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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Thanks for all the hard work that you do. I hope you find some worthwhile reward for your toils.
  2. Maybe it's time for him to change his name to Bark Scott.
  3. I saw your poster name is "distortions" and had to laugh.
  4. His tree stand wasn't ready for opening day because the beverage cooler hadn't been installed yet.
  5. Actually, I can see a justification for Gronk being on the field goals team as once in awhile a field goal attempt is faked and who more would you want in that situation than a superstar offensive player who can block and catch? However I don't see the justification for him being in on any extra points because he is a superstar and why risk an injury? Also I do not buy that there's not another person on their roster who could perform the same duties on extra points. And in fact, the truth of that is that Gronk will not be on FG/extra point duty for several weeks. I'm trying to remember when Jerry Rice was used as a gunner… when Eric Dickerson was used as an upback on the punt team… in other words, Gronk is not just a "player." He's a superstar who is vital to the team's offense. A guy like that should be exposed to injury as little as possible. My theory on modern day football coaches is this: Most of them are total effin' a-holes. All the guys you mention and many others like Parcells fall into this category. This doesn't mean that I don't have great respect for them as coaches. BUT it does mean that they are a-holes and so something like running up the score is something they would have no qualms about doing. Now someone like Joe Gibbs, Mike Tomlin or John Harbaugh? Different animal. So I don't buy that it's okay to do just because there's a few successful guys that do it.
  6. As for the original thesis, I'm sure Belichick's given the blowout issues a lot of thought because when it comes to football he's a deep thinker. However I would say that running up the score is his usual M.O. and that it doesn't have to do with some convoluted attempt to motivate an opponent. Besides the sportsmanship angle, you're also missing the point that every team has younger developmental players that would benefit from live game experience. Guys like, you know, Ryan Mallette? No. Belichick definitely has zero class. Look at his behavior in losses, particularly in Super Bowls. Think of the way he's always conducted himself in these situations. Even in his personal life he's a shytheel. Hiding his mistress in a house he paid for while he was still married, etc. The guy is a great football coach but as a human being he's a piece of crap.
  7. I wouldn't say extremely but I don't like the practice of "link-only posts." A different point is that from the poster's perspective, I assume the poster cares that people read and discuss the topic. From that standpoint it helps to include a little blurb/excerpt. It's good for "business."
  8. This never gets old. On the other hand… The answer, as our Marcia fanboy knows is zero.
  9. Yeah, Dareus has played well in the last two games. Apparently he'd been playing with a bit of a bum shoulder and a nagging hamstring.
  10. It's a moot point but FWIW, my recollection is that a lot more people here wanted Dareus than Von Miller because they were convinced that Miller was another Maybin, just like they were convinced that Bruce Irvin was another Maybin.
  11. He couldn't go out opening day on account of his tender wrist.
  12. If it were a non-superstar player, then I think an argument could be made for him being in the game. But the guy is a SUPERSTAR. On top of that the Cheatriots*** run a two tight end offense in which Gronk is THE critical component. This offense has been deadly effective because then don't have to change personnel to morph from a run team to a pass team and visa versa. After Brady and maybe Wilfork, he's the most important player on the team. As such yes, it's a bit odd that he's on the field for a late game, blowout extra point. Any backup O-lineman, D-lineman, backup tight end or backup linebacker could have taken his spot. Gronk is not just another player.
  13. I think you meant to say "we all know who the poster was talking about."
  14. Not sure what you're getting at, that because something hasn't happened yet means it can't happen? Regardless, Drew Brees dislocated his elbow in the 2007 Pro Bowl. It obviously didn't end his career but it's not like a career-ending or even season-ending injury is inconceivable in pro football.
  15. It's Andrew Reid.
  16. I don't wish any team or individual an injury but I certainly won't shed any tears over this. They're gonna win the division regardless but losing him could conceivably hurt their playoff seeding in the larger picture.
  17. Good sense of humor. I'm told there's a cemetery in WNY where a headstone reads: "I told you I was sick." Actually the guy in the obituary was born in 1931 so he was certainly alive for the Chiefs victory over the Vikings in Super Bowl IV so in that regard, he's more fortunate than all of us.
  18. It's something stronger than pot.
  19. People don't seem to understand how television and media works. It's all about creating controversy for the sake of ratings. If the quality of the officiating was continuing to be a problem, the networks would have no trouble making an issue of it. Yes, the Bills-Patriots game was poorly officiated. But as I said upthread, there are over 2000 plays every week in the NFL. Maybe it's not obvious to everyone but IMO the officiating now is much better than it was when the games were being officiated by the replacement guys. Are you gonna address the fact that you completely misinterpreted the article or are you just going to try attacking me from a different angle?
  20. Yeah, especially when they construct an argument about a player based on one season or even more extreme, one game. In fact we have people here who'll argue that one play proves their point.
  21. Actually I wish I hadn't smoked so much pot in high school and as far as the bolded, having smoked more wouldn't have necessarily translated into having more memories, if you know what I mean.
  22. Yes I apparently read the article with quite a bit more comprehension than you did. Do you understand that the piece was an opinion piece written by one of the replacement officials and that the piece appeared in the New York Post? Do you actually think that the sentence you quoted has anything to do with a factual evaluation of the replacement officials' performance?
  23. No. I loved Bradford coming out of college but I hold my opinion because Bradford had a very good rookie year under Fritz Shurmur and because Jeff Fisher thinks the world of Sam and thinks he's a special talent. Fitz couldn't dream of being as accurate as Bradford. Bradford is also deadly accurate throwing on the run. He sees the field well. I think Bradford is gonna be an upper echelon QB, as opposed to Fitz who's average at best.
  24. Yeah he's been hurt by the instability in the organization. Bradford's on his 3rd OC in three years. Jeff Fisher is also very high on Bradford. No chance that the Rams give up on him from what his brother says. I'd take Bradford over Fitz in a second.
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