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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. I didn't realize Trent was a douche. I thought he was an alright guy but not such a great quarterback. In what ways is he a douche?
  2. You started moving in the direction of another point but didn't quite mention it. Once the "media experts" had egg on their faces from predicting Nassib either to the Bills or as a first rounder (many of them also had Geno Smith and Matt Barkley as first rounders) then they acted like a "woman scorned." Their embarrassment turned into anger towards the Bills. All because they were lazy and incompetent and because the Bills make such a convenient target.
  3. Yeah I'm a big critic of Wilson but there is no set of circumstances where I'd trade him for Daniel Snyder.
  4. The part that makes me disagree was his very last sentence, in fact his very last two words. I could be reading into it too much but it seems like the fact that he ended on a positive note means something.
  5. I see the point but still disagree. The two biggest "skeletons in the closet" would be the murder weapon and the getaway vehicle. One of those was with a friend and the other with a family member. If he really did a good job of covering up, neither of those things would still be in existence and he wouldn't be implicated in that crime. JMO.
  6. And after being asked about Da'Rick, the last sentence of Marrone's presser today was: "We just have to get it to where he’s constantly going up and he should be a fine player." While it's far from a guarantee, it didn't sound like Marrone was contemplating Rogers not making the team.
  7. He gave the murder weapon to some girl to hold onto? The vehicle used in the murder was parked in his uncle's garage? I'll have to disagree with you.
  8. While I think Chris will always be viewed by NFL followers as a Detroit Lion, I'm just happy that he was associated with the Buffalo Bills. It's an honor for an organization to have such a person play for them.
  9. "With E.J. Manuel trying to get over a knee procedure, Kevin Kolb is going to get all the first team reps and will likely start the final two preseason games." http://www.wgr550.com/to-bills-drive/17093948 Thank me.
  10. Unfortunately, for the second day in a row there are no reports as to how many snaps each QB had with the first team. Pretty much par for the course in this market.
  11. Geez. This is like the drug screen equivalent to "the dog ate my homework."
  12. :lol: Yep. The 9th pick overall would have been a good time to pick a solid right tackle. And yet many people here both before and after the draft were saying that the pick should have been Bulaga.
  13. I'm not familiar with the laws mitigating a criminal's ability to profit from a crime they committed but Hernandez could always try to write a book on how not to cover up a murder. He's certainly an authority.
  14. I'm partial to "Hip Hip Hooray!!!" followed by a rousing chorus of "For He's the Jolly Good Fellow."
  15. Thanks Cale. That link was previously posted. I just don't know where. Here's one place it was linked but I think there was another too. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/160446-mike-rodakespn-bb-blogger-downplays-bb-defense/page__st__20#entry2875295
  16. We could put out the Brawndo light. On the other hand, this probably warrants its own thread. Can a mod change the thread title?
  17. And that's why Maybin would be of no interest to the Bills. This coaching staff appears to be competent.
  18. I believe that teams can still apply and receive roster exemptions for players who initially did not report: http://blogs.nfl.com/2011/09/03/titans-given-roster-exemption-for-chris-johnson/ I could be wrong.
  19. No. Brad Smith has not worked out with the quarterbacks at all.
  20. Kinda sad. I think he has a good chance of catching on with another team. Best of luck, Rian.
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