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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Did he use "anymore" in his post? I didn't even see it.
  2. Silent e's are people t… never mind.
  3. The problem is that's like saying he drove over the legal limit 10 times but only got busted on 3 of them. The ten is the important number. Quick went more quickly than expected but not as quickly as Mike Quick did in '82. You had to be "that guy" by bringing up "this guy."
  4. A fight for your own amusement? Well, here's hoping you get better soon.
  5. Well if he ever takes up arctic exploration, he won't have to buy snowshoes. LMAO!
  6. While new QB Coach David Lee is supposed to be a wizard in correcting faulty mechanics, I don't believe he's capable of performing limb transplants. I guess this does not bode well for Corp. I would guess just as it's spelled… like corpse without the s.
  7. The Bills typically carried 9 O-linemen last year and dressed 7. Bell is gone. I would say Sam Young and Michael Jasper are on the bubble. I don't see Rinehart losing his spot. He played very well as a backup at left and right guard. I think Moats has enough athleticism to possibly transition to 4-3 OLB… besides the team is still thin their even after the draft. I agree with you on Batten… he faces a steep uphill at DE.
  8. Well then you're never gonna be ready for the season opener. Where is your sense of commitment to the team?
  9. And you time that fast in an armchair? That is impressive. Oh… I thought that was an obscure fact. Fine then. Here's another one: Fitz would have had a perfect score on the Wonderlic but he intentionally got one answer wrong… just to prove his point… which no one is smart enough to know what it is. I know hondo and it really pains all of us to see how much you've let yourself go.
  10. Way to represent, Mark!!! As a Bills fan, you are the pride of the South Bay. Kudos to you.
  11. Another very little-known fact about Fitz is that unlike most married players, he wears his wedding ring during games.
  12. Wow, already? Each of the last several years the team would sign 12-15 UDFA after the draft… and that was when the roster limit was 80. How many UDFAs have they signed so far? Color me surprised we have that many players under contract.
  13. It's a risky move though. It doesn't always work out for the best. Do you think the Patriots are gonna get a 3rd rounder for Mallett? If the Skins are trying to develop a young QB in RGIII, are there really gonna be enough snaps to develop and showcase Cousins? On top of that the Redskins have a ton of needs. Then you factor in that Cousins has zero future in Washington and there becomes more to argue against the move than for it, IMO.
  14. Great post, Rhody. Yeah all the comparisons to date have been off the mark, AFAIC… especially the Mike Wallace ones although I appreciate that part of that is because Wallace was also a 3rd rounder. Your's definitely gets it a lot closer although wasn't Harvin used quite a bit as a running back too? He might be a bit more robust than Graham. Anyways, the perfect comparison is out there somewhere and we're getting closer.
  15. Yeah the OP's post was basically asking if anyone thought the Redskins would make it there first. Exercise a little football acumen and let us know whether you think they're ahead of us or not. As for Shanny, I vocally argued against his hiring based on the fact that the more control he got in Denver, the worse his teams became. I argued against Holmgren for the same reasons in Seattle and btw if you see a successful dad hiring a son who has not yet paid his dues, then you know that there's an unhealthy degree of ego and nepotism involved (Bill Polian) and a sign that you should be very wary of hiring dad. Say what you want about Belichick, but he paid his dues. So have a lot of second generation NFLers but Kyle Shanahan and Chris Polian did not, nor did any of the Shula kids. They were all promoted too far too fast. It was clear to me that Shanahan was an ego out of control who surrounded himself with "yes men" including his son, the offensive coordinator. I was relieved when it didn't come to pass.
  16. As the old saying goes, "minor surgery is when it's performed on someone else." You mean it's not called a "groinoscopy?"
  17. Dude, you're like the Black Knight in "The Holy Grail" who's had all his limbs cut off and screams "I'll bite your legs off!"
  18. Which for purposes of this post is the ultimate irony seeing as she's barefoot on the helmet and people keep commenting on her feet. How do you not notice the helmet?
  19. "Tricky Rick" Trickett" might have overthought that concept. I didn't watch it a second time but that was my thought, too. Possibly the center snapped the ball on the wrong count. In particular the right guard almost "pulled a Zebrie" but he finally started out of his stance when he realized the play was not gonna be whistled down. Zebrie was pretty obstinate about it… you could see his head moving to follow the play but at some point the whistle clearly hasn't blown and he has to make the effort to come to the rescue of his quarterback. The first mistake wasn't his but he probably should have moved at some point… he had made his point to Trickett already by staying in his stance for a second. After that it's live play.
  20. Good get, Peter. It's nice to know Dwight's contributing to the efforts at One Bills Drive even while in semi-retirement. He was a highly-regarded personnel guy not so long ago.
  21. Actually Ryan Longwell is still a better name for a kicker: "This attempt will officially be from 49 yards… the snap, the putdown… the kick is away… it's long… and it's well!!!"
  22. I suspect that Graham's not as bad a pick as everyone might think. I'm just having a hard time getting enthused about the pick, in contrast to my feelings about most of their other selections. FWIW, only 3 of those fumbles were lost. Naturally fumbles lost is based on luck and is less important than the actual number of fumbles. The one main apparent difference between Evans and Graham is that Graham seems to have much better run-after-the-catch ability than Lee.
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