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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Offensively Hackett and Tuel have been nearly flawless against an attacking defense.
  2. I don't see that. I've seen Smith and their O looking really sharp but the Bills D playing very well on 3rd down AND we got lucky on that drop.
  3. Somewhat reminiscent of the Kyle play against the Steelers a few years back.
  4. Cons: Taking a timeout after the 2-minute warning. Pros: Having 3 timeouts and using one to avoid a penalty. You: Glass half empty?
  5. So my observation is that Tuel is fine as long as he plays within himself. On some plays he tries too hard and that's where he gets in trouble. But clearly you can see where one week of preparation makes a big difference.
  6. One of his many traits is that even when he says something nice about the Bills/Buffalo, he sounds PATRONIZING. I actually missed that one. I was at the Red Zone Channel.
  7. Umpire overruled by Ron Winter who was also right there. Borderline penalty. Wish we'd gotten it though.
  8. I prefer the 12 o'clock throwing motion so I think that's good. I like his mechanics generally but he has a weak arm and he gets into trouble when he tries to put mustard on it.
  9. Still sitting on my bench. Keenan Allen, Terrance Williams, Andre Johnson, Bowe.
  10. True. I think they're trying to get that happy medium where the defense doesn't compress the field.
  11. It could be small hands, cold hands or too much adrenaline but the ball is coming out of Tuel's hands funny on quite a few throws. Kind of like Peyton the last two years except that Peyton has the excuse of nerve damage. He's gotta get on top of that ball to prevent it from floating.
  12. You're not wrong. IF (big if) Leodis could process that it's either a possible defensive TD versus a 3rd and 27, it's certainly arguable that trying to pick up the ball is the best play.
  13. Perfect positional play. Interestingly he's had a very down year.
  14. That would be fine. Competition brings out the best in good players. I don't believe in the "protect the fragile psyche" approach to QB development.
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