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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. This moron was 31 years old at the time of the accidental shooting… 31 years old. He wasn't some stupid kid… he was a stupid veteran who had plenty of time to learn how to know better. But he didn't know better because of some mix of stupidity and arrogance. Also, as a member of both the Steelers and the Giants, he was infamous for being tardy and absent from practice. He was also a contract holdout, and at one point he faked injury to avoid practicing during the time he was unhappy with his contract. Plax has been involved in domestic disturbances, civil lawsuits, and numerous driving violations. In short this guy was a prima dona right up until the time he went to prison. Too late for redemption in my book. I'm a forgiving guy normally but to Plax I say, "karma's a B word." You kept !@#$ing up and now you've !@#$ed yourself. It sucks being a stupid piece of shyt.
  2. Excellent! Gonna post this on my Facebook page!
  3. I think you're both opening yourselves up to a lot of ridicule. And just so I can spread the rumor accurately (there's nothing worse than an erroneous rumor), are we now united in saying that RGIII contracted an STD while having unprotected homosexual sex, and was therefore extorted?
  4. Kudos to you for owning up to being wrong. Also, kudos to me for not reveling in your wrongness and for being gentle when raising the possibility of an error on your part. Also kudos to the others for not interfering with our dialogue. Basically, kudos for every !@#$ing person!
  5. Most definitely. Look how well these guys have played with a porous front 7 run defense and zero pass rush. Imagine these guys with a strong pass rush.
  6. Apparently I've reached a point where you have to repeat everything twice in order for it to register in my brain. That's awesome and I have zero doubts that there will be serious squishage of the fishage! Awesome!!! It's so true. I had to laugh at that thread that stated (paraphrasing) that all the positive attention this offseason was making the poster get really nervous. For my own part, I'm enjoying the offseason immensely and expecting great things from this team in 2012 and beyond. As I've stated before, it's like watching some of the up-and-coming Bills and Sabres teams of the past… you can see it happening before your very eyes and it's very exciting.
  7. FWIW, she committed suicide a few years ago.
  8. All you guys forget your tickets? What the hell's going on here!
  9. Hmmm… that's a long drive but on the other hand, it sounds like you'll be spending Christmas in Miami. That sounds better than Christmas in Iowa. As far as my buddy Meathead, I think you're overreacting a bit. Much ado about nothing, IMO. On the grand scale, this is very mild stuff.
  10. What are you trying to get at? Is this some sort of joke? We need to have a mischievous font.
  11. Oh good. I wasn't sure about that. Not good that you were wrong… just good that I wasn't wrong. Anyways, that's 10 more minutes of waiting before the Bills commence kicking the Niners' asses!
  12. See, I always describe delaying something as "pushing it back" and not "moving it ahead."
  13. You misinterpreted jboysts post. He was saying that when others make statements of which he gave examples (which you took exception to), that he doesn't bother to finish reading their posts. In other words, he more or less agrees with you.
  14. In answer to the OP's question, it depends on what your expectations are. I predicted (only half-jokingly) a 15-1 regular season so no, I will not be surprised when the Bills excel this coming season. Thus I don't see the need for any disclaimers when I'm writing about the 2012 season.
  15. Hey Hondo. I know you were just trying to add entertainment value during the slow times. Besides his reddish hair, I wonder what else Metz' nickname derives from?
  16. This creature has been extinct for over 150 million years. I would say that is old school.
  17. Agree 100%. In fact it seems the majority of sports team logos are not ferocious looking.
  18. Astro! Sam Montgomery at #5? This is the same Sam Montgomery who Cordy Glenn dominated in the SEC Championship Game, no? Also, do you really think the Bills will take a left offensive tackle with their first pick? I'm sensing you don't think too highly of Cordy Glenn.
  19. You and I agree on a lot of things, but not the standing buffalo logo. I have two Bills hats, both by Mitchell and Ness (sorry New Era), both fitted with the standing buffalo. One is the red standing buffalo (oversized) on blue cap with red top button and red vent-hole stitching and the other is white Buffalo on red cap with blue top button and red vent-hole stitching. Both look killer IMO. Like. As far as flat brim vs curved, it's pretty impossible to uncurve a curved brim so it makes sense for manufacturers to produce flat brims so that people can personalize their caps and develop that special relationship.
  20. Good post. It's logical and sensible to expect a linear progression but as you know, that's not always how it works. I remember numerous naysayers on this forum asking why other teams can go from worst to first and the Bills can't. I don't think it's silly at all to expect this team to double their win total and go from worst to first (in 3 seasons instead of 2).
  21. I don't disagree with this hypothetical but a related point that has to be talked about at the same time is this: Does Buddy Nix's word carry so much weight that if he makes somewhat negative comments about a player that it will cause the player's stock to drop? Personally I tend to doubt it. Everyone is smokescreening in the leadup to the draft. IMO, Nix was just crowing a bit in the afterglow.
  22. In these situations you should always try to find a way to use the phrase, "not that there's anything wrong with that." It's kinda like saying "Ralph is cheap."
  23. Not too bad. Keep it up. BTW, Howard Ballard was a right tackle.
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