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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. It's like post-traumatic stress disorder. I've been trying to forget that play for years.
  2. As I said upthread, I'd feel a bit better about their ratings if I knew that all their evaluators had a scouting and/or coaching background. Probably some percentage of the guys who break down video for them are NFL stats nerds. And that's fine. Clearly there's a demand for their product both within the industry and among followers of the industry. I think analytics organizations like these are in a growth position. Inevitably some will make the transition to working for NFL teams, if that hasn't already happened yet. edit: In my last sentence I meant "some individuals"
  3. Great post. I'm gonna start doing my "film study" on QBs soon. Likely that's the only position I'll really pay attention to this year. It is a big mystery right now. But as you know it's pretty early. Things will get clearer. To add, how many newly-installed NFL head coaches happened to have a good enough draft eligible quarterback in college that they could re-unite with in the NFL? Talleywhacker was a fairly rare occurrence it seems to me.
  4. Great posts. Yeah Seattle was overjoyed. In the 9 seasons after he left the mismanaged Bills, Knox had 6 more winning seasons, leading Seattle to their first divisional title ever and becoming the first coach to ever win a divisional title with 3 different teams. I don't understand how Chuck Knox doesn't get more consideration for the HOF.
  5. Don't worry Nanker. Someone will inevitably make the argument that the Bills moved too quickly. I guarantee it.
  6. No one seems to know what the official TSW position on Tebow threads is. I believe this was one of two Tebow threads which were closed earlier in the week. I thought this one was closed and then re-opened so it could be merged with a third newer one.
  7. Sorry eball. I tried avoiding this one too but there are too many people not seeing this clearly and it's starting to drive me crazy. 1) As numerous posters have pointed out, Pettine has explicitly stated that the Bills will be playing a 3-4 AND a 4-3. Just like many teams do these days. 2) Numerous teams have successfully made the change from 4-3 to 3-4 in one offseason. Atlanta, Houston and Green Bay have all recently done it. Denver recently went from a 3-4 to a 4-3 successfully in one offseason. 3) Mario Williams played in a 3-4 defense in 2011. He had 5 sacks in 5 games. Houston let him go because they didn't want to pay him $100 million, NOT because he didn't fit their defense.
  8. No cash to the cap team has ever won a Super Bowl? I didn't know that.
  9. It's funny because Tedford is probably a great teacher of quarterbacks. He's coached 8 quarterbacks who went on to the NFL. He'd probably wear #11 (Norwood, Rob Johnson, Drew Bledsoe). The triple whammy.
  10. BTW, are he and Antonio Cromartie involved in some kind of contest? Just a thought.
  11. Okay. Is it turnips or is it lemons? Great post btw.
  12. Nice call on the OP though. People are talking about DeMarcus Ware but actually Anthony Spencer is a better conversation. It's a very similar story to the one in San Diego when Shawne Merriman was getting most of the publicity but Shaun Phillips was nearly as good (and over time has proven to be better). Spencer is overshadowed by Ware in the same way that Phillips was by Merriman. edit: Spencer is an outstanding pass rusher and the Bills were a bit deficient in that area last year. I'm hoping for improvement this season with Pettine bringing in a more aggressive system but I'm also hoping we get another good pass rusher. You can never have enough. And of course I agree with this.
  13. Jason. Great work on your site. I can say unequivocally that you're the best thing I can think of when the New York Jets are brought up. Keep up the awesome work and thanks for stopping by to give us an insiders look at the Jets cap situation. While I still hate the Jets, I'm reminded that they have some great fans, just like any NFL team. Cheers
  14. And to go yet one step further, some of the players positions on protections for their own good are being resisted by the players for pragmatic reasons: Rather than press for greater safety they can put that honus on the league and force the the league to press for these improvements in the CBA. The league is forced to press for these changes in anticipation of future litigation. The players are taking that bargaining chip and throwing it in the league's lap forcing the league to fight for the proposed changes in exchange for other issues at the bargaining table of the players choosing.
  15. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/154709-jets-expected-to-release-calvin-pace-and-bart-scott/page__hl__%2Bbart+%2Bscott
  16. However, Abraham is a part time player I believe. I think he only plays on passing downs for the most part.
  17. BTW, Ingram went 28th overall, Richardson went 3rd overall. I'll say that Lacy will go between the two.
  18. edit: When I say "in-depth," Gosselin ranks the special teams in 22 different categories.
  19. The Dallas Morning News usually comes out with their rankings of NFL special teams units in late January, early February. I'd be curious to see how the Bills and the Titans were this year. Last year he had the Titans as the league's 5th ranked unit and the Bills at #11. DeHaven has come under a lot of criticism here. I'd like to see what an in-depth analysis shows. Here's last year's rankings: http://www.dallasnews.com/newsletters/nfl/20120123-gosselin-49ers-patriots-prove-what-a-focus-on-special-teams-can-do2.ece
  20. This one is great too. The guy takes it very seriously and updates the information continuously: http://nyjetscap.com/futurebills.html
  21. Younger and cheaper, yes. Welker won't be cheap. On the other hand at his age (he'll be 33 in May) I don't see him getting a mega-contract either. If we could get him at a good value which I doubt it, I'd be all for it.
  22. I'm actually surprised by his measurables. In watching him play I never got the feeling that he had quickness and explosion to his game. But his vertical and his broad jump say otherwise and his agility times are pretty good. That said, the time for Tebow to embrace a position change is right now. Other players have changed positions but many did so knowing that they would have to in the NFL. If Tebow starts working out as an H-back and spends the offseason honing these skills, I could see it. But no coaching staff is gonna want to bring him into training camp and then have to spend extra time and energy helping him transition. He needs to work on a position change now not in May, if he wants to have an NFL career.
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