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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Yeah people who express doubts about Spiller either didn't see him play last year or don't know anything about football.
  2. Me too. Sounds like he was very frustrated today from the setback. But at least McGee's made millions of dollars and thousands of fans. He's one of the most admired Bills of the last decade and he's a rich man.
  3. Bubble player for sure although tons of people are pulling for the guy. How could you not? As they tell bubble players, "work hard every day because you're auditioning for a job either here or somewhere else… if you play well other teams will see that on the video"
  4. Great to see you, Cotton. You were missed around here. I hope that the sun starts shining again for you. All the best.
  5. Anderson made Hairston look silly on that one. One thing about Anderson is that even when he's successfully blocked, he is such an explosive athlete and has such a high motor that he'll get a lot of hustle sacks and coverage sacks. The one sack against the Raiders was amazing… the QB saw him coming but simply couldn't throw the ball because Anderson closed too quickly.
  6. Interesting to me is that I just read somewhere (I think Chris Brown's blog… maybe TG's) that Brian Scott no longer sits in the DB meetings… he sits in the linebacker meetings.
  7. No biggy but for the record, I'm less irked by link requests than I am by missing links. I mean if you make the effort to start a new topic… do a good job at it.
  8. This is a weekly theme here and the standard answers are typically: 1) We'll get media attention when we deserve it. and/or 2) I like that we're under the radar. Personally, NFL coverage is so piss poor IMO that I really don't care too much. Every Bills story this preseason by LAZY, UNPROFESSIONAL NFL commentators (virtually all of them, IMO) boils down to this: Haven't made the playoffs in 13 seasons, Mario Williams blah blah blah… Mark Anderson blah blah blah possible wild card spot It was almost a shock this morning when Steve Wyche spent two minutes talking about Fitz and David Lee as the reasons for his optimism. You know btw I really detest laziness… especially when you see the effort fans like us put into our thoughts and compare it to some of the CRAP you see in the media. This btw, is why Peter King deserves so much credit…. he's a pedestrian writer/thinker at best. But from what I can tell he works about 5 times harder than most of the national guys on the NFL beat.
  9. Memo to Howard Pearlman: This is where it would be appropriate to ask where the person is traveling from.
  10. Maybe, in which case it wasn't necessarily Leon-hard's fault. Also I seem to remember he had great range in fielding punts so that has probably given me the impression right or wrong, that he has good range. Like I said, I remember the guy as being a really good athlete… just a bit small. And people have always raved about his attitude and intelligence. The Bills could do worse for a 4th safety than Leon-hard.
  11. I agree. I don't think it's too much to ask for a new post to include the link which the poster is talking about. Thank you. Love ya, NoSaint, but this was not helpful. I don't like fostering laziness. I'm all for high standards around here. Thanks, Jeremy. I think.
  12. What does it matter? He has to stay in the Buffalo area, doesn't he?
  13. Three years of Shanny-Ball and their O-line still sucks. Compare that to Chixley. LOL. Not so sure. Granted it's the first preseason game but on the other hand, this is a guy they are planning to start as a rookie… so he might get more PT than a veteran starter would typically get.
  14. I always thought Leon-hard was a good player. I always said he was another Mark Kelso without Kelso's supporting cast. They guy is undersized but as has been pointed out has good instincts and decent range. I rarely remember him getting beaten in the passing game and at any rate, he's a helluva lot better in coverage than Dwan Landry. Landry is a great run player but a huge liability in coverage. THAT GUY does PEDs and it's made him too clunky to be an athlete… same problem Tebow's gonna have if he keeps bulking up. I know I'm changing the subject here but when was the last time a good QB physically looked like Tebow? Answer: Never. As another aside, have you ever seen these body builder types try to throw a football around on the beach? Freaking pitiful.
  15. The thing is, NFL offenses are very complex so even for a veteran QB, if you join a team AFTER minicamp, OTA, and training camp, it's nearly impossible to play well that same season. Like you suggest, if the Bills pick up a young QB who is cut, he will be a practice squad guy or developmental roster spot guy at best. He won't be the primary backup. For the record, I'm perfectly fine with VY as our backup. Surround him with a good team (which I think we have) and he can win games. He's resourceful and athletic and he can beat you. Naturally there's a drop-off from Fitz to VY but there's a drop-off from starter to backup in virtually every NFL city… except on teams where both QBs are mediocre.
  16. The Bills brass is probably expecting Glenn to be a better player than House Ballard. Me and everyone else loved House but he was abused by Charles Haley in the Super Bowl and generally had a hard time with speed rushers. It was heartening to see Glenn dominate LSU's two fine edge rushers in the SEC Championship Game. That performance gave me tons of confidence that Glenn can handle LOT and was a big reason why I was touting him in the run-up to the draft. BTW, did you know that Fred Jackson runs like Marcus Allen?
  17. I know I have little to nothing to base it on, but if the worst were to happen, I think that the Bills would be alright. One of Barnett or Morrison would move to the middle bringing in Arthur Moats and I believe Moats is gonna have a big year… beyond that I have confidence in McKillup and White… both were superb college players. I guess I'm not quite as pessimistic about our LB situation as a lot of the respected posters are.
  18. Obviously Freddy and Spiller are one of the top RB combos in the game. IF the Bills make good on the threats to run the ball a bit more, I really hope they bring in a big power back to smash some mouths with. The Bills even by modern NFL standards have a huge offensive line (excepting Levitre who nonetheless gets excellent movement in the run game) and with a guy in the style of Michael Bush, Cedric Benson, Michael Turner, etc, they could really change gears from the spread and physically punish teams. Even though I respect T Choice, I'd like a power back as our third back. Maybe they'll use C Mac a bit more in a big back role?
  19. A backup QB with daily press conferences… amazing.
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