and yet the Bills "reached" for EJ? Okay.
  7. I've never seen it done and it's certainly counter-intuitive so I'm gonna guess, No.
  8. Thanks for the link. I haven't read it yet but Hughes was no longer "stuck behind depth" as they let Dwight Freeney walk. Why would a team trade away a pass rusher on the heels of saying goodbye to their greatest pass rusher of all time? Not to be a jerk but since when is Kelvin Sheppard an inside run stopper? He certainly wasn't in Buffalo. Yep. Hughes beat a good tackle on the one sack. He doesn't have the power aspect to his game but he's a bit short and can get underneath some of these tall tackles pretty well. It looks like Hughes can get engulfed and wired to a blocker but with a running start and space to operate, he's a nice weapon. He's good in space and a small target for a pass blocker. I'm still trying to figure out who Hughes reminds me of.
  9. I can't swear it's an original thought. Someone else might have suggested it in the time between now and Pettine being hired.
  10. No. I wasn't really suggesting that. What I was suggesting was that there were 70 comments/opinions about a quote by people who most likely didn't see the video and therefore can't really judge Frazier's comments based on reading them in print.
  11. Dogging you??? I was stating that: 1) It was ridiculous to suggest cutting Kolb and replacing him with _______________ (your suggestion) who doesn't even know the offense. 2) It is ridiculous to cut Kolb before he had even played in a game for the Bills. I could easily go back and reprise many of your comments about the Bills offseason decisions (you're not a strong supporter) but I'll stay away from any more cheap shots. I hope you do the same.
  12. Here's the video of Frazier's post game presser. You can't judge his comments without seeing the video and listening to the audio. http://www.vikings.com/media-vault/videos/Frazier-We-Definitely-Have-Work-To-Do/6e4d09fb-5df0-446f-9972-50137847fd0f You have to know what questions were asked. It's at about 1:35. Frazier smiled about it and was very calm and philosophical. The reporters wouldn't drop the issue. Frazier's a very positive human being.
  13. The penalties were bad. That definitely needs to be cleaned up.
  14. I'll agree that Tuel is a better QB than you are a poster. That's for sure.
  15. Tcali was at that game. I remember listening on the radio.
  16. Tasker and Bentley were virtually unlistenable last night. For a network guy I don't know how Tasker can have such a low floor. There must have been about two dozen things he said last night that were clearly wrong. And Bentley is about as English articulate as australopithecus.
  17. As I've said before, Searcy is a Whitner-like player. Very good against the run, a bit of a liability in the pass game. Glad he wasn't a high-round pick.
  18. Clowns? Every time you post here the collective IQ on the board drops 20 points. Please bring your "thoughts" elsewhere. Go back under your bridge.
  19. Also, EJ played 3 series, not 2. The third series was an 8 play 40 yarder which started at the Bills 2 yard line and was hurt by a couple of offensive penalties. That was the series in which EJ threw that guided missile to Kauffman.
  20. The Redskins will be the 3rd wild card team the Bills have played this preseason.
  21. That's right. I wonder if the Bill Walsh Minority Coaching Fellowship advises players to not coach in the cities in which they played?
  22. I predict that they'll be singing a different tune in October. If not sooner.
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