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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. There are some here who are concerned about the sudden relative youth of the CB group. I don't think that personally guarantees McGee a spot on the team. Besides his age, he's coming back from a knee injury. If the Bills youngsters at CB play well during preseason, McGee might not make it. Remember that typically it's the safeties which make the coverage calls and the Bills have well seasoned players at safety. As for those who are thinking that this means the Bills still view themselves as rebuilding (because of the youth movement at CB) I disagree. The 1981 San Francisco 49ers won the Super Bowl with 3 rookies and a 2nd year player in their defensive backfield. Teams can win with talented youngsters at CB… particularly if they have veterans at safety.
  2. Good stuff. Let the battle between Aaron Corp and Alex Tanney commence. The pride of Batavia!!! Illinois. He was an outstanding quarterback, just as effective from the pocket as he was rolling out… a guy who history doesn't pay proper justice to.
  3. Tomorrow is Ocho Cinco de Mayo. I hear he and Jerrod Mayo will be celebrating.
  4. Let me ask Shoretalk… I'll get back to you on this one.
  5. ? Shirley… Osi and Mathias Kiwanuka have both played DE and LB for the Giants. The transition would be effortless, IMO.
  6. I suppose you weren't responsible for the tearing down of Freddy's childhood home so they could build that ridiculous stadium either…
  7. While on the subject of our hated divisional opponents, apparently they only have 5 draft picks next year… no 5th or 6th rounder. http://www.csnne.com...704&feedID=6272
  8. The Bills 4th rounder Ron Brooks was apparently a pretty effective blitzer at LSU… so there's hope on that end.
  9. Hah, Good one!!! You're oversimplifying to a ridiculous degree. Ten extra pounds on a 6'6" 290 pound man is relatively insignificant to start with. Then you have to evaluate bone diameter and bone density, biomechanical dimensions (width of shoulders, hips, etc), how the weight is distributed (is the extra weight in his hips and buttocks or is it in his traps and deltoids?), whether it is fat or muscle, etc. To paraphrase you, you said "More mass leads to more injuries?" By that logic football players should all lose weight. A better take would be "what is his natural weight" or what is his optimum "fighting weight."
  10. The comments by one poster and one scouting report suggest Brooks will have "a solid career." But isn't the point of this guy that he has mad skills and a very high upside? Seems more like a big-play, impact guy than a solid player to me. JMO.
  11. Apparently there's a few people here who believe Trent Edwards is the reason Vince Young is unemployed.
  12. Say what you will about Hoge and the way he dresses, etc. I just wanted to point this out again and state that the ignoring of concussions was a very common thing not so long ago (Hoge played from 1987-1994). I often state that there are many classes of players with regard to the concussion issue. "During a game against the Chiefs in Kansas City, Hoge received a concussion and, five days later, the team doctor approved him to resume playing during a telephone call without examining him to determine if he had recovered; he was still suffering post-concussion symptoms. Hoge sustained another concussion several weeks later, and had to be resuscitated after he stopped breathing. He spent 48 hours in the intensive-care unit and was forced to retire due to brain injury. Hoge had to learn to read again and experienced memory loss, confusion and headaches. He later sued the Bears team doctor and won a $1.55 million judgment."
  13. First of all I'd like to say that there are several posters in this thread who have helped frame this issue by coming clean with their own experiences with depression. Coincidentally or not, these posters are some of my favorites on this board. I had another friend on this board who was suicidal and he is doing great now and doesn't come to this board anymore (hmmm…). Please accept my thanks for you personal disclosures in your attempts to help others understand the problem. Also forgive me if I question/disagree with some of your takes. As I stated before I have in my life been sad and self-pitying and probably suffered seasonal affective disorders but I do not believe I've had anything approaching full-on clinical depression. I don't quite buy this hondo and here's why. Let's say his brain was clogged with all the tau proteins associated with CTE and that there was zero therapy or medication which could make him feel right. There's a chance that what Seau was suffering from is similar to what Andre Waters, Mike Webster, Dave Duerson, and Justin Strelczyk suffered from: namely uncontrollable fits of rage, dementia on the level of an 85-year old man, chronic and acute memory loss, chronic and acute paranoia, etc. My point is that with many of these players, we're probably not dealing simply with depression. What if they have conditions for which there is no known cure? Yes, regular depression can be successfully treated. But what if it's not regular depression? I'd like to get back to the idea of selfishness and cowardice with regard to suicide because I raised the question before and no one wished to respond. Some people with CTE have exhibited extreme rage behavior. Some athletes that met a violent end are suspected of having CTE and using drugs to deal with the anxiety and confusion caused by CTE. There is talk that people like the late NHL enforcers John Kordic and Derek Boogard suffered from CTE. I've heard it suggested that Barrett Robbins suffers from CTE. The late Justin Strelczyk had CTE. My point is if you thought that you were a violent threat to loved ones, is it selfish to kill yourself in order to protect them from you? How many times has a murderer killed his own family before turning the gun on himself? Would it not be much less selfish to simply kill yourself and spare the lives of others? If you were incapacited with dementia and rage and thought that the best way out was to kill yourself, leave a suicide note stipulating that your brain be studied, and shoot yourself in the chest to preserve your brain… is that a selfish act? In the context of being diagnosed with a disease which will allow your family to collect a hefty life insurance benefit, is this a selfish act? Would it be better if the person suffering from CTE was a drugged-up, incapacitated, burden on their family for 4 decades before he died? I'm not trying to do anything other than have people consider that what Seau and others are suffering from might not be regular depression… that it might be something for which there is zero cure and that those who have CTE are sentenced to a life of progressive advanced dementia, memory loss, confusion, paranoia, and fits of rage… all at an early age.
  14. "It'll probably be made a bigger deal than it should be," Bills general manager Buddy Nix said on WHTK-AM in Rochester, N.Y., seemingly forgetting that BuffaloBills.com broke/promoted the news on their Twitter account.
  15. That must have been Toyota's version. Here in the states, we used the Victrola.
  16. Well there is the Las Vegas Locomotives… or there was. He could always check in with Vontez Burfict. Seriously though, it'll be interesting to see where he goes now that he's left Buffalo without a contract. Are there other suitors? Did the Bills not offer him a contract or was their offer not good enough? It's one of the two. Sorry if this already posted: JW update: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/qb-young-good-shape-during-214224179--nfl.html;_ylt=AjsgP.nQMYSCdRZAMipXF3xDubYF
  17. What's also ironic is that some writers were touting Gabriel for the Bills GM job.
  18. Actually I don't want the Cheatriots*** to make the playoffs so I guess I don't want to play them 3 times. I'd prefer that the beating we administer to them in November is the start of an 8-game losing streak for the Cheatriots***.
  19. Thank you (as usual) for contributing and adding value to this board. Thank you (as usual) for contributing and adding value to this board. Thank you very little… actually for nothing. Just a rhetorical question, is it possible for posts to have a negative value? Just a thought. Back on topic, it's been a very long time since I've been this optimistic about a season. There's a difference between trying to convince yourself that your favorite team is gonna be competitive as opposed to seeing objective evidence to that effect.
  20. How could you allow Jerruh to tear down Fred Jackson's childhood home to build that stadium?!?!?! Back on topic, Fitz always reminded me of a more-talented Alex Van Pelt, aka The Pill(sbury Dough Boy).
  21. He might not know what "highly" means but I bet he knows what "high" means. LOL! What makes you think it's not common practice? These scores are leaked every year. If it makes even one team drafting in front of you re-consider the player… I believe he's actually "incented" to comment on it. Just messin' Joe.
  22. Agreed. Jim Kelly had what people call a "Meat and Potatoes Build." He's a naturally strong, naturally thick guy but I don't remember him looking ripped.
  23. Yeah but he's thin as a rail… almost anorexic like his wife.
  24. According to fashionistas, black has a "slimming effect."
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