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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. I believe you're dead wrong on this. Anyone who saw RG3's lower leg flapping around as he was cartwheeling through the air is astounded that he can still walk. Cousins took all the first team snaps in practice this past week. RG3 as it was revealed only did some individual work. The Skins did a nice job of making people believe that there was a chance that RG3 could play but I never believed it for a second and the practice reports seem to back me up. I'd actually still be somewhat surprised if RG3 played this week at Philadelphia.
  2. ? Unfortunately Buffalonians have seen something like that before.
  3. Look, last offer. Two firsts for Kirk. Take it or leave it.
  4. Yep. Don't shoot the messenger (TJ Graham). Understood and agreed.
  5. John, there's absolutely a chance that TJ Graham will become a player that we can all be happy to have drafted. However: 1) The pick doesn't look very good right now and 2) It's hard to expect a fanbase frustrated by 13 years of dismal results to not be angry and disillusioned on virtually every aspect of the Bills. Yes it would be nice if every topic here was discussed with fairness, perspective, humor, etc. Ain't gonna happen though. Especially not in this latest poop storm.
  6. Does this dog have any head coaching experience?
  7. Thanks. Someone else wrote that Nix said that Gailey's contract "wasn't for only one year either" past 2012 or something to that effect. Does that sound familiar?
  8. Teams make front office hires in the context of ownership changes. It seems like the Dolphins, Browns and Jags all hired head coaches while their ownership status was up in the air. There's no sense in waiting IMO. By retaining Gailey you'd have a season ticket holder revolt. The Bills have to at least be able to sell hope, even if it's false hope. By retaining Gailey there is no hope to sell.
  9. Mmmm, Southern Cal cheerleaders (Homer Simpson voice)
  10. Yes that was the widely-held belief but in a radio interview earlier this season, Nix basically said that Gailey's contract has two years left after this season. Don't have a link for you but maybe someone else does. It was widely discussed here.
  11. I'm sure Carroll regretted screwing his best buddy's girlfriend too. (this is not a factually-based comment)
  12. For starters, my advice to you would be to get rid of that silly green outfit.
  13. So does JPS stand for James Paul Shanahan? What do you think it would take for the Bills to pry him off the Rams roster? Bravo!
  14. I know it's easy to criticize things after they happen but you don't see too much deep thinking when it comes to decision-making sometimes. What if Brent's "advisors" (whoever they are) issued a statement that simply read: Josh is genuinely touched by the generosity of spirit and forgiveness extended to him by relatives of the deceased, and by friends and teammates. While it would be healing for him to be close to the team at this time, Josh feels like his presence around the team during public times would be a distraction as the team attempts to qualify for the playoffs and at the same time, come to terms with the death of their teammate.
  15. True and true. I guess what I meant by the money thing is that at least he'd be "working for his money" as opposed to it just being given to him.
  16. BTW, I'm glad you post this stuff. There are some people here like ourselves who are interested by things like this, Bountygate, Toradol, etc. and would rather read something like this than 50 essentially identical topics about the head coach, quarterback, etc. I have to say that I find Reid's statements to be peculiar at best: Andy Reid said in a statement Monday afternoon that he is "confident that my son's decisions did not affect our football team in any way." "I cannot apologize enough for any adverse appearances that my son's actions may have for an organization and a community that has been nothing but supportive of our family.”
  17. Me too. It accomplishes nothing to do it any sooner. And from Ralph's perspective, at around $125,000 per game, he'll save a cool quarter mil waiting till the season ends.
  18. Agreed. If you read good columnists at good newspapers, you'll get insight and learn things that you wouldn't learn on a message board. As Bills fans however, we glean more knowledge and insight from message boards. Probably Sullivan comes here to get a better understanding of the Bills situation.
  19. So we have an incompetent head coach that needs to be replaced but we shouldn't fire him until we know who his replacement will be? Do teams typically hire the new coach before firing the old one? I didn't think so.
  20. I disagree. Like I've been saying since the early season blowout losses to New England and San Francisco, numerous GMs have been allowed to make a second head coaching hire. My prediction remains that Nix stays and gets to hire one more head coach at season's end. Many factors will go into the decision to fire Gailey after the season. The biggest one will be the unhappiness of the season ticket buyers. An organization simply can't ignore their most loyal customers. As for Nix's earlier "public support" of Gailey, it's amazing to me that some posters here still don't understand why that was a necessary public position. As for the argument about Jauron getting another year when it wasn't deserved, he had just signed a new, lucrative, long-term extension when the Bills were 5-1 and the Bills were hoping beyond hope that they wouldn't have to eat the entire extension and they certainly weren't gonna fire him 10 weeks after signing him to the extension. The Bills probably ended up eating 3 years on Jauron though there's some salary offset to that because he was hired after leaving the Bills. At season's end, the Bills will end up eating at most, 2 years of Gailey's contract.
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