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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Besides the numerous posts here addressing your concerns, it's been posted in other threads on this subject that one-season turnaround from 4-3 to 3-4 have been successfully and recently been made. It seems the coach is the most critical element. Wade Phillips, Dom Capers, and Mike Nolan have all recently performed this feat.
  2. Manti T'ebow? I doubt it. Keuchly's instincts are a big part of what makes him a special player. I can't really speak to T'eo's instincts because last night was the first time I tried to watch him play.
  3. Also Hondo, what do you think of that 26-27-600 Rule posted upthread?
  4. Disclaimer: I don't really care who met who when and where. But I wonder whatever happened to the days of staking out the hotel lobby and actually following people around to report on their whereabouts. It seems like all the teams and particularly the Bills, were pretty successful at avoiding the detection of the who, what, where, when of the meetings. It seems like no reporters made an effort to actually follow them. And I'm talking about the big-name, highly paid national reporters who are backed by big-money companies like ESPN. Really all you would need to know is which hotel the front officces were staying in. Hire a private detective for God's sake if you're too lazy. Get photos with time stamps of of people and places. It seems to me that the prime reporters didn't know what was happening because they were too busy waiting to get info from their sources instead of acting like reporters.
  5. It's immaterial what Andrews says. It doesn't change the facts that: 1) RGIII's play was hurting the team 2)RGIII's play was also exposing him to further injury 3) Shanny did not recognize that leaving RGIII in the game was a lose-lose situation, there was nothing to gain and everything to lose 4) Shanny who is a maniacal autocrat, somehow let a player make a decision that a coach is supposed to make
  6. You haven't been following the story. Doc didn't say it was good. Shanny possibly lying. You too should read the other thread.
  7. At the least a shocking lack of judgement. I mean, WTF was he watching?
  8. I thought the argument was that he drove the 7 series and that anyone who drives such a nice vehicle must have high credibility. I might have mis-remembered this. Can we have an Old-Timer's ruling?
  9. I see the water in the background. Are they finally building that signature bridge?
  10. Seems a shame to burn solid oak milled to those dimensions. I guess if it's all smashed up, yes. One other things about larger vessels is that they can lose helm if they move too slowly. So they have to maintain a fairly good speed in order to steer. At that speed, it's hard to maneuver to correct a miscalculation. Anyways those Maritime Pilots are said to make lots of money.
  11. "Boo boo foot" was already mentioned. One of Crayonz' better ones was Jay Clocker instead of Jake Locker. He also went off on a conceit about LSU having a different "Honey Badger" for every season as if the best cornerback on the team each season was designated as LSU's "Honey Badger." I'm sure Crayonz had more than that but that's all I can remember at the moment. For a while I noticed that people were using "Stojan" as a euphemism for feces. Not sure why because he seems like a good guy. Also there was a poster here Leonidas who I actually liked. At some point, someone (Beerball?) started using "Leonidas" instead of "link" I think maybe because Leonidas would complain when there wasn't a link provided. One currently in vogue here is the expression "not that there's anything wrong with that" in an ironic sense.
  12. His 40 time is irrelevant because he arrived at the combine overweight and out of shape. Do you have an opinion about T'eo and his prospects for success in the NFL?
  13. All the links I saw only have the same 4 rules I posted upthread. Not saying I'm right but can't find anything that contradicts what we already have.
  14. So it appears that the "Parcells Rules on QBs" yielded 1 good quarterback (Bledsoe) in 4 tries. Pennington was decent to good. Hostetler I don't count because he was drafted by legendary Giants GM George Young. I don't believe Parcells had much to do with that pick. The other two (Pat White, Chad Henne) basically suck/sucked. Even if you give Parcells credit for all 5, it's not exactly a resounding endorsement of his rules. Not bad but not all that great either.
  15. Sharp-eyed is a compound adjective so it should be hyphenated. JK, Jim.
  16. The only difference is that he doesn't have three dwarf servants snifffing his butt on the sidelines like Woodhead, Welker, and Edelman.
  17. Reminds me a little bit of how many people here were hanging on Rey Maualuga's jock during his final year at USC II.
  18. I think he used that formula also when he was running the Dolphins and selected Chad Henne. In fact, the Henne pick was when his QB rules first became known, in my recollection.
  19. Obviously that's not gonna happen. However it will be interesting to see how far they drop. Any guesses from our college football experts?
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