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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Might as well re-post this in the proper thread: I would gladly bring in Campbell if both of the following conditions were met: 1) He signed an affordable contract 2) He came here with the explicit understanding that he would be competing for the starting job with a young, quarterback of the future and that if everything went according to plan, that he would be the backup and mentor for the young quarterback. If he was fine with both those things, why WOULDN'T you bring him in? He's better than anyone we've had here in years. We'd have a good stopgap, a good backup, and a good mentor. It's exactly the kind of move the Bills should be looking to make.
  2. I would gladly bring in Campbell if both of the following conditions were met: 1) He signed an affordable contract 2) He came here with the explicit understanding that he would be competing for the starting job with a young, quarterback of the future and that if everything went according to plan, that he would be the backup and mentor for the young quarterback. If he was fine with both those things, why WOULDN'T you bring him in? He's better than anyone we've had here in years. We'd have a good stopgap, a good backup, and a good mentor. It's exactly the kind of move the Bills should be looking to make.
  3. If I had two who I knew could play, I probably wouldn't draft a third one. There's just too few draft picks and too many positions on a football team. It would be a bit of an excessive luxury. BUT, even then I might make an exception if the value were too good to pass. As you know there have been some instances in recent history where drafted QBs have retained some trade value for the team which drafted them. And as you point out, QBs have never been more valued than today meaning that there is somewhat of an argument to stockpile them. I don't know what Shanny will do this year, I sense he'll keep Cousins for the duration of his rookie contract so that he has a cheap and capable backup for the next 4 years. I would look for Shanny to look at QBs in 2014 and 2015 as an eventual replacement for Cousins. As for the Bills, yes. Keep trying till you KNOW you have one. As others have pointed out, the rookie wage scale allows teams to invest in more than one guy and jettison a high draft pick if necessary. If I was a GM, my team would probably suck but it would have a lot of QBs and pass rushers on it.
  4. Nassib moved towards the rush instead of away from it on that sack/strip.
  5. I see where Bills RB Coach Tyrone Wheatley said that the Bills were developing a personnel package with Fred and CJ on the field at the same time. Among other things, this means that they have to pick up another running back. Also I'm guessing Tashard Choice's days in Orchard Park are over with. It's one of the many things I can't stand about the college game. Even as kids playing pickup games, all of us kids would always try getting both feet down. I don't know why a college player wouldn't automatically do it, especially if he had pro aspirations.
  6. I love that the receiver tapped both toes down on that sideline pass. Nice to see a guy trying to play like a pro.
  7. Yes he did. He completed 4 passes and the one incompletion was thrown too hard for the receiver to pull it in. But he placed that ball nicely against tight coverage. Looking forward to the second half. I don't want to get hung up on cosmetics but can someone show Glennon how to apply eye black? At least try to look like a football player.
  8. I'm not talking about judging only the drafts. I'm judging Buddy Nix on the entirety of his work so far. To me it's a copout to say that you can't judge the job he's done after 3 full years. He hired the wrong coach. Their record was 16-32. We don't know who the quarterback is gonna be. Accuse me of oversimplifying things but like I said earlier, I think the math is easy.
  9. I think you have to give the QBs a bit of slack here. Stating the obvious but how are they supposed to develop razor-sharp precision with guys they've never played with on only 4 days of practice? Thanks Ramius! Glad to see your boy doing well.
  10. Makes me wonder again how the starting QBs were chosen. Yeah they're gonna rotate but still, someone had to actually start. That being the case, why WOULDN'T it be merit-based? Like Kelly said maybe they're putting together groupings (maybe even for the scouts) in a way we can't really understand. Not a bad series by Wilson. He was channeling Trent Edwards a bit there though. Nassib
  11. Some of those timing patterns it's understandable that they're not on the same page. But that last one where he missed the tight end on that seam route seems like it was on him. Also, noticing a few wobbly balls by Glennon.
  12. Looks like there will be three Michael Williamses catching passes in the NFL next season.
  13. Manuel looking great so far. All you guys who said that he reeks of upside look correct. He's got it physically, that's for sure. All those bullets and then that perfect touch pass. Wow.
  14. Like Ramius (I think) said, it's possible that Manuel threw a soft catchable ball on the orders of Jimbo Fisher. That was one of the criticisms of Manuel. He's FIRING the ball today.
  15. Well the coaches chose him to start or didn't they? If he didn't have a good week and he won the start on merit, what does that possibly say about Nassib and Dysert?
  16. C'mon fellas. Step your games up. Can we assume that Glennon beat out Nassib and Dysert for the start on merit and that Manuel beat out Jones and Wilson for the same reason? If so, isn't that the most significant thing so far?
  17. Paul Brown used to believe that. Of course that was when the NFL draft was twice as many rounds as it is today. That said, if I was running a team, I'd never let the pantry go bare. In other words, if value met opportunity, I'd buy now and figure out the depth chart later; like Shanny did with RGIII and Cousins.
  18. Understood. For instance, Buddy's first draft isn't looking real great but if Carrington continues on the path of occasional dominance that he flashed last year and if Troup somehow miraculously became a player in this defense, the draft could suddenly look much better than it does now. The hiring of Gailey was a failure. He gets a failing grade on that complete action. And so on and so forth.
  19. The guy who was trying to sell the merchandise is a "little guy entrepreneur." In what way is he an "ambulance chaser?" That doesn't even make sense. Also, according to the story, the logo he came up with had nothing that said NFL on them nor did it have the NFL logo.
  20. Well the OP isn't really upset but is just putting it out there. And only one other poster in the thread is backing him up. Everyone else is like "what's the big deal?" If more people did opium a lot fewer people would get worked up around here.
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