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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. As many of us said numerous times, there was no way in hell he was gonna miss any games. Not at $432,000 per game.
  2. And here: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/08/20/jairus-byrd-signs-franchise-tender/
  3. Without seeing the drawings for what actual work was done, I would say no, they're not new. However it seems like the "core and shell" of Lambeau has remained largely intact while it seems like Soldier Field was largely rebuilt with only the colonnade preserved from the old stadium. In both cases the field has remained in the same place but it seems like Lambeau retains more of its original bones than does Soldier. Amazing that The Ralph is already the 6th oldest.
  4. Re-joining the conversation, I see it's not necessary nor was the intent to compare the character of the two owners. Let me just say again that I would rather have Ralph Wilson as the team's owner than Daniel Snyder. I'll leave it at that.
  5. Bulaga was going to play left tackle yes. A position he had never played before and had never proven that he could play in the NFL. IMO if you make picks like Bulaga with the 9th pick overall, your team will never improve. As far as Spiller and his "general body of work," the optimism about the Spiller pick is based more on expectations of the future than satisfaction with the past. After last season people finally see what Nix and Gailey saw in him when they drafted him. This is exciting. Finally, there are dogmatic rules regarding the draft for instance, strict adherence to positional values. However drafting is an art, like many things in life. You have to know when to follow rules and when not to. You can't simply go to a poker table and pledge to play tight all the time thinking your going to win. It doesn't work that way. Sometimes a great pick is as simple as getting the best football player regardless of position.
  6. And yet Chris was also an archetype, a throwback. The classic middle linebacker. I guess when you're born in Canton, Ohio like Spielman it's not a surprise that you evoke images of Chuck Bednarik, Joe Schmidt, and Ray Nitschke.
  7. DStebb, I don't know how experienced you are around a message board but if I may offer you an unsolicited observation, you'll find that if you are at all imprecise about your use of language that people will take you to task for that. The only way to not have people misinterpret, misunderstand, or appropriate your words is to be very precise with your language.
  8. Technically (and I don't know why) it's "Ranks Rastro."
  9. This board drives me crazy sometimes. Here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ItcxtKbJ1U IMO there's no question it was a dirty hit. To think that Swearinger had no other options on the tackle is completely absurd. It was a shoulder launched just above the knee. Whatever happened to coaches teaching players to aim for the waist? Keller did not have a radical body lean which would have minimized the target area. Swearinger launched into the one area where he could have caused serious injury. Keller's head was too high and thus it wasn't even an option. There was plenty of attack surface from shoulder to waist.
  10. To me, being a douche is like being an a-hole (although not exactly anatomically). I never considered Trent an a-hole. Thus my questioning of your comment. He's probably a pretty good guy although maybe a bit narcissistic. Sometimes parents do that to kids and it's not the kid's fault.
  11. I could be wrong but I think this is the first time (or one of the very few times) this fact has been posted since shortly after we signed Rogers as an undrafted free agent. To me, the significance of this fact is that IF Rogers were to be waived and IF he were not to be claimed by a team wanting to place him on their active roster, that there would be a good chance that he would choose Buffalo's practice squad instead of another team's practice squad.
  12. Anyways, without scoreboard and/or PA announcer "conducting" the proposed cheer, pulling it off would be pretty impossible. In a stadium that large, the whole thing would need to be coordinated. How could you possibly get a critical mass of people to say "Man" simultaneously otherwise?
  13. Daniel Snyder is a lousy human being. If others don't, when I get back from work this afternoon I'll post plenty of evidence. There's no shortage of news stories showing what a dirtbag he is. Defending his character is a waste of time.
  14. Like all GMs, Buddy had his misses. Also though I think Buddy and the previous coaching staff didn't mesh well. You look at the failed Sheppard pick. The Bills coached him in the Senior Bowl and very likely Chan went to bat for the kid. He was wrong. Tyler Thigpen had to be a Gailey guy. Then you look at a lot of the players whom Nix brought in (T Jax) and were not given much of a chance on the field and it seems like Buddy and Chan weren't on the same page enough to have any success. Mostly the previous coaching staff really sucked.
  15. The comparisons between Fitz and Kolb are a little bit disrespectful to Fitz. I get that neither of them are all that great but: 1) Fitz was gritty, Kolb not so much 2) Fitz was decisive and determined. Again, Kolb not so much
  16. Yeah he's delusional big time. I think he knows that these letters will be disclosed to the public and thinks that they'll help his cause somehow. For all we know the letters could be a ploy by his attorney to make Hernandez look more sympathetic. I don't think it's gonna work.
  17. Stupidity on so many levels for Nigel. My wife was born and raised in Tonawanda. For years I played softball for Cassata's Dome( ) Stadium. Tinted windows? 2 am? Florida plates? In Tonawanda? He was virtually begging to be pulled over.
  18. I'm sorry to hear about this billsareback. I can only think of two things to do: 1) Call the NFL and ask them if what the Bills ticket office says is true. It sounds like the Bills might be giving you a line of bull. If the league can confirm that the Bills are lying to you, you have a much better chance at "winning." 2) Try to contact someone higher up in the Bills organization. At every step that you don't get satisfaction you should demand to speak to that person's superior. Just work your way up. If you're rude and angry, they'll sandbag you so be polite but firm. Write down your main points on a piece of paper and calmly run down them to each person you speak with. Be factual, not emotional. You will win on facts, not anger. If you find out that what the Bills have told you is NOT an NFL policy, that obviously will give you a lot more ammo. And whatever you do, don't let this ruin your season. Remember that Wilson has always been the same person he is now and don't let the backwards nature of his business practices ruin your retirement, your party, or the generosity of your wife's gift. Good luck.
  19. Where to start? Whether you want to admit it or not, Lynch was not long for Buffalo and the team and many of its fans were smart enough to understand that. You don't remember the Chippewa Street incident? You don't remember the marijuana and weapons charges? These both happened BEFORE Spiller was drafted. The Lynch argument is a non-starter for accurate discussion. The writing was on the wall for Lynch. Spiller was at the time considered the best talent available with the only possible exceptions being Dez Bryant and Jason Pierre-Paul. Bryant was a serious attitude problem and JPP was an unproven commodity with very little track record. Why don't you just admit that Spiller was a great pick? I know you wanted the Bills to draft Bulaga and had they done so it would have been a horrible pick, Spiller or no Spiller. As far as your thesis about passing haves and have-nots, it's irrelevant because there weren't any good QBs available at that point and only a few good receivers. The Bills tried trading back into the first round for Demaryius Thomas but failed. Dallas with their high risk tolerance took Bryant. The Bills like several teams probably dropped him on their board. As far as your mention of Chris Johnson and Steven Jackson not making the playoffs, the best receiver in football Calvin Johnson has gone to the playoffs just once in his six year career. Do you consider Calvin Johnson to be a bad pick? Your criticism of the Spiller pick has been proven wrong. Clearly from your post, you don't really want to see him play and get his first regular season catch. Again, Lynch would not be a part of any Buffalo team. His stealing money from mall shoppers was only further proof of this. Stop talking about Lynch. It's silly. Bulaga seems like a solid right tackle who will miss this season due to injury. You're nuts to think he'd be a good pick at #9. I banged the drum for Kaepernick and wished the Bills had taken him. But I banged the drum for EJ Manuel and I'm glad we have him so I don't feel like I have to talk about Kaepernick anymore. Here's a distinction you don't seem to make: CJ Spiller is a playmaker. He's a home run hitter. In that regard he's more similar to OJ and has little in common with the other RBs you mention excepting maybe Thurman. When you have a player like CJ Spiller, it changes the way defenses game plan because CJ can take it the distance on any play. That puts him in a small group of players, regardless of position. That's why players like Reggie Bush and CJ Spiller are viewed differently than conventional running backs and were drafted so highly at a time when running backs generally aren't taken highly anymore. Other teams view CJ as "a weapon," not just a running back. You also continue to want to lump the mistakes of regimes of decades ago with more recent regimes as you continue to talk about a "methodology." The Bills haven't had a methodology. They've been a largely incompetent organization. Well all know this already and don't need the constant reminders.
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