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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. I've been one of those calling for him to touch the ball 2-3 per game instead of once every 2-3 games. It doesn't seem like a big deal but many teams use the fullback as an occasional changeup to keep the defense honest and CMac is a load to bring down. He catches and runs well… witness the poor safety who tried tackling him on his one touch yesterday. CMac bounced up after the tackle like Jerome Bettis used to while the DB had to let the hurt slowly ooze out of his body. I realize CMac plays on all special teams units and has to be kept fresh for those duties but I still would like to see him get a few more touches. And BTW, the way he plays on coverage teams, is there any doubt the guy would make a great linebacker?
  2. Also, the Bills young linebackers rewarded the faith that the coaches had in them. Both Shep and Moats looked better in their run fits particularly than I've ever seen them. And Shep seems to have a natural instinct with regards to timing and choosing lanes on his blitzes… he really has a knack for getting to the QB. Also neither is getting exploited in coverage although the Cheatriots*** will be the real test.
  3. "Believe it if you need it, or leave it if you dare…" However the fact remains that the Bills coached both Christian Ponder and Andrew Dalton in the Senior Bowl, had an opportunity to draft each of them, and opted not to and BTW how did those guys look yesterday? Also those who criticize the Bills for not drafting a QB (except for Levi) state that when you are looking at QBs that you often have to be overly-aggressive in order to secure them… thus the criticism that they waited too long on numerous QBs including Russell Wilson, Kirk Cousins, the aforementioned, and a few others who were available in the last 3 drafts.
  4. No mention of his playing career. That's probably a good decision.
  5. He could prescribed by physicians as a treatment for insomnia.
  6. I don't think you should call him the "Walking Corpse" as it's disrespectful to a man who committed every fibre of his being into bringing a winning program to the Buffalo Bills franchise. It's hard to win in the NFL and no team wins all the time and in fact few teams even win most of the time. We were one of the teams that won less than most of the time and there were a lot of injuries and other things going on behind the scenes which weren't exactly helpful to the cause… Marv wasn't the greatest GM for instance and Jauron was a good man who nurtured strong relationships with many of the players and lost games with character and grace. Winning isn't everything and it's definitely not the only thing… especially for a team which seldom wins. The team bonded over their collective mediocrity and were better human beings for it and very few people could get a team to lose so regularly and yet so nobly. It was a difficult time in the franchise's history and one which won't be looked upon with great joy but that shouldn't diminish from the several medium-to-good things that happened under Coach Jauron's watch. Many times did Jauron lead the team into battle and there a few wins and even some moments when we heard the Shout song more often than we were expecting. There was the bold, masterful stroke of firing Turk Schonert days before the season opener… a move that didn't work out but didn't fail as miserably as some of his other decisions either. The Aaron Maybin draft pick certainly turned out very well… for the New York Jets and vindicated Jauron's status as a guy who could get some good our of several of his players at times, sporadically.
  7. I like the version by the man who wrote the song… Townes Van Zandt. RIP Townes.
  8. Hmmm… might place an added importance to the ground game.
  9. Maybe her earrings aren't real gold. I have no respect for those that beat women. Even ones that wear fake gold earrings. And what are your thoughts on cheerleaders?
  10. LMAO!!! Earlier this spring Jauron granted a phone interview to a blogger and here's an excerpt: "I really enjoyed my experience in Buffalo even though the fans there probably didn't enjoy my experience in Buffalo. There were some extenuating circumstances which prevented us from doing better but I'm not making any excuses even though there were some difficult times. I've never been one to look backwards so I haven't really reflected on my time in Buffalo other than to remember the good times of which there probably weren't enough of but you always want to emphasize the positive and downplay the negative. We did our best and life goes on. I just want to thank Mr. Wilson for the opportunity and I wish we'd had more success because obviously the best way to thank Mr. Wilson would be with more victories but I sincerely think we did the best we could and sometimes it doesn't work out the way you wish it would. Inasmuch as I'd like to think I did a good coaching job with the Bills, I have enough self-perspective to honestly say that there are probably things I could have done better even though I did my best. Did we win enough games? No. Did we work hard and show good character? I think so. If I had to do it again would I do some things differently? Perhaps. Hello? Are you still there? Hello?"
  11. Who's better? Who's better? Okay… Houston's in contention for the title as well.
  12. Are you visiting family? Are you staying overnight in any particular community? The answer to your questions about where to eat are somewhat affected by where you'll be before and after the game.
  13. The Bills journey to the factory of sadness Browns fans cry some more
  14. That's kinda funny and ironic Kelly… and you know why.
  15. Great post. To add to the bolded, their receivers aren't good enough either.
  16. Oh boy… I hate to reply because this could turn into a huge shyt storm but wasn't Flutie leading the team back in the final seconds in heroic fashion? (yes) Didn't Moulds and Andre Reed have epically bad plays which hurt the team? (yes) Why was Thurman Thomas on an island trying to block Trace Armstrong (he, of 106 career sacks) on that fumble/strip? You of all people Promo. And to those who cite our "number one ranked defense" as the reason for the winning seasons… why did Flutie win all those games while Johnson was middling at best? Buffalo fans at their very worst.
  17. There was some lugubriousness on the board as well as pathos and ennui after the opening day loss. But there was also a helluva lot of ANGER.
  18. Carolina would probably prefer 2013 draft picks to 2012 draft picks. Seriously though, I love Steve Smith and good for him exhorting Cam to be better. Love or hate Smith, there's no one in football who cares more or who is more competitive. And he's got a lot of experience (good and bad) and perspective from all his years in the league. And he's right. Cam shouldn't sulk. There were character concerns swirling around Cam before the draft and they weren't washed away by one successful season.
  19. Well it's only a rumor but I'd love to hear from a moderator about Crayonz and Jimmy Spags. If indeed they were banned it would be an example of what Marv might call over-officiousness. Anyways, just checked. Jimmy Spags was last active on August 22nd… Crayonz on August 27th. FWIW.
  20. Regardless of one's view of Fitz or the Bills QB situation, your analysis/explanation of this one play is excellent. On top of that, your ability to write descriptively is also excellent. I OFTEN wish that sportswriters could describe plays in the precise and artistic manner in which you just did.
  21. As I said, it's a substantial fine for lower paid players and the NFL is trying to reduce the incidence of this type of play. Also as I said in my earlier post, the fines are not fair. Nnamdi Asomugha makes $15 million per year. For him $21,000 is truly nothing. I guess that's easy for you to say. Probably it's not up to us to decide what a lot of money is for someone else unless it's a truly astronomical amount. I will say that I don't consider a person who makes $465,000 in one year to be rich. Being wealthy or rich have a much different definition to me than to you.
  22. Other than playing at a lower level of competition, yes he looks a lot like Kyle (who played at LSU). Another player who reminds me a great deal of Kyle is second year Chicago Bear Stephen Paea who was a consensus All-American and PAC 10 player of the year as a senior in 2011. He did 44 bench presses at the combine and was drafted in the 2nd round (53rd overall) and got a safety in his first NFL game. Paea is also a short, stocky, explosive, gap-attacking player with great leverage.
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