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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. I've been working towards becoming rich but I'm nagged by the thought that if I do, all sorts of people are suddenly going to want to become friends with me solely for the purpose of benefitting from my wealth. Sorry d2d, couldn't resist!
  2. Twenty-six years old and no college football experience. That's a very steep uphill climb. I sure hope he is able to salvage the life that the woman quite possibly ruined.
  3. Y'all need to lay off Cinci Kid a bit. For what it's worth means for what it's worth.
  4. You're getting all bent out of shape about something that happened 9 years ago and may or may not have made any difference in the short term or the long term? I'm not convinced Charlie Weiss is anything more than a good offensive coordinator.
  5. Nothing's changed in this discussion. Two factors: Better ownership Bigger markets
  6. Purely from a football standpoint, I think it's ridiculous to discount Brees' accomplishments.
  7. Two picks during 7 on 7 pass drills? Firstly he's not the starter so presumably he didn't get a lot of reps. Secondly 7 on 7 only has one center and one NT meaning there are no other linemen on the field. This means that the sightlines and passing lanes are wide open. You can't make too much of it… but lets do it anyways!
  8. But why would we put any stock in anything his ex father-in-law says? Don't know either person, don't know the situation, don't know both sides of the story, much less one side of the story.
  9. Thanks Ice. How do you feel about the Nick Perry pick? How about signing Phillip Merling? Clearly the Pack have some repairs to do on defense. If they can make a quick turnaround on D, they still have enough to win it all.
  10. Thanks for posting. "Tough childhood?" I thought Freddy came from a stable home. I guess the small papers have very limited space. Go Bills!
  11. Gonna try joining you good people down in Arizona. I have a buddy who lives in Glendale.
  12. The Pittsburgh area us considerably better off than the Buffalo area… hell even Detroit and Cleveland are better off. The second big factor is winning. The Bills have been a mediocre to poor organization for most of their history. And they built it in the city center, where stadiums should be built.
  13. Not that I have a real problem with it but the Cowboys and Redskins kinda got screwed on that deal.
  14. Still they've won 14 games in the last two years whereas they won only 9 games the previous two. Like I said, I've been impressed with how hard the players play for Carroll. I think his time in college football has made him a good motivator of young players. He certainly spoke to Marshawn and I predict a bright future for the Seahawks. I'm particularly looking forward to the 2 grudge matches against his PAC 10 nemesis, Jim Harbaugh. Those should be excellent games!
  15. I know you have nothing against Leodis. I'm just saying that I'd prefer to keep him around for the last year of his contract. I think he might surprise some people this year.
  16. In other words, I'm mistaken? I'd read a report that Winslow had one year left on his contract. I still like the job Carroll is doing in Seattle. Every time I've watched that team they've been well-coached and hard-nosed.
  17. Yes. Apparently he was also wearing a construction worker's outfit similar to the one the guy in the Village People wears.
  18. Leodis, for all his shortcomings, is a gifted athlete in the final year of his contract. As Buddy Nix suggested, Leodis will be motivated. On top of that, he will have the benefit of a pass rush for the first time in his NFL career. I'm very interested to see what kind of season he turns in.
  19. Two high-profile former Bills defensive coordinators. “I’ve been around the NFL for 36 years. We’ve never talked about that and hurting another player.” http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/05/22/wade-phillips-gregg-williams-audio-made-me-sick/
  20. It doesn't matter at all. If they have the cap room for him, whatever he makes is irrelevant. They knowingly accepted the contract. Moreover, he has one year left on his deal. It's not like they're inheriting this huge multi-year yoke stone.
  21. It will be a tough fight but it is every year. Over the last 16 years, there has been significant turnover among playoff teams with 50% of playoff teams not making the playoffs the following year. The below article is from September of last year so it doesn't cover the 2011 season but again, of the 12 playoff teams in 2010, only 6 of those ended up making the playoffs in 2011. Making the playoffs both years were New Orleans, Green Bay, Atlanta, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and the Cheatriots***. 2010 playoff teams Seattle, Philly, Chicago, the Jets, Colts and Chiefs failed to repeat and were replaced by Detroit, the Giants, San Francisco, Cincinnati, Houston, and Denver. "In every year since 1996, at least five of the teams that made the playoffs the prior year ended up on the outside looking in." http://profootballta...ayoff-turnover/
  22. They gave up next to nothing for him. They have almost nothing to lose with this move.
  23. The less he's in control the better, as far as I'm concerned. This franchise's worst days have always been when Wilson has felt the need to leave his imprint on the team. This offseason has been marked by excellent football decisions, aggressive moves, and the conspicuous public absence of Ralph Wilson.
  24. Ask yourself honestly: Does this year's shyt smell the same as the shyt of years past? Promo's gonna get nervous… oh. Here he is. Don't worry about other people's expectations. Just enjoy that same feeling we had back in 1987 when we could clearly see what was happening.
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