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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Sheppard sucked. Morrison is playing at least as well as Moats. If they want a veteran guy at MLB maybe they should go to Kirk which would enable Moats to take over at the strong side. Maybe McKillup can develop into the answer but I'm not liking what I see from Sheppard. I gave him a free pass last year but not anymore. This is supposedly the same D he played in at LSU, he's had a full offseason, and he's out of excuses.
  2. I'm not quite sure in what context to put last night's game. There's a natural tendency to overreact and I'm gonna resist that tendency. I agree with lots of the points made by posters on both sides of the argument. There were a lot of things about the game that I didn't like and some things that I did. As you say, I think we can start making some pretty valid points based on the results of the Steelers game coming up.
  3. I know what you're saying but something good has already happened for him. He was a member of an NFL team for 2+ seasons and signed a contract which paid him a $500,000 signing bonus, and a base salary of about that much for both 2010 and 2011. In other words he's pocketed about $1.5 million. Not bad for a 24-year old.
  4. The Bills Backers Home Page from BB.com: http://www.buffalobills.com/fans/billsbackers/index.html There is an interactive map.
  5. I understand Johnny Hammerstick's questions about the Aaron Williams criticism but it has to be taken in the context of numerous reports of him struggling in practice, and his whiffed tackle last week which turned a routine 2 yard gain into a 9 yard gain. Also, I don't care if he's in position if he doesn't make the play. A good corner doesn't let a receiver get away with a subtle push in the back because a good corner slows down enough that there's no way the receiver will get anywhere near close to the ball. Just like a QB has to throw a ball where only his receiver can get it, a cornerback has to position himself where only he can catch it. If Williams is victimized on that play without learning, he'll be victimized many more times. It's like blocking out in basketball… position yourself where either you catch it or it falls to the ground. Leverage 101. Sheppard was horrible and to his apologists, he and others have repeatedly said that this was virtually the same defense he played at LSU so I'm not gonna buy any excuses. His play has been atrocious. I'm reminded of Gailey's comments two weeks ago correcting the media assumption that Sheppard was locked into the starting job. Whatever the theories are as to why Sheppard was playing into the 4th quarter, there is no way to spin it into a positive. In the best-case, Sheppard looks stellar and is pulled after the first quarter so the team can evaluate McKillup and Carder.
  6. For a guy who spends a lot of time here I'm surprised you missed the numerous threads about Brad Smith or the Wildcat or threads that became about Brad Smith or the Wildcat. There have been many dozens of posts contending why Brad Smith is necessary.
  7. This is nothing but a "conspiracy theory"… but a quite popular one.
  8. It's a legitimate question. There's NEVER been a question of Simpson's talent. I loved him coming out of college. He also has freakishly large hands… like 11.5 inches or something like that. His athletic gifts had to be weighed against this: "In September 2011, police searched Simpson's home after intercepting a package to be delivered to his home containing 2.5 pounds of marijuana. When police arrived at Simpson's home, he allowed them to search his home. Upon searching the home, the police found 6 more pounds of marijuana, scales, empty packages similar to the one intercepted by the police. Simpson's teammate Anthony Collins and his wife were at the residence and were also questioned by the police. No arrests were made. On January 19, 2012, Simpson was indicted in Covington, Kentucky for "Trafficking in more than eight ounces and less than five pounds of marijuana", a Class D felony, which carries a 1 to 5 year prison sentence if convicted. The NFL has stated it will wait until the police investigation is completed to decide if it will discipline Simpson. On April 5, 2012, Simpson was sentenced to 15 days in jail, 200 hours of community service, and 3 years probation. He will also have to undergo drug testing and pay a $7,500 fine plus court costs." The Bills seem to want to have a pretty squeaky-clean operation. When you operate that way, you'll miss out on some serious talent. One thing to weigh is the possibility of him screwing up again.
  9. Even if he could just run like Steve Grogan that would be an upgrade.
  10. Wow, really? That's amazing. All I remember is the Vikes marching up and down the field and Jackson making lots of really accurate throws.
  11. Bottom line for me is that IMO, the D & C is a rag. Now the News is also a rag but Gaughan and Graham do a pretty good job. To echo notwoz, the value doesn't exist with the D & C but it does with the News, IMO. I wonder when the News is changing policy and what their cost is gonna be. BTW, this thread has been very enlightening and I'm gonna explore the various "strategies" mentioned to maximize my value as a consumer. I'm not proud to say that I used to climb the pole to hook up the cable illegally back in the day.
  12. The list probably isn't long. I know that the Niners won the Super Bowl in 1981 with two rookies starting at cornerback… Ronnie Lott and Eric Wright. Their starting strong safety, Carlton Williamson was also a rookie.
  13. I believe that Jackson's contract calls for him to make a base salary of $4 million for this year. That could have a chilling effect on trade talks.
  14. Bills Head Coach Chan Gailey laughs moments after declining Washington Redskins Coach Mike Shanahan's request to "pull his finger."
  15. Unfortunately, not everyone bothers to read an entire thread (even a short one) before posting. Then you get people who ignore very valid points which run counter to their position… as if ignoring someone who is standing right in front of you because they're refuting something you said. Those are the two reasons so many of our discussions go around in circles. And it often boils down to the same thing: some people would rather hear themselves talk than listen to what others have to offer.
  16. Turbos? He took care of that himself yesterday or the day before at the request of another poster.
  17. Aren't you the know-it-all who two weeks ago, predicted Lee Evans would have a 1000 yard season?
  18. That's what I was thinking too. Jackson lit us up in that game and I remember he looked pretty damn impressive. Just sayin'
  19. Yep. The Buffalo News will be following suit shortly. I just don't recall exactly what day their new policy will be effective… probably a day or two within the start of Bills season.
  20. At the risk of angering the thread Gods, I'm looking forward to new good memories… actually new GREAT memories.
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