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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Don't know exactly. All the principals (the Bills FO, Chip Kelly, Whisenhunt, Horton, Grimm, Groves, etc) are in Arizona right now so word gets around. Groves plays for the Cards and is probably close to his coordinator Ray Horton. Whisenhunt has interviewed with the Bills.
  2. If it was Buddy up there speaking, he would have said "tarnation."
  3. The lease simply eliminates another troubling issue surrounding the franchise. It's a damage control thing. One less strike against.
  4. Absolutely. However Whisenhunt wouldn't accept an assistant position unless there were no offers for him as a head coach. BTW, congratulations on your over/under "victory" in the other thread. Seems like you're advocating going after only big-name guys. I understand that position.
  5. Anyways, in spite of Brandon's words yesterday to the contrary, the evidence so far (Howard Simon's tweets attributed to Whisenhunt, the Bills interview list) points to increased power for Whaley and decreased power for Buddy.
  6. Even me? I know I'm a bit slow but still!
  7. I think you're wrong here. The whole issue with the end of Reid's tenure in Philly was because he could never replace the late Jimmy Johnson, his brilliant DC. They had a revolving door at that job in the last few years. I think it's more likely that Arizona wants to convince Horton to stay on, either as head coach or as Reid's DC. However if Arizona's intention is to hire Reid, I believe they'll let Horton accept a head coaching position with another team. Reid as head coach with Horton as his DC would be a great scenario for Arizona, IMO.
  8. Your first post ever and you're calling another poster a loser? How old are you?
  9. I think considering the fact that they all like Nix and that Nix hired Cook, Gibbons, Whaley, and most of the personnel department that the Bills determined that it would be way too damaging to show Nix the door at this time. However in another thread Promo posted numerous Howard Simon tweets attributed to Ken Whisenhunt. These quotes comment on Brandon and Whaley but do not mention Buddy Nix. This speaks volumes. I think that the Bills are being more honest to the head coaching candidates than they are to the fans in this regard (Buddy's future with the team).
  10. In another thread Bandit and mrags were talking about hiring a leader and not so much an Xs and Os guy. Yes, the coordinator positions in any hire are critical (as are keeping them under good oversight). We don't want a repeat of the Curtis Modkins-George Edwards fiasco. In hindsight that should have told me all I needed to know about the Gailey hiring.
  11. No doubt. Interesting thing is that he represents the mobile quarterback that Gailey had often been accused of favoring. It would have been interesting and possibly even successful.
  12. Yes. And don't call me Shirley. You don't?
  13. I was thinking that too. I wonder if some of the talks were abstracted in that way. "How would you feel about… "
  14. I'm really starting to feel a package deal coming on here. A "the band's getting back together" deal. I'm ASTOUNDED that no one's commented on this yet. Why are these quotes attributed to Whisenhunt talking about Whaley? What does this tell us about the Bills GM situation? Yes. Reid is one of the great QB gurus of all time. I like your point about a great leader vs an Xs and Os guy. I guess with all of these coaching candidates, a lot of it comes down to who they bring with them. Peterson, Campbell, Rhodes, Washington, etc. The Cards have more defensive talent than the Bills IMO. Offensively the Bills are more talented. Yep. You were doing so well until "Haslett."
  15. More likely it was already in existence. Apparently Whiz is infamous for punting from the wrong side of midfield. Are you sure of this? Do we know how hard Whisenhunt lobbied for or against the Kolb trade? I guess ultimately Whisenhunt and Graves failed at QB. Just as Chan and Buddy failed in that department.
  16. In this scenario the question then becomes, would his talents have been recognizable or would he be viewed as a 3rd round quarterback prospect?
  17. Wins and losses aside for a moment, the crux of the biscuit with Lovie is quite simple: Based on the talent level of the rosters provided by Jerry Angelo (and one season of Phil Emery), did his teams overachieve or did they underachieve? The other thing you judge a head coach on is who did he hire (or who was hired for him)?
  18. Thank you. A few people keep wanting to separate the coach from the QB. Gailey cast his lot with Fitz. My take on Gailey's relationship with Nix is that Gailey absolved himself from a lot of the personnel side. I never got the sense that beyong Fitz and maybe Choice and a few other guys that Gailey really gave much input into personnel. Admittedly I'm guessing here but my first point remains the same: As a head coach you'd better lobby for and choose the right quarterback. Your job depends on it. As for Chan, like others have said: A gentleman and a man of good values, honest and hard working. A loyal guy.
  19. Brandon did say that Buddy is the GM and has had no loss of power. It is true he said that. Interesting take. One thing I'll say about Brandon's earlier stint as GM is that at the time the Bills insisted that they were working on a "consensus model." It's really hard to say to what degree Jauron, Modrak, Guy, and Brandon divvied up the decisions, who had the most power, who made what decisions, etc. If nothing else, there should be a bit more clarity going forward. I guess I would say that there's a possibility that Nix has more power than he has had the last three years but also there's a possibility that he has less because many people here think that there is an imminent and hidden succession to Whaley. I suppose there's the possibility that he has the same amount of power too. We really don't know.
  20. The over/under on this one guys?
  21. And it ignores the fact that some coaches are inexorable, insistent, and fanatical about finding their quarterback (ie- Pete Carroll, Mike Shanahan) Then there are those coaches who just kinda hope one falls into their laps. Or believe that they can take any old QB and make it work.
  22. And btw, the last two guys who people were likening to Aaron Maybin were Von Miller and Bruce Irvin. Apparently people here are so traumatized by Maybin (not saying you Guff) that they can't really evaluate speed rushers anymore. And it was OBVIOUS that Miller and Irvin were much better than Maybin. Really effin obvious.
  23. No. That was Maybin's size for those few moments he tried to bulk up. Maybin was really a 235 pounder on a light frame. 235 pounds is the weight that Maybin played at in the Rose Bowl and through most of his NFL career. Not saying Clowney doesn't need to fill out a bit. But he is 6'6" so he's quite a long athlete.
  24. Me too! Great minds!
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