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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. No can of worms. Just my observations.
  2. I think a lot of them are jaded and/or have become cynical. That said, there are longtime law enforcement guys who maintain a good healthy attitude also. I think part of it depends on the individual. Becoming jaded/cynical is the path of least resistance. It takes a person of convictions to retain some degree of idealism. One has to make the effort every day and not just give in to the travails of life and/or simple peer pressure. edit: I used to manage a restaurant that gave half price to Buffalo cops so I've gotten to know quite a few cops. Even some of the older ones were good guys who hadn't let their attitudes deteriorate. But also for some, being cynical is a coping mechanism for what is a very stressful job. I think that the ability to laugh at things makes it easier for them to cope.
  3. There is no one single way to build a football team. Open your eyes and look around you.
  4. Some of these people just don't know how to use their heads.
  5. First of all there are practicalities involved. You need your window fixed ASAP in this weather so that ball has to start rolling (and apparently it has). Also these are your neighbors so obviously you want to maintain civility at all times for the sake of the long term. Also I'm guessing it's an expensive window so you're not gonna get financial compensation from the neighbors. This means that it's an insurance job. However there's still the matter of the Mom and kids (no Dad?) next door. You DON'T circumvent the Mom. She is their legal guardian and they are the legal wards. You have to approach her. Do so with the drinking glass. Explain to her the story. The noise of the kids playing outside, the silence, the discovery of the broken window, you knocking at the door and being totally ignored by the kids, the discovery of the glass. It kinda sounds like an incident of underage drinking while Mom was gone. Let her know the situation and ask her if she can talk to the kids about it. Let her know you're concerned that your insurance premium is gonna go up (I don't know whether this is true). Tell her that anyways. Don't be accusatory. Some parents get VERY DEFENSIVE to the point of being offensive and stick up for their kids even when the kids are wrong. It's a common error in parenting I see quite often. If you sense a conflict is arising, abort mission. The best you might hope for is a confession and an apology. If you're lucky you might even get a "sorry gift." But you did your part by keeping Mom in the loop and keeping the kids accountable. They know what to expect from you as you've laid down a clear (if forgiving) boundary. That's about all you can do.
  6. Actually, it's "not for nothing." Actually it's "thinking outside the box." My biggest pet peeve by far is "REALLY?" That seems to be a common language crutch these days when someone is incredulous about the stupidity of others. For instance: This is response number 97 in this thread and no one has mentioned "really" yet. "REALLY?" Yes you phuckin' tard. Really. What? Do I speak with forked tongue? edit: "REALLY? You're correcting other people's posts now? REALLY?" "Yes, that's what I just did. Congratulations on noticing. You get a gold star." edit: I'm not talking about the "really" which is stated in a normal pitch and accent. I'm talking about the "REALLY" spoken like someone is trying to question someone else's intelligence. With that ridiculous inflection.
  7. He's a coach AND a head coach?
  8. Electricity follows the path of least resistance.
  9. That's weird to me. The Jets usually smack us down pretty good.
  10. You're gonna blow the deal Cappy!
  11. If you piss him off he might not come here.
  12. You should just take it for what it's worth (and you know how much it's worth). Don't get bent over it. It's not worth it. Believe me, I know Jeff Fisher's brother.
  13. I'll ask Jeff's brother to ask Munchak if he's interested. Hopefullly I'll have an answer by tomorrow's meeting when we discuss Caldwell's qualifications. You WILL have that report ready by the morning meeting I assume? Or is Heitz preparing the report? This GM stuff is kinda confusing.
  14. Yeah maybe after Munchak's canned I can have Jeff's brother call Jeff and ask Munchak if he'd be interested in interviewing with us!
  15. I hope Nix's reply to Ralph was "No shyt Ralph." "You didn't think I was gonna retain him did you?"
  16. Possibly then Pears and Chandler.
  17. Basically my post was a conceit on the idea that anyone would know more people in the NFL than Brandon. I know Jeff Fisher's brother so I consider myself more connected than Brandon.
  18. As long as he doesn't sign Kelsay to another contract extension I'm good with him.
  19. My earlier post was kind of off the cuff. I just remember when Nix was hired and Ralph saying something to the effect "we don't know anyone in the NFL." To me that was an indictment of Brandon. I guess I'd just prefer if the CEO was a football guy.
  20. One of the good alternatives is PEX: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PEX
  21. Of course not. For one thing, by making claims like that helmet manufacturers actually open themselves up to liability. Plus there are things that can't be proven. But if people start seeing very promising lab results on this or any other product it could help to improve equipment. Besides making a buck, that's what these researchers are trying to do. Evolve in the right direction.
  22. Geez Joe. Give it up on the Spurrier stuff already.
  23. You mean… you can DRINK crack??? All the money I've wasted…
  24. Presumptuous of me to think I know what's best for Gailey. That said, his dismissal would benefit all parties concerned, IMO.
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