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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. What do you think I'm saying? My larger point (which wasn't stated but implied) is that some athletes know their bodies better than their trainers do and are dialed into the perfect balance of work and recovery. Now I'm not saying that is or isn't the case with Stevie but it's a true fact. To simply state for instance, that every wide receiver in football would be better had they done "The Jerry Rice Workout" is naive and misguided. Many people's bodies wouldn't stand up to the workload. Again, I'm not talking about Stevie here but working out in general.
  2. This is not nonsense. Every individual is different. If you know as much about training methods as you appear to, you would simply acknowledge this. I'm stating that apart from this silly debate. It's not a defense of Stevie. It's a statement of fact.
  3. Any game that was decided by 3 points has numerous plays that were decisive. That's the nature of a 3-point game. The margin of victory was very slim and the Niners are mostly blaming themselves for (yet again) getting out of the gates slowly. Unlike in the Green Bay and Atlanta games, this time it bit them. Also as I predicted, their defense was torched. IMO, it's ridiculous to try to boil the outcome down to this one play.
  4. And finally, every individual is different. A sound training program should take into account and be tailored to each individual player. Some players need more recovery time than others. Some need to train harder than others to avoid injury. Not every body reacts the same way to the same regimen.
  5. In what way is supporting the team's decisions "negative?" And there were plenty of people who didn't like the Aaron Williams pick.
  6. Yes, Harbaugh inherited most of the talent on the Niners. He was hired just over two years ago.
  7. His comments were this generation's version of former Bills QB Billy Joe Hobert's ("I didn't study the playbook) back in 1997. Hobert later on said that he made the comments in jest to get a rise out of people. That's pretty much what Stevie did. I don't take his comments at face value. Again, it was stupid of him to say what he said and I'm sure he's regretting it. He was guilty of extraordinarily bad judgement.
  8. Moreover, under Gailey the Bills surrendered an average of 27 points per game. Under Jauron the Bills surrendered an average of 20.8 points per game. That's fairly significant.
  9. While that may be true, the actual math is that under Jauron, the Bills defense ranked between 10th and 18th in points allowed while under Gailey (Edwards and Wanny) the defense ranked between 26th and 30th. FWIW, which I guess is your point.
  10. I don't fully agree with your take but I am in agreement that it's better that the flag was not thrown. AND, Kaep's throw was rushed by a blitzer and while I disagree with Dave that it was uncatchable, it was still a poorly thrown ball. Off recollection, a back shoulder fade would have been a TD. Kaep's throw was a rushed desperation throw which while not horrible, but wasn't a good throw either. Yep. It was NaVarro Bowman who was covering on that play. Karma indeed. FWIW, I've not seen or heard too much complaining about that play here in the Bay Area.
  11. Having (unfortunately) witnessed both Jauron and Wanny "plying their trade" with the Bills, I have come to the inescapable conclusion that Wanny wasn't one-tenth of the Defensive Coordinator that Dick Jauron was.
  12. This is interesting. I remember people here saying that there's no way they'd want Big Ben on the Bills in the immediate wake of his sexual escapades amidst rumors that the Rooneys were fed up and were thinking of releasing him. I think one really has to remove the emotion from the equation. This is the way I see it (and I don't know what happened to him in college so my mind isn't set): 1) Second rounder, 44th overall, talented player. 2) Rookie contract, will be cheap. 3) Bills are VERY thin at wide receiver. So why not put in a waiver claim, bring him in for an interview and work him out? If you don't like any aspect of the visit, cut his ass. If you and your group of decision makers is convinced that this guy has sincerely received his wake-up call, then bring him to camp and let him work to redeem himself. Is it necessary for the entire world to punish him for his misdeeds in Detroit?
  13. I'd offer a 6th or 7th. I guess it won't happen then.
  14. You are very wrong. Both quarterbacks did a great job of mastering their emotion/adrenaline and throwing outstanding touch passes, even early in the game. Neither QB had to warm up. Vernon Davis is getting a lot of criticism for not laying out for that ball or even bringing it in while in stride. And Kaep threw maybe two passes all game that were off target. Kaepernick has shown great touch since he took over the starting spot. Wow. CS, you're a good poster and all but what game were you watching? Flacco was brilliant yesterday and most pundits have elevated him to that exalted "elite status" as a result of his performance. People see Boldin and Pita laying out for balls but those balls for the most part were also easily catchable and well-placed. Flacco put those throws where only his guys could touch them. Those were like the balls you caught as a kid laying out before falling into your swimming pool or into your mattress. Easy catches. This is a very surreal thread. Simon, you are one of our most knowledgeable posters. You were not impressed by the quarterbacking yesterday? That was one of the best quarterbacked Super Bowls ever. I thought both QBs were brilliant. Am I being delusional here?
  15. I understand the point you're trying to make in spite of not agreeing with everything you wrote. Out of curiosity, do you consider Aaron Rodgers and Big Ben to be "pocket passers?" Both QBs played really well. Flacco was amazing. I knew he was peaking and playing the best ball of his career but I was still surprised at the plays where he used his legs effectively to buy time and was also was surprised at his flawless decision making and perfect throws. Even factoring in Kaep's brilliant TD run, I think Flacco was a bit better yesterday. I don't view Kellen Moore as "an answer" but I do think that at some point it's inevitable that he be given an actual chance to succeed or fail. He certainly deserves that. Hopefully it comes sooner rather than later as it did with Flutie. That said, Moore could probably be had for cheap, compared to Mallett and Cousins.
  16. It was predictable that the combination of average cornerbacks and bad cover safeties like Whitner and Goldson would result in what we saw yesterday. The defensive backfield is definitely the biggest and probably the only area of weakness for the Niners. And it cost them the Super Bowl.
  17. True story. My wife and I had a Super Bowl party and a friend lent us a deep fryer so we could make wings. Not wanting to plug it into a kitchen outlet due to the grease becoming airborne vapor, I set up the deep fryer on our porch. Unfortunately the porch outlet is fed from the living room circuit which was already maxed with the home theater and the TV as well as the ceiling fan and the lights (the stupid builder/developer didn't put the lighting on a separate circuit). Needless to say, the breaker tripped during the 3rd quarter just after the Superdome blackout had ended. I re-set the breaker but now the DirecTV receiver had to re-boot and that actually took about 10 minutes. All our friends are Niners fans and of course we're Bills fans so I thought it was kinda funny that we lost the game due to making Buffalo wings. Anyways unlike in Buffalo where people would have been homicidal, everyone was real cool and we started following the game via the internet until the reciever re-booted. Glad it didn't happen at a more crucial juncture and that our guests were in good spirits.
  18. Take it easy on Nanker. He's a good guy but he just never took his studnies seriously.
  19. And that's the next logical stop in the conversation. How many of the elite 3-4 rush backers are any good in coverage? How many going back to the seminal guy, Lawrence Taylor, are even asked to play coverage? Does it hurt the Bills if Mario is a 3-4 backer with some deficiencies in coverage? And of course many of us are assuming that he'll play that position but we don't really know that for sure.
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