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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. What hard heads would disagree with the statement that "you are what your record says you are?" I don't remember anyone here arguing that the Bills have drafted well or that the Bills are better than their record. Do you? On another point you say that pass rushers are more important than cornerbacks. Can I assume you believe that pass rushers are more important than running backs? If so does that mean that Maybin was a better pick than Spiller? Or does your last line about "The first round is where you seek quality" mean that Spiller was a better pick?
  2. It seems like you were engaged in a discussion with some misguided new poster and making the point that he was nonsensical in making Bradham's misstep equivalent to Hernandez' homicide. I think 3rd and 12 was agreeing with you and actually addressing the misguided new poster. However he began his post with "I don't think we have to" which would seem like 3rd and 12 was disagreeing with you. But I think actually he was saying that the differences are so obvious that we don't have to rewind back to 1st grade math (for the misguided poster). I was concerned that you had moved into a conflict situation with 3rd and 12 who I believe was agreeing with you. Thus my question to you.
  3. Great post. Everyone would agree that having pass rushers is very important but that doesn't make Aaron Maybin a good pick. The Bills have picked too many bad football players more than they picked the wrong positions. To make matters worse, over the last decade they've have had a poor percentage of retaining those draft picks who do pan out.
  4. I don't understand your point. No one player is going to get their team to the playoffs. I've said this innumerable times. Archie Manning and Bert Jones were considered elite quarterbacks. Unfortunately they played for horrible teams. I don't know if either of them ever made the playoffs. Like Adrian Peterson, Calvin Johnson is one of the best players in football and he's made the playoffs once in 7 years. There is no one single way to win a championship. All teams need good QBs and good coaching as I've stated ad infinitum. After that all teams are different. Any great player will help their team win a championship. No single player can do it by themselves. Is that clear enough? I've been saying that Spiller was a good pick. Are you saying that he wasn't a good pick? If not what is your point?
  5. Anyways, I thought this thread was about Chris White which I thought was weird. I also thought the topic was that White would not be playing against Carolina which I thought was even more weird considering he hasn't yet made the team and we don't play Carolina till week 2. To the topic, white-outs suck. White is the universal color of surrender. When you're waving a pomp pomp it makes no noise. A team should want its fans making noise, not making silence. Football is a manly game. Pom Poms are not manly. The white-out is one of the stupider ideas ever promulgated by sports marketing people.
  6. When I buy beer at the grocery store, I usually bring it home in my car. Walking really isn't an option. They drafted a thug. They videotaped opponents. You consider New England to be a classy organization? I've seen this pattern before. Good bye. What about what he posted do you not understand?
  7. I chose option 4. I would add the following players to the current edition of the Bills: Calvin Johnson, Adrian Peterson, Patrick Willis, and Vernon Davis.
  8. There's only so much payroll to go around and I'd hate to see the Bills shoot their wad on an interior offensive lineman.
  9. Thanks kindly for the invitation John. Unfortunately I won't be arriving in Buffalo till one week from today. Hope you and the others have a great time.
  10. You mischaracterize my opinion when you say of me "you don't care whether a pick makes sense in the grand scheme......rather all you care about is whether that pick becomes a good player." The actual truth is what I said earlier (paraphrasing) that "there is an art to the draft. You have to know when to follow rules and when to think outside the box." You can't be dogmatic and conventional in your thinking at every pick." I made the poker analogy I'm sure you recall. As far as your addressing the "weapon, playmaker, home run hitter" topic, Roscoe Parrish, Brad Smith, and Leodis McKelvin are not even in the same solar system as CJ Spiller. Chris Johnson would be the closest comparison. Jamaal Charles would be another one. Reggie Bush in college. Adrian Peterson is a good comparison in terms of explosiveness, not in style though. Peterson is in a league of his own. Workhorse AND home run hitter. You are also dismissive of the fact that in spite of having been very underused, CJ had 43 receptions for 459 yards and 2 TDs receiving last year. Point being that he's a weapon in the passing game too. His mere presence in the backfield or lined up wide opens things up for the other players. CJ both directly and indirectly is a significant benefit to the passing game and it seems like you really short him here. You have season tickets. You don't remember times when Spiller's mere presence as a receiver influenced how the defenses lined up? You can see more in the stadium than I can on TV and I've seen it on TV. As far as your final idea that first rounders are "supposed to be playmakers" two of the first round running backs you mentioned earlier, Travis Henry and Antowain Smith were absolutely not playmakers. They were first rounders and they were running backs but they were plowhorses, not playmakers and defensive coordinators never lost sleep wondering how to defense them in contrast to the clear problems a player like CJ Spiller presents. The Spiller pick was a great pick.
  11. :lol: :lol: As a point of form, the phrase must be structured "I can't believe the lack of respect on this board for ___________."
  12. Glad you suggested this or my search would have been fruitless. I thought it would be fun to see what people were saying about the Sheppard-Hughes trade.
  13. Here's some pertinent information: According to this source the Bills average about 15,000 Canadian fans for each home game. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Football_League_in_Toronto#Buffalo_Bills With capacity at just under 74,000, that amounts to better than 1 Canadian resident for every 4 US residents. That's a high percentage of Canadians making the trek down.
  14. You should. I call on behalf of my parents and get them discounted for all sorts of things. In the old country of our parents generations, haggling in the marketplace was a way of life. While marketplace haggling doesn't really exist anymore in the US, dealing with companies like this on the phone is the modern day equivalent. People should do it and feel comfortable with it and save themselves money.
  15. As I said upthread, my opinion is that Bostic led with the crown of his helmet and that his helmet contacted Willie's. That said, the above is a good point in that the receiver showed bad awareness and bad protective instincts. He was so focused on the ball that he wasn't aware of the defender who was within his field of view. Still though, that is not pertinent to whether the hit deserved a fine or not.
  16. Here's some pertinent information: The last time the Bills hosted a late season game that had great significance was on January 2, 2005. It was the infamous "Steelers Scrubs" game, the regular season finale where the Bills needed to win to have a chance at getting into the playoffs. Stadium Capacity at that time was 73,967 (2001-2007) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Wilson_Stadium#Seating_capacity Attendance that day was 73,414. http://www.footballdb.com/boxscore/2005010208 I truly believe that unlike in the 90s that this fanbase does not take the team for granted anymore and understands what is at stake if the team is not supported to a reasonable degree.
  17. Clearly those guys don't know WTFTTA because in limited game snaps this preseason, Kyle looks like the Kyle of 2010 when he was dominating (and completely healthy).
  18. So true. Brady might just as well have repeated "Wanny is an idiot."
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