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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Splendid player so in that respect, he differs a bit from Latrell Sprewell.
  2. We have differing opinions. As far as the second statement of yours I bolded, his inability to maintain backside containment predates his move to linebacker. He's always been influenced by misdirection and more than most players I've watched, loses track of where the ball is. I can't count the number of times he's gone for the play fake and allowed the quarterback to roll past his containment. But I agree he's a decent player. On the other hand Kelsay signed a 4-year, $23 million deal in 2007 and a 5-year $28.2 million deal in 2010. So he's made lots of money and his performance has to be evaluated from that context. Better than average player? Possibly. Worth his pay? Not in my amateur opinion.
  3. Great topic. I have little to add other than I voted Freddy because all things being equal I go with a premier skill-position player over a lineman… unless that lineman is a premier pass rusher. It's far from a clear cut argument though and there are compelling cases to be made for several of the players.
  4. Thank you both very much. I'm sincerely flattered. I love posting here and I'm glad some good comes of it from time to time. That was my takeaway from the interview too. He seemed emotionally sober and quite authentic to me. Like I said I could be wrong but VY made a strong positive impression on me in that interview. I know from your earlier posts that you're quite familiar with Vince's entire career so I give particularly weight to your take on this subject.
  5. You mean your "rubber knub?" Seriously though, as far as Corsi's link to Chad Kelly, I don't think even his uncle was that arrogant and brash. Sounds like life will end up correcting the kid a bit.
  6. Again I think it's good to know how much money teams have tied up in different position groups but ultimately, it has to be viewed from an overall roster perspective, IMO. For instance the Bills are paying a lot of money right now to their 2nd and 3rd QBs (meaning Thigpen and Brad Smith) and the Bills are also probably quite a bit above the league average in terms of Lindell and Moorman… both of who I believe are near the tops at their positions. I believe that a team should pay its good players so if the Bills happen to have more than the usual allotment of quality players at DE, then that's a good thing. Just don't overpay bad players and you'll almost always be able to manage the cap well… unless you have a $25 million/year quarterback.
  7. Well… if you've been drinking I certainly don't want you preparing a chicken dinner.
  8. I'm not a gastroenterologist but it seems to me that eating fig newtons would not be good for a dog's GI. But let's not go there. Thanks but why are you giving the "thumbs down?" And btw we had chicken meatballs with pasta tonight and they were surprisingly good.
  9. Glad you were reincarnated, dog. Weird that you came back as a fig newton.
  10. The irony is that I was in favor of the signing and was thrilled that it happened. The further irony is that I'm speaking in favor of the guy so I do think you're being somewhat overprotective. In spite of being kind of at odds in this thread, it's also ironic that we're both pulling for the guy. Anyways, I compared Vince Young's interview with Shawne Merriman's interview and while I've been a booster and defender of Merriman and his signing, I thought Young compared very favorably. And while I don't think you can make an evaluation of a person's character based on a 4 minute interview, I do believe that you can gain some insights.
  11. I wouldn't rule out veteran contracts like Kelsay's, Spencer's, or Dwan's becoming casualties in the near term but as you project this team 1-2 years from this moment all of them could be gone. In addition, other healthy-sized contracts such as the ones for Moorman, Lindell, Thigpen, and Brad Smith could be gone within the next 1-2 years. I could be wrong but I don't think the Bills will have any trouble making room for Levitre, Byrd, and Wood. Thankfully most of the recent deals (Stevie, Pears, Freddy, Chandler) have been very club friendly and as a result, the Bills are not burdened with too many long term, bad deals. Basically it's a non-concern for me.
  12. I wish. Even in my wiser years, I've recently misread the character of people in situations which have damaged me. I have a tendency to seek the good in people. I appreciate the feedback. This is where I was going with this and IMO, you nailed it. Especially your last sentence. Glad it's not just me. The reason is this: I can't bear to enter or even witness yet another debate about 1) how good/bad Fitz is or 2) how good/bad Kelsay is, or 3) how much personnel authority Jauron had or 4) what position Carrington/Merriman will play or 5) whether the Merriman signing was a good move or not or 6) whether or not Stevie Johnson is a hip hop punk, or any of the other dozens of debates which repeat themselves daily on this forum. Things that are interesting to me these days are a Vince Young interview, or the fact that because Eric Pears is out, that Cordy Glenn is starting at LT while Hairston has been moved to RT. While these subjects appear not to interest the majority on this board, they are fascinating to me, and hopefully a few others.
  13. I don't think I was seeing charisma though. The strongest thing I sensed from the interview was sobriety of character… like the highs will not be too high anymore and the lows not too low.
  14. It is strange but some guys are just football players. I can actually imagine that Williams is so focused on his rehab and learning Wanny's defense that he's not really focused on much else.
  15. Link? Seriously though. I guess I'll say that I was impressed with how he spoke and the interview in my mind painted a much different picture of the man than some of the previous episodes in his life have. So, either he's a great con man or maybe something has changed about him. I'm curious if you guys think that this is the same guy who reportedly was suicidal and who threw his shoulder pads into the stands when denied re-entry into a game or if you think he's evolved as a person.
  16. Good evening, everyone.
  17. I just got done watching the Vince Young interview from the Bills website. All of us like to think that we can judge character and I'm no different. When I watch/listen to someone speak, I try to judge many things simultaneously… Is he sincere or does he seem phony? Are his comments thoughtful and spontaneous or are they scripted? Does he have good perspective or not? Does he have efficiency in speech with good content to word ratio? Can he formulate and articulate thoughts well? Is there a hint of self-centeredness or narcissism or is the person humble/humbled? Anyways, here's the link and I'd be very curious to know what you guys think of Young's interview. http://www.buffalobills.com/media-center/videos/Vince-Young-Thursday-Press-Conference/ce0bb01e-cccc-492b-8e59-28677c748ba7
  18. I think that throughout his career, Kelsay has been beloved by his coaches for everything he's brought to the table. These things include dependability, work ethic, leadership through example, professionalism, etc. Keep in mind that Kelsay has twice been the recipient of contracts which we fans have believed to be inflated beyond his value on Sundays… and he was given those contracts by different regimes. I think when his coaches speak about him, they tend to speak better of him than if they were only evaluating his play on Sundays.
  19. I know what you're saying… but when you reach a certain age, you don't want to fast forward through 7 weeks of your life. Time becomes more precious. Just embrace the here and now and enjoy the ride till TC.
  20. Brown looked pretty good, as I recall. I didn't re-watch the game though so my impression is just that. As for Wood, when he stepped in for Hangartner on short notice and dominated Cleveland nose tackle Ahtyba Rubin, it was a pretty clear sign that Wood had been playing out of position at guard. For those that didn't click the link, the top 3 OL according to the author get gold, silver, and bronze. In all, the author named only 9 offensive linemen so the implication of Wood being mentioned is pretty clear.
  21. That's apparently true. Elway seems like the decision maker and I believe they just fired their GM, Brian Xanders. Every team is structured differently so this conversation with people making absolute statements about who has final authority is a bit silly.
  22. I don't know if this is a recurring joke of yours because when you say "trust me," you're invariably wrong… and I've corrected you on this before. Anyways, for the record Levitre's arm length is 32.5 inches and Wood's is 33.75 inches. Trust me. http://footballsfuture.com/2009/combine/c.html
  23. I was making a (bad) joke. You wrote "any buddy gets cut" instead of "anybody gets cut." Thus I said it was "cold." Now having explained it, I realize even more what a bad joke it was. Thanks fellas. Perhaps now we won't have to hear some of the preposterous theories about why Graham hasn't signed yet.
  24. As far as politics I'm more a lefty loosey than a righty tighty. Actually I'm mostly a pure libertarian but I don't like talking politics or religion. Sports is pretty tame in comparison… less name calling.
  25. Okay. Exactly what did you mean by your first statement (bolded above)?
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