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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. That's weird. On the grand scale I thought this discussion was fair and civilized. Sorry dude.
  2. K-9, We'll probably have to agree to disagree. However my last word is that this technology that they're studying in Sweden and which is being implemented in hockey helmets takes some blows and reduces the impact of those blows. From reading the piece it seems that they are saying that impacts come from all angles. I agree with you that in a direct impact, no helmet is going to have the ability to protect the brain. But with many blows which aren't direct (but which still result in a concussion) the technology attempts to lessen the force of those impacts. If the helmet can lessen the force of some impacts, it can certainly reduce the concussion rate.
  3. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  4. I think the particular dynamic that would be important in this hypothetical is what his relation to Russ Brandon would be. Is it possible that Brandon would be ousted?
  5. IMO, Kelly doesn't seem to me to have the credentials to bring success to the organization. He hasn't paid his dues in terms of working in an NFL front office for one thing and he doesn't have experience at the highest levels of business either (Elway is pretty successful away from the NFL I believe). That said, we don't really know how he would do and it's certainly hard to believe that he'd do worse than Russ Brandon who is the Bills current CEO. He brings some positives which we all admire which may or may not translate into success as an NFL exec. But if Kelly's role was an ownership type thing where he has the ability to assemble a strong front office, we would judge it by who he is able to hire.
  6. So it looks like the salary cap will remain essentially the same. And am I correct that someone recently pointed out that it won't be until next year that teams will be required to spend at least 89% of the cap? Finally I think that even after the Mario Williams signing that the Bills had about $7 million in cap space although I could be wrong. So in order to improve the team, they're gonna have to get rid of some veteran salaries which aren't good values: I would say Kelsay, Spencer Johnson, T. McGee, Thigpen, and others. I actually like Brad Smith as a football player but not as a wildcat QB. I honestly think he could be an outstanding WR. Of course if there's a regime change, there could be more sweeping changes than the ones I mentioned.
  7. If his new position placed him above Russ Brandon, I'd be all for it.
  8. I think your first 6 points are very likely. I hope your last two points aren't but I'm not gonna make any predictions on that.
  9. That's for sure. In one sense ny33 has not been proven incorrect in his original post (and weeks ago he admitted that he underestimated Wilson) because we still don't know if Wilson will ever truly be elite. I agree with you that he's looking pretty damn good and I think he'll likely be able to maintain this current level of play because his improvement as a player should be able to offset the ability of defenses to more effectively gameplan for him.
  10. The issue you speak of The issue you speak of (opposing DCs identifying and attacking a young quarterback's weaknesses) is something that most all young QBs go through for sure. Interesting thing about Wilson is that earlier in the season (and we commented on this during an early season live game thread, I think it was the first Seahawks-Niners game) the Seahawks were running a painfully simplified offense. Their offense resembled a college offense and they were not very good. That week Warren Moon said that the Seahawks were bringing Wilson along too slowly, not giving him enough of the offense and thus stunting his development. Since then it seems they've opened up the playbook more and Wilson has been getting better each week. It should be interesting to track his progress especially as it compared to Luck, Griffin, and Tanneyhill, all of whom are having good to great rookie seasons.
  11. I'll have to agree with MarkKelso's Helmet on this one. After all, he is a helmet himself. But seriously IMO it's not a black and white issue like K-9 and billsbum are making it. Did you guys read the entire article? Using a floating membrane to reduce the force of some hits (that's what they're ultimately doing) can cause some of these hits to be less damaging. They can make some impacts that would otherwise be concussive to sub-concussive because the helmet moves rotationally and re-directs energy. Put differently it looks like the technology being studied can help make some direct hits and turn them into glancing blows as far as the brain is concerned. To add to the discussion, I've heard that the weight of the helmets is also an issue. Football helmets are apparently very heavy and some believe that this is a factor also. I remember a recent discussion of the effects of the new lighter combat helmets that the armed forces are using and how those improved protection with regard to injury-causing brain impacts.
  12. One more question. Is the boiler for baseboard heaters, radiators, are a radiant floor. Also, do you know what the setpoint was for the boiler? Okay. So basically the grow lights started the fire and you're trying to blame it on the boiler?
  13. What would you like to wager? I have a Paypal account.
  14. Actually I'm kinda doubtful about this. After Gruden left Tampa Bay, there were a lot of things said by players that indicated that he was not well-liked and that players didn't trust him. Gruden in-and-of himself would not be a draw for free agents IMO. You're making a lot of claims about the Bills underpaying Jauron and Gailey. However while Jauron's initial salary was low, it was rumored that his ill-fated extension was lucrative. There have been no reports about Gailey's compensation. Also there were reports that the amounts offered to coaching candidates during the hiring cycle that culminated with Gailey were very high. So all your claims are basically speculation and in no way based in fact.
  15. Facile? Like replying to a fairly lengthy post with a four sentence reply? First of all, no one said Callahan "gave it to him." I tried to express that Callahan was outcoached and that's a consensus view. As for Dungy, the Tampa defense was never a problem when Dungy was there. It was their offense that was the problem. And the bigger point I was trying to convey is that Gruden is overrated IMO. Would he be an upgrade over Gailey? Of course he'd be, who wouldn't?
  16. I like both of these candidates. Both men have very recently and very successfully worked with rookie quarterbacks. It seems like Arians got run out of Pitt because management wanted someone to "stand up" to Big Ben instead of enabling him. They should have just told Arians to reign him in a bit. It's almost like Tomlin passed the buck for not being able to control Arians and/or Big Ben. Arians has done a great job with Andrew Luck and got the Colts to the playoffs as interim head coach. The whole Indy situation is so weird because it'll probably end up that Arians will have coached the Colts to the playoffs, and will have to step aside for Pagano before the playoffs begin. Furthermore, Arians will most likely end up leaving as a result of his success as the interim coach. And no one has any clue as to how Pagano will do. There's a lot of feel good moments throughout his recovery but again, there's no telling if the team will get better or worse once he takes the reigns from Arians. It actually would surprise me if the Colts haven't had internal discussions about how and at what cost they could keep Arians, especially as he is probably bound at the hip with Andrew Luck at this point. These discussions have probably encompassed every (and I mean EVERY) scenario but of course they're not gonna ask a guy who just recovered from leukemia to step down. Very interesting situation.
  17. But, you're JR in Ann Arbor.
  18. Jack Ramsey put together a really nice squad although they were just a tad not good enough to beat the Celtics in a 7 game series. Cotton Fitzsimmons also put together a really nice team. I loved the Braves. Those were the days, watching OJ Simpson, Gilbert Perreault, and Bob McAdoo as a kid.
  19. Is it a steam boiler or a hot water boiler? What kind of fuel does it use? I know from a zoning perspective that many places require a concrete or similar floor underneath a boiler.
  20. In my book, yes. I'd rather have the option of trading down rather than having to trade up to get a player we've targeted. So yes. I'd rather the Bills lose to the Jets. I hate to say it but that's the way I feel.
  21. "It's hard to win in the NFL." Also, "git r done!"
  22. Anyways I don't see any way that Dallas doesn't re-sign him. He ain't coming to Buffalo, that's for sure.
  23. I think Romo is unfairly maligned. IMO he's an excellent QB. Top 7 for sure and not the reason for the Cowboys' lack of success.
  24. Hmmm. So there's not a case to be made that Tebow "took his ball and went home?" Isn't he supposed to be the ultimate team guy? I understand Tebow's frustration but there's no question in my mind that he leaves himself open to criticism here. I agree with Hoge FWIW. This is almost insubordination. Why should he get a free pass?
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