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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. It's been a long time since we've had an LB who was a skilled coverage guy.
  2. Also Amendola and Vereen are two very good players who the Bills had to deal with who ended up not playing against the Jets.
  3. I was confused when I met you last week at the tailgate. Nevertheless the experience was strangely pleasurable. I guess I wasn't expecting to meet a relative newbie there. I'm not sure where I was going with this. Oh yeah. Go Bills!!! Have a safe and awesome roadie Bills Bro! Hope your buddy brings us some much needed good luck from the beautiful borough of Queens. You guys will be representing a lot of Bills fans that won't be able to be there. Good luck, God speed, and Go Bills!!!
  4. Yes, it depends on the player. It's never a "one size fits all" thing.
  5. I wonder what the cost to taxpayers is over the last 100 years for dealing with snow as opposed to dealing with hurricanes? It seems like things like constant snow removal, rebuilding of roads and bridges, etc would be damn expensive. On the other hand much of the damage hurricanes cause when they "attack" is dealt with by insurance companies.
  6. Humidity? In San Jose, there's a lot less humidity and we were struck by Buffalo's humidity in our recent 2 week visit. Obviously places like Arizona and Nevada also have less humidity. That said, humidity is a lot worse in many other places including the gulf coast states and the mid-Atlantic states and parts of the upper Great Lakes.
  7. I agree that a playing time debate regarding our two backs is premature. As for your last sentence, I wonder if it's fair for the Bills coaches and CJ to get the benefit of a short learning curve. Between his injury and being away from camp on family matters, is it fair to surmise that the Bills coaches and CJ are not quite on the same page?
  8. I think Bucky made his point pretty clearly. He said the lack of crowd noise at the end of the 3rd quarter was indicative of the fans suffering from a culture of failure.
  9. ^^^^^^^^ Bucky's argument is that the Bills fans not being loud enough for him at the end of the 3rd quarter is proof for his belief. If he were talking about fans streaming for the exits on New England's last drive, he'd actually have an argument.
  10. ^^^^^^^^^^ Maybe I'm different from others but personally I don't let anything that happened more than a year ago affect how I cheer during a football game.
  11. ^^^^^^^^ You know, the times I'm quietest during a game is when we score. Because I know the crowd doesn't need my "help" at this point and I'm satisfied to be happy within (and let my vocal chords recover). As you know, I sat in the first row upper deck in the first half and at the 40 yard line in row 21 on the Bills sideline in the 2nd half. In the upper deck there were a lot of younger fans who didn't seem to understand the game and when to make noise. In the lower bowl, there were a bunch of older "tired" fans who wanted us to sit down so they could watch the game. As I said upthread, I'm never satisfied with the crowd noise level at the stadium but I don't think it has anything to do with a "culture of losing" that's making the fans quieter.
  12. Let me boil it down to this: I think that Gleason's theory that it's a "culture of failure" which causes the paid attendees to not cheer more loudly is baloney. BTW, I hadn't read Promo's topic until a few minutes ago and didn't realize it's the same topic so I hadn't read many of the valid opinions stated in that topic which also apply to this one.
  13. Pay close attention to Gleason's bolded interpretations of the crowd. Gleason is saying that the crowd is expecting to lose and that is why we weren't as loud as he thought we should be. That is the thesis of his article: The most poignant moment during EJ Manuel’s debut Sunday didn’t come after his first touchdown pass or after his first loss. It emerged at the end of the third quarter, when the rookie quarterback walked toward the sideline with a 21-17 lead over the Patriots and pleaded with a subdued crowd to provide a boost. Manuel spread his arms wide, with his palms turned toward the heavens, waving his hands and urging reluctant fans to get involved. It was as if he begged them to forget about the past and fight through their fears, to climb aboard and join him in a new era that would be better than those in recent years. Bills fans politely obliged with shallow enthusiasm, the way they do when players plead for support or the Jumbotron tells them it’s time to cheer. A few moments later, they returned to their natural thought process of wondering when and how – not if – Buffalo would blow another one to New England. “This is my first year here,” Manuel said the other day during his weekly news conference, “so I’m not used to losing.” You couldn’t help but appreciate his youthful innocence, but he obviously hadn’t been around long enough to understand the thinking in this town. Manuel thought fans were quiet going into the fourth quarter because they were being respectful of the Bills’ offense, which was on the field. Actually, what he saw was 65,000 fans whose collective impulse was hoping for the best and bracing for the worst. The game was following a script all too familiar. Their restraint was part of a communal defense mechanism passed down for generations through years of disappointment. http://www.buffalone...two-bills-drive
  14. My take on the crowd: It was the home opener of a new regime. One would expect a very loud crowd. Was the crowd noise above average? I would say yes. Was it as loud as I was hoping/expecting? I would say no. Am I ever satisfied with the level of crowd noise at the stadium? No (however I wasn't at the Dallas MNF game). Does it bother me that I have to shame other Bills fans into making noise during key junctures of the game by turning around and encouraging them when I'm simultaneously shouting/screaming AND clapping my hands or banging on a loud object? Yes it bothers the crap out of me. Has my voice yet recovered from Sunday's game? It was more or less back to normal by Thursday. Do I believe that fans can affect the outcome of games if they can generate enough noise? Obviously yes. Does it bother me when fans leave early when our opponent is driving down the field for a potential game-winning score? What do you think? Do I think that a fanbase that is honored as "The 12th Man" on the stadium ring have a greater obligation to make as much noise as they can during certain times in a game? Yes. Do I agree with Bucky Gleason? No. To criticize the crowd for not being loud enough for his liking at the end of the 3rd quarter is silly, IMO. Moreover I don't think the "culture of losing" has/had anything to do with the crowd performance.
  15. While I don't disagree with your comment about cell phones, the seating capacity at the stadium is far smaller than it was during the Super Bowl years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Wilson_Stadium#Seating_capacity
  16. They're approximately as talented as the Cheatriots*** and the Bills. However their quarterbacking is godawful. That's all the difference you need to know.
  17. You know while on the subject of retorts, that whole "I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you" thing was never effective for the sole reason that it took too long to say. Just another deep thought in a topic full of them.
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