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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. That certainly appeared to be the case last week in Torronto. It used to be that very often, the center would snap the ball immediately when he sensed encroachment regardless of the snap count. I rarely see that anymore. I wonder why that is? Maybe because there's so much offensive movement these days that you also take the risk of a illegal procedure?
  2. Sounds like the Dolphins stole the old Houston Oilers song.
  3. I do enjoy every game. That's why I watch. Last words from me: People can either make posts that: 1) Try to evaluate the game intelligently or 2) Make comments like the Bills suck, Fitz sucks, Gailey sucks etc. So if we can't critically (not negatively but critically) make comments, then we're left with the stupid commentary. Also, critique CAN be commented on by non-professionals. It doesn't take a genius to observe losing outside containment, not taking advantage of leverages, missing run fits, etc. Enjoy the game.
  4. Aaron Williams with terrible trail coverage technique.
  5. My qualifications are that my first game was ten years before your first game. You'll get there. Don't worry.
  6. I wish they wouldn't over-utilize him so much. For some reason Stevie felt the need to extend the ball instead of pulling it in.
  7. What were you thinking!!! You're not qualified to talk about technique. Don't worry about it. It's complicated. Just enjoy the game.
  8. So we're not qualified to critique anything we don't do professionally? Got it. BTW, if you didn't recognize the glaringly bad technique, you know less about football than a casual fan.
  9. Gilmore has to work on that technique. He's being exploited on it.
  10. Premature meaningless comments already. Apparently you haven't watched the Bills this season.
  11. The Manning sweepstakes were pretty hotly contested. I don't know if Abraham would have been interested in coming here but I'm positive that Peyton would have had no interest in the Bills.
  12. Even with limited snaps in passing downs, he's a nice piece for any team. At his age, I'm sure he's glad to be on a playoff team.
  13. I didn't remember that Abraham was available. Yeah way more proven than Anderson for sure.
  14. Jeep 2 Competition 0 If I was gonna get a Wrangler, I'd get the extended wheelbase one. I like the look and I bet I'd love the extra room. Plus they have great accessories for those things.
  15. Hard to explain the difference between last year and this year if you're Detroit.
  16. There's plenty of time but it's not accompanied by the feeling that the Lions are gonna be able to pull it out.
  17. Both of our leagues are very competitive and the one based in Buffalo has been going on for nearly 25 years. For many years we hand scored the league and the league features individual defensive players and one (and only one player) per each NFL team. One thing I've learned from years of fantasy football is that there's a lot of luck involved. You try to draft a good team and hope that the fantasy gods are smiling on you. And yes, prime time entered into the equation.
  18. I squeaked into the playoffs in both of my fantasy leagues and on a hunch, started Mikel LeShoure in both leagues. I was not pleased to see him fumble early and am a bit in disbelief that he was given another chance by Schwartz and that the Lions converted that 3rd and 3 to set up the first and goal. I had written this one off as a bad lineup decision. Very grateful for the improbable TD.
  19. He recently allowed that he views himself as a HOF player. I wouldn't agree with him mostly because he's been pretty injury-prone. When healthy he's a marvelous pass rusher and more proof that people with those skills can get bigger men off balance and present them to the quarterback.
  20. Just turned the game on. All I know is that Reiff became a starter 3 weeks ago when Backus went down. Didn't now Reiff was playing tight end.
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