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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Basically it would be good to have a person who is "The Stadium Wall poller." Justin could quit his job and devote himself full time to this. Scott could pay him a salary. edit: Pollster
  2. How could it be though Marc? He wouldn't have knowledge of the discussion and straw votes among the voters would he? Probably not.
  3. You could do a thing where 5 is neutral, 10 would be strongly in favor, 0 strongly against, etc. A poll would be best because it tallies responses. The poll format is also good becaue it gives people the ability to clarify their opinion. In a perfect world for me, there would be a limit on how much you can write. Get in, make your point, get out. But that part would be hard because there's no device with which to limit the length of responses.
  4. Exactly. The tag should be a fairly unique word. I guess "sentiment" would work but I'm thinking there's a better word out there.
  5. LOL. The USC quarterbacks alternately tease and then ignore Tebow at team events.
  6. Wouldn't that be hilarious? You see the crawl at the bottom of the ESPN: "Sources report Lovie Smith to be hired as Bears Head Coach………" Your line about spelling football reminded me of this (you HAVE TO click on the link, the photo is priceless): http://www.theonion.com/articles/pittsburgh-school-district-leads-nation-in-ability,2861/
  7. Haley's in that group of guys who has been shunned because he was not friendly to the media when he was a player. Not fair for sure but then again, life isn't fair. Warren Sapp is an interesting case. He's very polarizing.
  8. "You started it!" Seriously, football and baseball have been on different paths for some time now as far as socioeconomics. This will only increase that chasm. I've always felt a child should play at least one individual sport and one team sport.
  9. Even on this board people are butting heads all the time. Just posting here sometimes decreases cognitive function.
  10. I thought we all agreed we were gonna draft Eugene Marve's kid.
  11. You might ask Jim in Anchorage to be an advisor. He has lots of recent experience in people ignoring his rules.
  12. Yes. Like the boxer taking head shots without actually getting a "concussion" there's a growing belief that the CTE can and does result from numerous "sub-concussive" blows. The kind that happen numerous times each game and even in practice.
  13. Last year really sucked for Andre because as I recall, he received a late phone call suggesting that he was selected and I believe he really allowed himself to get his hopes up. Can't remember the entire story but I seem to recall that he hopped on an airplane to go to Canton (?) for the announcement. Something like that. That would be a fairly crushing experience.
  14. Amazingly Jacksonville just fired Mularkey yesterday. They have yet to hire a coach. Again, there's no assurance that being the early bird will get the fattest worm but it sure does help. For context: Gailey was hired on January 19th. Marrone was hired on January 6th. Today is January 11th.
  15. Yeah, in one of our leagues we do our draft live with a draft board and the whole production. The Jeopardy "Final Jeopardy" music is a fun one when someone's taking too long to make up their minds. Here's "The Price is Wrong" http://instantrimshot.com/index.php?sound=priceiswrong Here's the site with all the game show sound effects: http://soundfxnow.com/tag/game/
  16. I don't think it should necessarily be done on a strict schedule so much as it should be done for any "significant event." For instance, let's say Kelsay or Merriman is cut in the final cutdown of the preseason. That might be a time to do an opinion topic. Or when the Bills sign or lose a free agent would be another example. I think also that the topic titles would have to follow a strict format so they are identifiable to regular readers. Finally the administrator (Just in Atlanta) could just inventory the URLs for these topics. This way there wouldn't necessarily have to be involvement by the administrators/moderators of The Stadium Wall. Just some thoughts.
  17. There's lots of good stuff out there. You can get the "red alert" siren from the original Star Trek series. Also pretty much every Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune sound effect is available. I keep these on my computer for our fantasy football draft. They're always good for a couple of cheap laughs. USC quarterbacks? I'd take em on a case-by-case basis. They have sent a lot of QBs to the NFL, that's for sure.
  18. Me too. Maybe it's the homer in me but I thought Andre was more deserving.
  19. http://soundfxnow.com/sound-fx/gameshow-buzzer-3/
  20. Reed, Carter, and Brown for the 3rd year in a row? Isn't next year the year where a bunch of wide receivers with gaudy stats are first-year eligible? Ogden is the most obvious first ballot guy, IMO. A few of these guys might not make it this time because they weren't popular with the media. And some of these guys toiled in relative anonymity.
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