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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. LOL. I don't usually enjoy getting pleasure watching someone else's misfortune. But that dynamic changes a bit when one becomes a public figure. Especially a heavily-hyped public figure.
  2. For the discussion: He must be a senior, because you need time and maturity to develop into a good professional quarterback. He must be a graduate, because you want someone who takes his responsibilities seriously. He must be a three-year starter, because you need to make sure his success wasn’t ephemeral and that he has lived as “the guy” for some period of time. He must have at least 23 wins, because the big passing numbers must come in the context of winning games.
  3. Overrated? Has anyone yet dubbed him Manti T'ebow?
  4. I've posted numerous times here that Belichick and Gailey were born within 3 months of each other. Belichick is not a good looking man but you'd guess he was 10 years Gailey's junior.
  5. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/154300-jim-haslett/page__hl__haslett 70 posts recent
  6. I dunno. The DBs under Catavalos never seem to make plays. It seems they've all regressed. I think the converted wide receiver turned safety dropping sure interceptions is emblematic of Catavolos' tenure. On the other hand, the cornerbacks not looking back for the ball and wasting good coverage as a result might be more emblematic. Hard to say.
  7. I'm kinda amazed that people would even begin to judge a coordinator based on one season of work, as a few have done here. Wouldn't you normally ask: 1) What did he have to work with player-wise? 2) What is the coaches overall track record (besides just 2012)? 3) What else about his resume jumps out at you? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Tucker Not touting the guy. But judging the guy without knowing the first thing about him is… what's the word for it? FWIW, Tucker is 40, played collegiately at Wisconsin, and was the Jaguars assistant Head Coach last year. He also survived the regime change from Del Rio to Mularkey.
  8. Apparently Shanny wasn't the only one incapable of seeing the obvious: that RGIII's play was hurting his team. However the player can't be blamed for wanting to stay in the game. There are lots of players who would refuse to voluntarily come out. The head coach on the other hand is entrusted to recognize: 1) when the player is hurting the team 2) when the player is hurting himself 3) when the player is hurting the team and himself, which was the case yesterday Epic coaching fail by Shanny. Epic lapse in judgement not being able to see what was obvious to even the least-informed football fans.
  9. And a signed and notarized affidavit. His skepticism was a wee bit silly.
  10. I'm sorry I was rude to you Cynical. But I think the overwhelming evidence needs to be acknowledged. The actions of the Bills certainly say more than words at a press conference, words that were designed to allow someone to save face.
  11. I'm really surprised no one has said this yet but Nassib has the same throwing motion as Trent Edwards. He gets rid of the ball quickly because he doesn't bring his arm back very far and he generates his power through the end of his throw. Now he looks bigger and stronger than Trent of course. Finally, I thought he played fairly well in the USC clip. It's good to see a quarterback react to playing against a much more talented team where his throwing windows are smaller and close faster and his protection is fleeting. I thought under those circumstances he looked pretty good.
  12. Look Cynical. The OP asks who thinks Nix is in charge of this hire. None of us know. If you want to be a literalist, be my guest. Most of the posters in the thread don't believe it was Nix. Those in the media who broach the subject are suggesting that it's Brandon and Whaley's deal. Based on comments by Nix and the hiring of Gailey, I'd say Lovie Smith was the Nix candidate. But believe whatever you want. I couldn't really care less. Like I said, I should have known better than to waste my time with you.
  13. I'm a pretty professional drinker. I don't get hungover.
  14. I saw her play this at the piano at a concert in Darien Lake. As guilty pleasures go, this isn't that embarrassing.
  15. I have no idea how Marrone will do. I will say this however. Having spent 9 years as a player, coach, and coordinator in the NFL, I don't have any concerns about Marrone overdoing the "college dictator thing." He could very well fail but I'm thinking if he does, it'll have zero to do with delusions of authority or some alienating autocratic management style.
  16. One thought I've had is I wonder if Kelly set impossibly high terms for his hiring because some part of him really didn't want to take the ultimate step. Perhaps the fact that he never played college football and never spent any time at all in the NFL caused him some self doubts? Just a thought.
  17. I could not agree more. "Teachers" is code for no NFL experience. Marrone does have a few guys on his Syracuse staff with NFL experience though, and some who also played in the NFL (Wheatley, Moore).
  18. However in previous seasons, sub 500 teams have snuck into the playoffs. At least I know the Seahawks did 2 years ago. And I think there are more. But I agree. An expansion of the playoff field is absurd.
  19. And you used his first hire as an argument (similarities) that the Marrone hire was also a Nix hire. ?
  20. In the next few months I'll start watching all the videos and making up my fave list. But Tyler Wilson looks great to me. He can make all the throws and a natural feel for the game. Almost every throw he makes seems to be the perfect trajectory and velocity. He seems to instinctively throw with appropriate touch every time and he can gun the ball when the occasion calls for it.
  21. On the other hand, Marrone spent two seasons as an offensive lineman in the NFL, then was an assistant coach in the NFL for 4 seasons, and finally a coordinator in the NFL for an additional 3 years. That's 9 seasons of his career he spent in the NFL. Chip Kelly on the other hand didn't even play college football and spent zero seasons as an NFL assistant.
  22. Also Cash, people continue to largely ignore the question of why Lovie would take an assistants job when he could sit at home and collect his full Bears salary. I understand some people think it would be better for his career to work as an assistant but I really don't believe that at all.
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