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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Thank you and correct me I'm wrong but we had to wait until page five before someone brought up this point? It's a ridiculous poll without having an actual trade proposal to vote on. Without question they should consider it if her ever becomes available but at what cost would one made an actual trade?
  2. I could be wrong but I believe Carrington is being shifted to DT.
  3. That word describes many things. In your opinion, what factor played the largest role in Fitz's poor performance in the second half of last season: 1) His broken ribs 2) The loss of Fred Jackson 3) The injury epidemic at wide receiver 4) The injury epidemic to the offensive line I know it's a combo of all the things but I'm trying to figure out which one had the greatest effect.
  4. Shortly before he placed his first significant free agent signee, offensive tackle Cornell Green on injured reserve (partly in order to sign Shawne Merriman), Nix said of Green's subpar play, "Believe me, we see what you see and it ain't good enough."
  5. I understand the point you're trying to make but the difference is that Chandler was an unknown who had not yet been given a chance where Shiancoe and Clark are known quantities… so it's not quite the same. Sometimes players who are thought to be washed up have a little bit left in the tank and sometimes not. I trust Chixley to make the right decisions.
  6. He could forklift guys and carry them back to the quarterback. He was "country boy" strong with great quickness and leverage. Great motor, one of the most underrated football players of his time. He could play end, tackle, nose… just an amazing football player. I don't know if you saw any of the dominating games that Justin Smith had last year for SF but his play reminded me of Joe Klecko.
  7. But Russ Brandon is a marketing genius.
  8. What happened to your avatar? It was one of the best ever!
  9. Take a minute to think about all the things you can criticize a player for and then think about where "demeanor during an interview/press conference" ranks. You're nitpicking. And btw if you watch his interview with Chris Brown you'll see a guy who's very mature, level-headed, and thoughtful. It's hard to sign 2nd and 3rd rounders in the NFL. Actually he's been referred to as "Happy" at least a dozen times on this forum since he's been drafted… so don't worry about it.
  10. Yeah I'm guessing that the topic refers to the over/under on wins this year.
  11. Most of the people here did want the Bills to retain Bell at a reasonable cost. Who knows what would have happened had Peters not gotten injured. On the other hand (as was pointed out by numerous others at the time of free agency), the Bills seem to be making an effort to reduce their reliance on injury-prone players, of whom Bell certainly was. They put a price on him (an offer was made) and were unwilling to go higher. Agree with the decision or not, I sense that unlike in years previous, that the Bills did their homework and decided that they could get as good/better production at that position for less money. I'd have liked to see Bell return too but I like Hairston and am very excited about Glenn and Sanders so I wish Bell the best. The Bills will be fine without him and Bell will get a chance to prove whether he's a durable, dependable player.
  12. I believe one season was devoted to the Jacksonville Jaguars.
  13. Former Bill Ross Tucker writing on Peter King's MMQB: Has the "Concussion Crisis" peaked? I've gotten a positive vibe from many of you when I turn over a few paragraphs of the column to players -- Eric Winston on being a free agent, Matt Light on retiring in recent weeks -- and I'll continue to do so when I think the time is right, or the topic good. The other day, I was on a SiriusXM NFL Radio show with Ross Tucker, the former NFL guard and special-teamer, and he had an interesting perspective on the topic of head trauma in the NFL, and I asked him to share his thoughts with you. His words: "The concussion issue in football, which has been such a hot topic in recent weeks, is one I take very seriously. Because I have a big head (literally, and hopefully not figuratively), I used it often throughout my football career, especially in the NFL ... sometimes even as a weapon. As a result, I read the latest concussion information, get the updates on the progress of the Sports Legacy Institute via email, and in fact have agreed to donate my brain to the Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy at Boston University School of Medicine upon my death. "That said, barring something totally unforeseen coming out of the research, I can't help but think that the issue is only going to get better from here, and that the worst of it is behind us at the NFL level. The 'crisis,' I believe, is likely overblown. It is my contention that the guys who played in the last four decades are the ones who are likely to suffer the most, whatever that ends up meaning to each individual. "Future players should be in much better shape, for a number of reasons. "For one, there is an awareness now about the issue of brain trauma and concussions that didn't exist during the years of smelling salts and 'seeing stars' or getting your 'bell rung.' A lot of positives have come out of that awareness, such as a protocol for how to handle concussions or even possible concussions, a new CBA that drastically limits the amount of overall hitting, new rules that protect defenseless players from hits to the head, a push for better equipment, and a dramatic culture change among the players and coaches regarding concussions that should only be enhanced as we move forward. "The net result of all of those positives combined at the NFL level should be a diminishing of overall contact, fewer defenseless players like quarterbacks and wide receivers taking dangerous shots to the head, fewer players either hiding or being unaware of the fact that they suffered a concussion, and hopefully zero players returning to action without being cleared medically following a concussion. And all of this while wearing better equipment as the league continues to make strides in that area as well. "I'm not minimizing concussions or brain trauma at all. Far from it. It just seems a logical conclusion that the NFL players who play in the 2010s, 2020s, and 2030s should be in better shape, at least cognitively, than the guys like me who played over the last 40 years before the awareness about head trauma increased with all the alarm bells of the last couple of years.'' <br style="padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; "><br style="padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; ">Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/writers/peter_king/05/14/mmqb/index.html#ixzz1v6PoACfk
  14. http://members.tripod.com/g_host/Hammer/index.html Also this aerial photo is pretty funny. Look at the spot they identify as One Bills Drive. http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&rls=en&oe=UTF-8&q=one+bills+drive+orchard+park+ny&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x89d30582c9870bc3:0x7137a6c7854c7a42,1+Bills+Dr,+Orchard+Park,+NY+14127&gl=us&ei=LI20T8esF8XPiAL7zOD9AQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CAoQ8gEwAA
  15. Actually I don't want to play speculation. I said essentially that we'll know next year at this time how hot a property he is… provided as you say, he still wants to be an NFL GM. If his goal is to continue to work in the media, we might never know how highly regarded he is… unless he is made an offer and refuses it. edit: I'll be truthful and re-state my position on Polian as this seems a good time. The fact that the Colts were left in shambles and that the only thing standing between them and being a horrible team was a Hall of Fame quarterback certainly takes some of the luster of his career as far as I'm concerned. I think his performance over the last 5 years or so which coincided somewhat with his standing down from some duties and his son Chris assuming them, has tarnished his legacy. JMO.
  16. Agree, the Bradham hit was perfectly textbook. I loved his reaction too… he didn't gloat, taunt, or any of that.
  17. God… could you imagine? Fourth quarter lead and the Bills just start feeding Tolbert the ball behind that huge offensive line… smash-mouth city… not for the faint of heart… edit: I wouldn't have minded pursuing Michael Bush or Cedric Benson for that matter. Both of those guys can really bring it.
  18. I like the new rule changes. I think they should continue to be enforced until defenders understand the parameters… the same parameters which existed before crimes on wide receivers got too violent. The same parameters which exist for BOTH TEAMS. I understand the game moves quickly and that sometimes players duck into each others helmets. But that doesn't mean that the officials and players can't define appropriate play in the vast majority of situations. To argue otherwise is a copout, IMO.
  19. White or Choice? None of the above as far as I'm concerned. I didn't get the White pick last year but among other things apparently he's a very versatile player (played wide receiver) AND he was one of the real good people in that community… a highly-respected person. That said Johnny White was a 5th rounder… like Ed Wang. I thought White looked both slow and small last year and Mario Haggan ragdolled him like a little kid in the Denver preseason game. I really believe you're better off signing undrafted free agent running backs than actually drafting one in the 5th round… unless that guy really slid and was a higher round talent… which White was not. Choice was a good player in Dallas and obviously took touches away from Spiller last year because Gailey felt strong enough about Choice to make him the 3rd down back in the second half of last season. I think Choice is the choice but I'd actually like to see a very physical, pound it out running back/special teamer for our third running back. Both Freddy and CJ can run and catch the ball. I'd like to see a true battering ram… in fact I'd have loved for the Bills to sign Mike Tolbert.
  20. Happy Birthday Thurman! Like Jimbo you're aging like a fine wine!
  21. So how about this? As another poster pointed out, Polian is 3 years younger than Nix. With his track record Polian should theoretically still be able to land a GM position considering all the accolades. So let's see how ardently Polian is pursued. If he's highly regarded within the NFL, he'll be a GM again next year at this time. This offseason, besides the Indy job which Polian left, the Titans, Raiders, Rams, and Bears all had GM openings. FWIW, Polian didn't interview for any of them although I think the Raiders had made a decision just about the time Polian was fired.
  22. Boy it's a far different deal than the guaranteed money they get in baseball and basketball. Repeat after me everyone… NFL players are not like other professional athletes.
  23. In fairness Cavanaugh was an NFL quarterback for 13 years in the NFL so there was a time when he was kinda hot? But I do love that Lee turned down the Jets to join the Bills.
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