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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. This is the same guy who reported that Byrd was miffed at the Bills?
  2. Also, when it's dark ghosts are very hard to see. You think you see something but you're not sure. On a different subject, is a huge kitty better or worse than a "glove-wearing mary?" Can we have a ruling on this?
  3. You're welcome. Marrone said that it was "my call" to go with 3 QBs in camp because he wanted to get each QB a lot of reps. He owned the fact that the Bills are now shorthanded at the position. It was interesting seeing him at the podium after the Bills first (and ugly) loss. It gives you a feeling for his temperament.
  4. Marrone's postgame presser: http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/Doug_Marrone_Postgame_Press_Conference/59618a7f-7659-4bd7-82d7-d7ca2ff44592 Roundup: http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/Bills_Roundup_Kolb_Injured_Buffalo_Falls_307/6c207ba8-510e-43e9-ad87-8bd9829b6567 Tuel postgame presser: http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/Jeff_Tuel_Postgame_Press_Conference/573bcc36-46a2-42a9-b3f0-47f5a37e55ad
  5. I think Kolb was running really slowly on that play because he was in the process of pooping his football pants.
  6. Detroit will be a very good test for the Bills, BTW. They have an excellent front 7 and they have been a very talented and underachieving group. They're hoping to change the underachieving part.
  7. Yes he would have. And you're probably overreacting to yesterday's loss.
  8. Purely based on the situation in which the Bills find themselves, I agree. He knows the offense. He knows his teammates. He's familiar with his surroundings. It's hard to imagine that some other failed QB like John Beck could come in and do better than Brad Smith. Pretty sad situation at QB. Hopefully it's very temporary as in EJ returning to the practice field this week.
  9. I guess we could ask Belichick what he did.
  10. Sounds like the Tonawanda or Iroquois WMA or Alabama Swamps. It's good of you to assist turtles. Even at my age if I'm walking down a sidewalk I'll step over an insect rather than on them. I bet you would.
  11. John, are you channeling Joe Theismann? If we're going to debunk my theory that it was just one of those days and look for something more concrete, I would say that the Bills quarterbacking yesterday sucked and that the effect of the sucky quarterbacking had a big impact on the rest of the team. From the very beginning of the game the defense played poorly too so whatever it was that was afflicting the offense was afflicting the defense too. Kolb sucked and then Tuel sucked. That sack that Tuel took was equivalent to Rob Johnson running out of bounds for a 5 yard loss instead of throwing the ball away. It reeked of a guy who's played QB his whole life not understanding the position of quarterback. The team was not gonna win yesterday. It was only a matter of how much they were gonna lose by, IMO.
  12. And Tarvaris has had an excellent preseason so I doubt very much that he'd be available. As much as I was pro-Brad Smith before camp started, he's done nothing in the preseason to win a roster spot. But with this latest development you just might be right. edit: And in the very miniscule chance that Tarvaris is cut by the Seahawks, why would he ever want to come back to Buffalo?
  13. I disagree that it was a bad move to put CJ back in the game mostly because CJ said he wanted to go back in. I also agree with the coaching mentality that you want to get the player to "get back on that horse." The subtext of Spiller's career can be seen in the two most infamous coaching statements attached to his career: 1) "Cj was getting winded out there." 2) "We're gonna run CJ until he pukes." Hackett and Marrone look to me like they're trying to toughen CJ up and get him ready for heavy usage. We have a board full of posters who think that CJ didn't get the ball enough last year and want to see him get many more touches this year. I'd say that you can't mentally and physically prepare a running back for a major role by hiding him on the bench. IMO the only way putting him back in the game is if there was a real injury involved that CJ and the training and medical staff somehow missed. Other than that I think the backlash is an overreaction, much like the reaction to the game itself.
  14. I think this theory is also exemplified by the rash of injuries they suffered. It was one of those train wreck games which happen to every team once every great while. One of those games where the things you can't control heavily overpower those things you can control.
  15. A lot of posters come here solely to vent. They have to make sure that others feel their frustration. I was disappointed with their play yesterday but this is my theory too. The team looked overworked and they just broke camp on Wednesday. They had an off day on Thursday to move and it was just one of those games (which happen to all teams) where the team wasn't sharp for a variety of reasons. They're not robots. I remember thinking on that one play where Helu fumbled and the ball bounced right back into his hands "this is just one of those days."
  16. He's a loser baby, so why don't we kill him? True but we're talking about a guy who injured his knee slipping on a rubber mat.
  17. I'm gonna have to ask you to lock this thread.
  18. True. The way things are going the only thing he'll be eligible for are permanent disability payments. I had the owner of a Tonawanda restaurant call me at WIVB (I was a part time sports producer) to tell me that they had the "NFL Officials" meeting there if we were interested in doing a story on them. After some phone questioning, the person admitted that it was the Niagara Frontier League officials and not the National Football League officials. Nice try I guess.
  19. There are many more important things for us to talk about than Gilmore.
  20. You're nuts. Here's a list of NFL teams that Kolb could definitely improve.
  21. I'd rather they brought in Slim Pickens. And he's ben dead since 1983.
  22. However there's a chance that Vince Young wins the job as the Green Bay backup. On the Vince Young subject, is it just me or did it seem like Nix wanted Young but Gailey preferred Tyler Thigpen? We know Nix liked Cam Newton, signed Vince Young, and drafted EJ. Seems like Vince fit Buddy's profile.
  23. Were you the poster who was taking his sons to their first Bills game?
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