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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. RG3 ragdolled big time. Good thing he landed on his back and not his shoulder.
  2. Hey BBF! Glad another NFL season is finally upon us!
  3. To my eye, RG3 is fine physically although mentally he might not be fully ready for action. Besides being a bit skittish, he really hasn't gotten many reps this preseason and none with live bullets.
  4. Until proven otherwise, you have to say that Vick is better than EJ, McCoy is better than Spiller/Freddy, and DeSean Jackson is better than Stevie. Also Celek is better than Chandler. And the Eagles lost Jeremy Maclin for the season. It's questionable at best whether our offensive skill guys are as good as theirs.
  5. The NFC East is gonna be really tough this year. A pretty damn good football team is gonna finish last in that division.
  6. While on the subject, two Fridays ago we had lunch at Danny's. It was a group of 11 and we made reservations. The place was not that crowded so there was plenty of staffing but that didn't prevent the service from being very mediocre at best. The people were nice but the operation was very amateurish and the food was mediocre as well. Suffice it to say that fundamentals were ignored and the least any eatery can do is to at least execute the fundamentals. With all the good places to go eat in the Southtowns there's no reason to go to Danny's IMO.
  7. I think it will be a great rivalry. Even in spite of his very mixed results this preseason, Geno's natural talents are pretty obvious. Like EJ, he's a natural thrower. It will be fun watching their careers play out as it was for Kelly-Marino (and to a lesser degree, fellow 1st round QB divisional rivals Tony Eason and Ken O'Brien).
  8. I actually have always held it against Frank Reich a bit that he didn't take more of a position of responsibility for the fact that the laces faced to the right on his hold. You'd think with Reich supposedly being such a paragon of virtue that he'd have been a bit more accountable, if only to take some of the burden off Norwood. Correct me if I'm wrong but I can't remember Reich ever commenting on the infamous kick.
  9. It probably had something to do with me telling you guys that it was nice meeting you. I guess lying can damage karma. Who knew? BTW J, that moonshine was some seriously good stuff. Where can I get me some?
  10. For those like myself who attended the game and forgot to set the DVR, the NFL Network will be replaying yesterday's season opener tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2 pm Eastern. http://www.nfl.com/nflnetwork/networkschedule?selectedDate=09/10/2013&field=selectedDate That is all.
  11. He's an excellent kick coverage guy and solid on special teams elsewhere. He's also the kind of cerebral "coach on the field" player that Belichick values. Again I wouldn't be surprised if his cup of coffee in New England included a warmup or two.
  12. If the Cheatriots*** had not been caught cheating, we certainly wouldn't be having this conversation because they probably would have won that game. In any close game there are typically 5-6 plays which could swing the game in either direction. Over the last decade the average margin of victory in NFL games is between 5-6 points. This means that teams which cheat have a big advantage.
  13. I don't know how to put this any other way than to say: They barely won their Super Bowls by close margins when they were cheating. They lost their Super Bowls by close margins when they stopped cheating. Oh. All the other teams cheat too but only the Cheatriots*** got caught? Please tell me you're not raising children because we don't need any rationalizing, cynical, excuse-makers cheaters passing their beliefs down to their children. This world sucks enough without people like you passing on their "belief system."
  14. There's a difference between blitzing and pressure packages. There's a difference between sending "only 4 men" as opposed to sending "only the front four." Clearly Pettine will have to mix things up to keep Brady off balance a bit. This is a pressure defense and they will be challenging Brady to make good decisions on each and every play.
  15. First of all, for all of you Bills fans fluffing Belichick's record, each and every one of you is failing to point out that the Cheatriots*** have enjoyed a cake walk through the AFC East for virtually their entire reign. Do you think their record and their playoff appearances would be as impressive if they played in the NFC East or the AFC North? A large part of New England's success has been built on the utter ineptitude of their divisional opponents. It's obvious that Belichick and Brady are great at what they do. The question is how great? You apparently have little understanding of how fine a line divides winning and losing in pro sports. Over the last decade, the average margin of victory in an NFL game is between 5 and 6 points. Now tell me again that knowing your opponents defensive signals has no bearing on who wins and losses these games. As for your username, I know you've said you're related to Jack Kemp but you really need to consider changing your username to Parilli. What you fail to understand is that your last paragraph is less accurate than the argument that you're trying to debunk. This commonly happens after an idea gains popularity (the biggest arbiter of NFL success is the QB/HC combo) and as a result, there is a backlash opinion to it. What is the last Super Bowl winning team that didn't have either a great QB or a great HC? The last Super Bowl winning team I recall that did not have greatness in at least one of those positions was the Billick/Dilfer Ravens. Virtually every Super Bowl winner of recent times has had greatness at both of those positions. I agree that NFL football is the ultimate in team sports but without the HC/QB combo, you have talented losers like last year's KC Chiefs who had 6 Pro Bowlers and missed the playoffs again. Have you ever considered what happens to players like Kyle Williams, Mario Williams, Marcel Dareus, Stephon Gilmore, Stevie Johnson, CJ Spiller, Eric Wood, etc when they suddenly have a great head coach and a great quarterback leading them???
  16. I know you guys are kidding but miraculously the following fact (below) never came up in the most recent "sign Tebow" thread. Besides the media circus which accompanies him and the fact of his inaccurate throwing, the biggest reason Tebow has been deemed useless by NFL teams is because he is dyslexic. You can't be an NFL quarterback if you can't fully comprehend the playbook. For the same reason, it would likely be useless to use Tebow to gain any insight into the New England playbook. http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=tebow+dyslexic&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 As for White, he's an excellent special teamer, especially in kick coverage. He was also considered a "coach on the field" and the Bills scouts raved about his ability to immediately diagnose plays in the media play following the draft. He actually fits the profile of a Belichick player. Not sure if this means he'll stick around for very long in New England but he might.
  17. 4.37 in the 40. Particularly inside pressure. Get right in his face.
  18. Hey Hammer. It wasn't explicitly stated but I surmise from Scott's post above that the TBD/TSW Tailgate will be in the prime area? If that's the case, I'll need two spots, one for myself and one for mrags. Thanks Hammer. Looking forward to meeting everyone.
  19. Tough one Pilsner. I like Perroney a great deal. You're off to a good start. Unfortunately I'm on hiatus preparing for my ridiculously competitive fantasy league draft this Sunday. 32 players, 16 of them individual defensive players, only one player per NFL team, 2 kickers and 2 offensive lines. Very restrictive player movement rules. You basically live and die by your draft. Next time I post will probably be in "Bill's thoughts" after the Bills whomp the Cheatriots***. Looking forward to meeting a lot of people at the TBD tailgate.
  20. :lol: Yep. We now have Mario Williams and Matt Leinart. We cut Vince Young. On top of that we also have the 22nd pick in that draft, Manny Lawson. We actually drafted Whitner and McCargo in that draft. For those keeping score at home the Bills have/had 6 of the first rounders from that draft.
  21. See. I think that speaks very well of Wiki to have a factoid like that. Those guys were probably highly-ranked high school QBs in that football factory known as Florida. I personally like more information than less information. Fairly sturdy looking body and throws well on the run. Kinda looks like Steve McNair a bit. He did that against the number one ranked defense that year in the Steelers.
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