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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Why am I always the last one to find out about these things?
  2. We have an audience!?!?!?! When do we get cheerleaders? I'm thinking if it doesn't get done by then that there might be some sort of insurance policy taken out so he can practice… if it looks like the two sides are close.
  3. Well now that you bring it up yes, we all owe Flutie a huge debt of gratitude for selling tickets at a time when they simply weren't selling and at a time when the "Business Backs the Bills" campaign was heading for a big time losing season. As for "truth," I'm not really sure what truth you're talking about. Whose testimony are you choosing to embrace? I lived in Buffalo at the time and was of course, a rabid fan who listened to sports radio all the time, watched every sports show and read every newspaper in town. Virtually the only criticisms of Flutie I recall were those that came from one man. Speaking of which, my comment to you was about Coach Dickerson, not Flutie.
  4. To that I would say he did neither… I'm guessing his people set it up for him and that Maybin was in a state of blissful ignorance.
  5. It may be equally true to say that if you've forgotten this $%*!….you must be an old fart!
  6. Wow. You guys are really old. I don't remember Bobby Burnett and I started following the team around 1969. Was that before the invention of the forward pass?
  7. Strong and mighty as an oak, aye. And with large, massive acorns as well.
  8. Nice! That cake definitely holds its own to the other two. Definitely a professional product.
  9. Wood is so naturally strong… it wouldn't surprise me if he resents playing against guys who use illegal means to compete against him.
  10. To paraphrase my buddy when he found out that cigarettes at the reservation were only $2.75 a pack, "It's so cheap I can't afford NOT to move."
  11. Ah I was getting sick of San Jose anyways.
  12. You got that right, sister!
  13. The interesting thing about Buddy Nix and this organization is that they do not publicly preach character like some teams do. But if you look at the players they draft and pursue in free agency, their actions speak quite loudly. It's very impressive when you take each player on the Bills on a case-by-case basis and realize in total that this team is made up of more than the normal amount of outstanding people. They're a pretty easy team to cheer for.
  14. Glad you mentioned that the fight was on YouTube. Here it is:
  15. IMO, people who insist on getting hammered for football games are gonna be hammered by whatever means. Lowering beer prices could possibly result in people spending more money in the stadium but I doubt there would be a discernible difference in the amount of stupid drunks in the stadium.
  16. The fifth of what? Jack? Jim Beam?
  17. So much for the Warren Sapp comparisons.
  18. I'll have to disagree with you on this one, BB. As far as Stevie as a player, he played the entire 2011 season on a groin muscle that he injured on the first day of training camp. His quarterback was injured for the second half of the season and there was a parade of injured receivers (and Scott Chandler) across from him making Stevie the only viable receiving threat on the team aside from David Nelson. As a person, Stevie is a work in progress as far as maturation goes but I think I see a good young man. He dearly loves this team and city and arguably gave the Bills a hometown discount to stay. He and his agent did not drive a hard bargain at all. Then there was his appearance at the uniform unveiling last year during the lockout where he just wanted to be around the facility and the fans. Stevie never made an issue of his benching, took his medicine like a man, and didn't allow the incident to poison his relationship with his coach and teammates. Stevie is not a grudge holder and not holding grudges is a good indicator of the type of character any person has.
  19. Nope, it was Bob "Houndog" Kelly who wore #9 for the Flyers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Kelly_(ice_hockey_b._1950) He was probably their #3 tough guy after Dave Schultz and Don Saleski. Andre "Moose" Dupont was also a tough guy and those Broad Street Bullies had several more guys who could throw em. That was a great light-heavyweight fight between Dudley and Kelly with them going toe-to-toe and pretty evenly until Duds won the fight with a late flurry of crisp head shots. Bob "Battleship" Kelly played around the same time as Bob "Houndog" Kelly but Battleship played for the St. Louis Blues. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Kelly_(ice_hockey_b._1946)
  20. Agreed. Again, agreed but like Stony points out, Moats has been a good selection and while Troup, Carrington, and Batten are not looking great right now, all three are still with the team so there's still a chance that one of them could salvage their draft position. But both you guys are right… that first draft aside from Spiller was not that great but last year's was outstanding and this year's looks to be another bumper crop.
  21. Of course… barcode scanners have changed everything I guess. On a barely related subject, I was saying in the other thread that I've resisted getting a smart phone but one of the really cool iPhone apps I've seen is that one where you can use your iPhone to scan a UPC and it'll tell you what that product is selling for at different retailers.
  22. Welcome to you too! Sounds like we've had a lot of the same experiences.
  23. The same thing happened with Coach Gailey's comments about Vince Young. In the interview, Gailey was highly complimentary of Young's work but several media outlets spun one sentence into "Young's having trouble picking up the offense." It's good to have a functioning brain from which to draw your own conclusions… and to be armed with the sad knowledge that media will often try to stir up trouble to increase ratings/traffic.
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