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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Great take. As for your last sentence, I always described him as a fast-moving fire hydrant. It's possible though.
  2. BTW Brown Bear. When you look at the Bills, what do you see?
  3. Perform vowel-reduction surgery on it? In the 70s there was a Venezuelan boxer named Fulgencio Obelmejias. Some boxing commentators started referring to him as "Alphabet." JW is the undisputed "W" Champion of the World.
  4. Alright Bill. We get it. You want back into the NFL.
  5. Perhaps if he'd changed his surname to W(w)illiams?
  6. This is all very interesting. I always thought his teams played hard and that he overcame marginal personnel on the roster. But I didn't know how much of the talent deficiency was a result of his own actions. Thanks for the info and it makes our vetting process a lot of fun. I think after leaning towards Lovie earlier on (yesterday), I'm starting to drift towards the other candidates. However with a limited role in personnel and a strong OC, I still wouldn't be opposed to hiring him. We've seen numerous coaches get worse with more responsibility (Shanahan, Holmgren, etc).
  7. I'm reminded of an early 90s era SNL skit about "taking the joke too far." LOL Anyways, Greg(g) always rubbed me the wrong way. While I try not to wish misfortune on anyone I can't say as I'm too broken up about he and his son(n)s dismissals. Chris Polian is supposed to be a major jack wagon too. By the testimony of MANY. While I'm not a big Kyle Shanahan fan, I have to say that I like his demeanor. Seems like his Dad was able to instill some modicum of humility in the kid.
  8. Even the biggest proponents of analytics/sabermetrics admit that it has limitations. But the Nix quote above is exactly the sort of statement that Michael Lewis attacked in Moneyball. It's probably useful to consider the old school and the new approach.
  9. I dunno. After that whole Bountygate thing I think he's pretty much damaged good(d)s.
  10. And who could have contemplated that Ted(d) Cottrell would then lead the 2009 New York Sentinels to an 0-6 record? Hey, hey!!! No need to get personal here.
  11. When will the madness end? All this does is raise the bar and someday, someone will name their son Greggg. Thanks for the thoughtful response. There was no substance in my post so no worries there. That whole Edward/Teddy thing has always vexed me too.
  12. Williams' first name has two "g"s. Who Lovie would bring as OC is a huge question. I seem to remember that Ron Turner was a really good OC but he had the misfortune of working with Rex Grossman and Kyle Orton. By the time Cutler got to Chicago, Turner was gone. As for the personnel stuff, as with most NFL teams it's hard to separate the work of Lovie from the work of Jerry Angelo. Head Coaches and GMs tend to sink or swim together. My impression is that Lovie's a really good coach but I can't say that I can speak with authority about his tenure in Chicago.
  13. Greg(g) always annoyed me so it was a way for me to poke a little fun at him and amuse myself at the same time. I never understood the second G. Is his name Greggory? I don't mean to offend anyone. Some day I'll grow up.
  14. Disgraced coach Greg(g) Williams' son, Blake Williams was fired today by the St. Louis Rams. Greg(g) Williams, the former Bills Head Coach was hired as the Rams DC last January weeks before the Bountygate Scandal became a big story and he convinced Head Coach Jeff Fisher to hire his son Blake, as the Rams Linebackers Coach. After the scandal broke and Williams was suspended, Blake was retained and actually assumed more responsibilities as the Rams chose not to hire a replacement for his Dadd and instead, spread out his workload to the rest of the defensive coaches. Fisher said the Rams knew nothing about Bountygate and wouldn't have hired Dadd Williams had they known of the investigation. It's been considered doubtful that the elder Williams would return to the Rams and that point was driven home today when Fisher purged the team of the other Williams, son Blake. According to reports from Mike Silver, Blake was fired in part due to his "brusque and tactless style." No confirmation on rumors that Blake used an air horn to keep the players awake during defensive meetings. http://profootballta...ut-in-st-louis/ http://profootballta...liams-downfall/
  15. That is the question for every candidate too.
  16. Let me add again (seeing as we're running laps now) that although I'm not completely on board with the decision to retain Nix, that I see the rationale behind it: 1) Valued, trusted employee. It does little good to publicly humiliate him. 2) More importantly, in the 3 years he's been here, he's revamped the personnel department. He hired Cook and Gibbons and many of the regional scouts. He got rid of Modrak and Guy. It would be very disruptive during this time of scouting bowl games and preparing for the draft to fire him. That's why personnel guys typically have contracts which expire on May 1st. Not only would Nix's firing be very disruptive to draft and free agent preparations but it would be pretty demoraliziing to the staff that he hired. There's more value in retaining Nix for the short run with this caveat: As long as it doesn't impair the team's ability to hire a new head coach.
  17. That is the Bills we know and love. BTW, did you see the thread where SDS was on the radio this morning?
  18. Bridging water is kind of a sore subject in Buffalo.
  19. I'm not on the Chip Kelly bandwagon. Yet. But to your point, the NCAA has restrictions on practice time for their student athletes. Chip Kelly's clockwork like practices was his method for getting more valuable practice reps in the same amount of time as his opponents. Leave me alone! Can't you see how upset and outraged I am?
  20. Even you know what I was talking about.
  21. If your wife is from Jersey, why does she say "only in Buffalo."
  22. By all means tell the insurance company it was the boiler. But we know it was the grow lights.
  23. Aha. At this point I'm wondering if Lovie's gonna get an interview with the Bills. It seems like there has not been a market forming for Lovie. As far as I know, no team has interviewed him yet. And there are 7 openings.
  24. The one thing with Mike Zimmer from a Bills standpoint (and I hate to say it) is how marketable the guy is and what the fan response would be? Ideally with a coaching hire you wouldn't even consider these things but pro sports is part of the entertainment business so there is a sales/marketing aspect to it. edit: It goes without saying that winning sells.
  25. Correctemundo! You're on a roll. First the over/under and now this.
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